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The Great Awakening Has Begun

This is the first in a new series of talks called New World Awakening by my new favorite personality on the Alternative Media scene, Thomas Paine, aka Douglas Gabriel, PhD. In this one talk, he covers all or most of the themes I’ve been writing about on FKTV for the past 7 years and he offers solutions and actual signs that some of these seemingly intractable problems have been solved.

Dr. Gabriel is retired from a full career in education as a headmaster, administrator and teacher at various Waldorf schools, which are based on the work of Austrian philosopher, Rudolf Steiner. Prior to this, he was a Trappist monk and a Jesuit priest and prior to that, he was drafted into the Army, where he worked as a cryptographer and systems analyst in signals intelligence at NSA. Presumably, this where he gained the firsthand insights and contacts that inform his work on the American Intelligence Media YouTube channel, and in several other interrelated websites and YouTube channels. He is married to Tyla Gabriel, aka “Betsy Ross,” who is equally devoted to the Christian mysticism which they espouse in other venues.

I mention all of this due to the pseudonyms and due to the slight mystification around the persona of Thomas “Paine in the ass of the Globalists” – but as he himself says, “All of history is a series of biographies. It is not a series of events. It is not a series of ideologies; Communism, Fascism, Marxism. It is about individuals – and that’s what we’re trying to tell you, in every one of our broadcasts.”

Naming names, Baby! More importantly for Douglas Gabriel, the geopolitical is spiritual. This is an idea with which many may agree, regardless of their religious beliefs.

Below are some of the many salient points made by “Thomas Paine” in this talk about the challenges we face, as well as some positive developments. Many will be surprised to hear that Trump has reinstated the right to religious and philosophical exemption to vaccines. (They were putting people in prison in California in the last year for that!)

Paine says, We’re currently seeing “Not only a revolution in geopolitics but a revolution in science and technology, in consciousness and religion; in all aspects of life…what we need to remember is it’s consciousness that is really evolving.”

Greatly underreported is how George Soros gave $6 billion to the DNC over the past few elections. In other words, one person basically bought the Democratic National Party. The rest of the $18 billion of Soros’ money was put into the 184 Non-Governmental Organizations that Soros supports or what he calls his foundations. Paine alleges that Soros created these NGOs so that the money couldn’t be seized from him and that these $18 billion are going to drive the Far Left agenda for years to come.

Over the past year, he says this money has been driving George Soros’s Purple Revolution or the attempted regime-change of a duly elected US President, which we’ve seen playing out in the Mainstream Media – and at our dinner tables.

Douglas Gabriel and his “conclave” are part of what he calls the Second American Revolution, which is helping a small group of people in the Alternative Media to start a revolution that not only counteracts George Soros’ Purple Revolution, but also stops the erosion of the Republic, stops the undermining of our US Constitution and the US Bill of Rights.

What’s happening today has been happening since the earliest days of this country. The revolution against King George and the British was only part of the story. The US was then being fought over by the imperialistic forces of the British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company and the revolution against those same imperialistic forces continues to this day. Now they’re now called Globalism and Transnationalism. International companies are given carte blanche to commit any crime they wish, such as selling weapons to both sides of the same war.

The following are the three aspects of the CIA: 1) The “Rogue CIA,” which is people who have left the CIA or using CIA methods for their own personal gain; 2) The gold-backed CIA. After World War II, the gold taken from World War I was put into the Bank for International Settlements. That gold was then stolen by the CIA (the OSS, as it was then known). The gold from Japan that had been stolen from China and countries in the East and stored in the Philippines was also added to the CIA stash, giving them immense leverage through certain corporations in world markets, such that they seem to have ultimate control of the military-industrial complex; 3) International Corporatism. The CIA has been the military branch of Corporatism and Imperialism from the beginning. Subversion, espionage, sabotage and indoctrination. That may come as a shock to some and Paine says it was a shock to President Trump, when he realized the depth of this and how far it goes. These people were an inch away from completing the overthrow of the US Republic via Federalism and Corporatism when Trump had his surprise victory, winning despite the election being rigged in so many ways.

The complete debasement of the US Government began when George Bush Senior was Vice President. The Rogue CIA had turned the White House into a mafia. Since that time, we have seen nothing but the CIA’s perversion of the Executive Branch of our government. The Federal Government that is led by the Executive Branch is made up of 4.5 million people who are completely a product of CIA. There has been absolute lawlessness in the last few Administrations and we see that coming out every day.

Under George Bush Senior, the United Nations went to war with Iraq because of a UN resolution. In other words, Bush bypassed Congress to go to war and he stood before the United Nations and said, “When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this New World Order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN’s founders.” Paine says that’s when Globalism banner was raised and it wasn’t lowered until Trump was elected as President.

Paine says we should pull out of the UN completely. We should also pull out of the World Bank, which is part of the United Nations, the World Trade Organization which is also part of the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund, because these organizations have control over the US economy, under the guise that the UN is spreading Democracy, which is complete nonsense. The United Nations has never spread Democracy anywhere!

There was previous attempt to set up the UN after WWI called the League of Nations was but it could not be ratified by Congress. So the same group of Robber Barons behind that started the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Paine says the CFR ran the US until the day Trump was elected. CFR members are the warlords, the rich bankers, brokers and warhawks from the military.

The CFR has had about 13,000 members, over the years. They continue Henry Kissinger’s plot, which is the “Clash of Nations”: the theory that we must always keep other nations in a condition of war in order for the US to keep its supremacy. This is the “counseling” of the Council on Foreign Relations. It couldn’t be any more evil. It couldn’t be any less American. It couldn’t be any more Globalist, Transnationalist or Internationalist, Paine says.

In 1913, one of the worst things ever happened to our economy, with the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank by the same Central Bankers who have done this throughout the world. The “Fed” is not Federal, it is not a reserve and it does not belong to the United States. It is a corporation that has a dozen central banks in it and they basically have the right to print money for us and charge us interest and we can never ever pay back that interest in time.

The US Federal Reserve Bank is a private corporation but there is a part that is public. Every few years, we give them around $20 billion and they break it up and give it to their dozen central banks and they give it to their stockholders. “Their shareholders. Yes. That’s right. US Tax Payer money goes to pay foreign interests who bought into the US Federal Reserve from the beginning and it is the one thing that continues to take us down.”

Little-known is that US Federal Reserve does not create US financial policy. That is done by the Exchange Stabilization Fund. The Bank for International Settlements was set up in 1930 and in 1934, a mysterious part of the US Treasury was set up that controls all markets, called the Exchange Stabilization Fund. It is a completely fraudulent system that’s been eroding our democracy through economic terrorism. There are about 127 central banks in the world and 84 of them are owned by the Rothschilds. It is not a “conspiracy” to say that these warlord bankers in fact control the US debt.

Some good things that Trump has done, according to Paine is he stopped $26 billion going to the UN Refugee Program. He stopped the US’ strong association with the UN World Bank and with the UN World Trade Organization.  Trump pulled our money out of UNESCO, pulled our money from the UN World Health Organization, pulled it away from the “Peacekeeping Troops”, because they’ve been found to be pedophiles, creating horrible, horrible crimes wherever they go. Trump is also decreasing our association with the International Monetary Fund.

Paine claims that his conclave suggested to Trump that the US Government audit and seize the assets of the US Federal Reserve and the 12 central banks and then simply default on the debt (!) The contract with the Fed expired in 2013 and Paine claims the US Government can end it at any time and further, we do not owe the debt. Trump could make over $20 trillion in one day without an act of Congress or any Washington DC lobbying.

People are souring on the Silicon Valley Tech Lords, who Paine calls “the cardboard cut-outs,” who were put in those positions by DARPA and In-Q-Tel. With former Facebook executives and others recently coming forward, we’re learning that that they knew from the beginning that this gadgetry would in fact create illnesses, social diseases and all kinds of physical illnesses. It is a social experiment gone bad.

When we think about the Internet, we cannot forget that it was created for military purposes by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the CIA’s incubator In-Q-Tel.

When we talk about the tech warlords, we have to understand, we are in a battle not just for humanity but for our own sake, for own children’s sake. Are we going to let the illnesses that these devices create pervade all of our lives, our children’s? Billions of coherent electromagnetic frequencies, Wi-Fi, microwave frequencies and milliwaves are going through our bodies at all times.

We need to end the tech monopoly. Paine says that Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos were being presented our future Presidents when Trump said, “Antitrust.” He said, “Monopoly” – and now neither one of them seemed to be running for President anymore! Paine says the Silicon Valley Tech Lords who gave Obama $2 billion for his library are on the run and they don’t seem to think that Trump likes them very much and that’s the reason why his economic council completely dissolved.

In the medical field, the revolution is happening in our bloodstream and in agriculture, same kind of thing. Why are GMO products allowed? Why do we allow Monsanto Round-up and these poisons in our agriculture?

Paine says we need to dismantle corporate intelligence in the government and stop sharing our staff with that industry. 800,000 people have Top Secret security clearances. He says his conclave pointed this out and General Michael Flynn’s program stopped corporate intelligence. “Let the people who are doing these things for us have treason as their punishment held over their head. That’s what it is, when you’re in the military. That’s the reason so few people who were really in the military turned bad in that way.” Perfect examples of  what goes wrong with corporate intelligence are James Clapper, James Comey and Robert Mueller.

Paine says we need to end all us covert military operations with ISIS and al-Qaeda and h says that has happened, that Trump did that.

He says we need to rewrite the National Defense Authorization Act and we need to close its agent, the CIA. “When John F Kennedy tried to close to CIA, Allen Dulles was averse to that and they got into a big argument and JFK fired him. It didn’t stop him. He still planned for two years through the CIA to assassinate JFK.

“We need to make sure that the CIA doesn’t exist anymore and all counterintelligence agencies, whether it’s the National Counterterrorism Center whether it is the Department of Justice National Security Division, which we’ve found out has been completely compromised or whether it be the counterintelligence division of the FBI, we need to end all of those. The fact that bureaucrats in these agencies order and maintain offices of Black Ops and Black Budget activities should be illegal. There should be no such thing but I assure you there are more offices and there are more Black Ops operations than anyone can count in the United States Government.

“Only the President should know of any counterintelligence activities. Only the President should order something that is so Top Secret that it has to do with National Security.”

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