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The “Immediate Threat” of FiveG

5G technology is the 5th generation of wireless telecommunications technology. 1G was released in 1979 and enabled the analog transmission of voice; 2G was released in 1988 and did so digitally; 3G came out 1998 and enabled mobile Internet access; 4G was released in 2008 an enabled high definition video and phone conferencing; 5G was released in 2018 and provides higher data rates than cable Internet, higher system capacity and the massive device connectivity that will facilitate the Internet of Things and driverless vehicles. Like its predecessors, 5G technology has not been adequately tested for its safety.

Many of us have heard warnings about how the millimeter wave frequency band used by 5G is also used in crowd suppression and voice-to-skull non-lethal weapons. Some people assert that the rollout of 5G actually represents an imminent “apocalypse” for biological life. Transparency is lacking, due to the immense amount of money riding on the future of this technology, as well as the strategic and National Security concerns around maintaining dominance in this field.

Dana Ashlie has been doing excellent reporting about 5G. In this video, some words are muted from the soundtrack and deliberately misspelled in the text to evade online algorithmic suppression.

Following the release of Dana’s last video, she says she was approached by a Navy Special Operations veteran working at the Department of Homeland Security with a high security clearance, whose team was severely berated and disbanded after discovering the serious health threats posed to TSA workers by airport screening technology, including eye damage. This witness strongly suggests that travelers not go through these scanners.

This informative interview gets into other aspects of 5G, including psychotronic applications potentially delivered via the 12k+ satellites currently delivering 5G “service”.

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