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The Big Banks and the IMF Plan on Stealing Your Money

The latest video by Greg Reese.



Canadian veteran and political activist, Jeremy MacKenzie, known as “The Raging Dissident” was just notified that he can no longer do banking in Canada.

But it doesn’t matter if you are a political activist or an obedient sheep, because the banks are planning on taking all of your money to pay off their debts.

The FDIC currently has less than $200 billion in assets to insure over $9 trillion. That’s just 1.3%.

They know that a system collapse is coming and they are already planning for “bail-ins”.

As trust begins to fail, people will begin to withdraw their funds, which will only guarantee a banking collapse. This is known as a “rank run”.

In 2012, the International Monetary Fund, known for their reputation of coercion, violence and extortion published staff discussion notes entitled, “From Bail-Out to Bail-In: Mandatory Debt Restructuring of System Financial Institutions”.

After the 2008 crisis, the world learned what a “bail-out” is: Trillions of taxpayer dollars printed out of thin air, to pay off the bankers’ bad habits. It was hugely unpopular but pales in comparison to a “bail-in”.

So, exactly what is a bail-in?

It is officially obfuscated with elaborate equations. But to put it simply, it is when the bank steals your money directly from your account.

They called it “haircuts”, when they did it in Cyprus, back in 2013 – which the courts later ruled was legit and a recent video on TikTok shows that the new bail-ins may have already begun.

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