It appears that WHO Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is feeling his oats, after key amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) *WERE PASSED* last week, despite his cherished Pandemic Treaty being tabled for the meantime.
As James Roguski reports, “The 77th World Health Assembly HAS adopted a substantial package of amendments to the International Health Regulations. We the People have suffered a stunning defeat…The recently adopted amendments will facilitate an enormous global build up of the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex which seeks to trigger ongoing “pandemic emergencies” that will be made even worse by “relevant health products.”
These amendments passed despite massive protests in Japan and two nations opting out of the IHR, altogether, Costa Rica and Slovakia.
Slovakia’s President Robert Fico has survived several gunshot wounds from an assassination attempt against him two weeks ago, due to his rejection of destructive Cabal policies, including the forced injections and war with Russia.
Denmark has adopted the amendments and 192 member states now have 18 months to decide to opt out. If they do nothing, the amendments will automatically take effect.
Tedros is seen in this video saying, “I believe it’s time to be more assertive in countering anti-vaxxers. They have used COVID as an opportunity, and we see the chaos they’re causing…”
One wonders what Tedros has in mind, in terms of being “More assertive in countering anti-vaxxers”, being that he is a former official of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, a left-wing ethnic nationalist paramilitary group, which was classified as a terrorist organization by the Ethiopian government in May 2021.
What a joke . We anti- vaxxers need to be well and truly listened to, the harm and deception around this covidiacy all like this man that pushes this hate and fear mongering will be accountable. Fauci will be executed, he is no Doctor he is a murderous liar.
International Notice: Understanding Citizenship
Please note: The American Government and The United States Government are two separate things.
The American Government stands under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence; so do the sovereign states of the Union, the States of our Federation, and so did the American States-of-States that belonged to the Confederation.
Got that?
The American Government consists of the Union and its States (often appearing as “states”), the Federation and its States, and the Confederation and its American States of States— if the Confederation were still standing, which it is not.
So we are left with only the Union States (shown as “states” in many publications) and the Federation States in operation today. The Union States hold the soil jurisdiction of our nation through all their member counties. The Federation States hold the international land jurisdiction belonging to each physically described State.
If the Confederation was still functioning, its States of States, such as The State of New Hampshire and The State of Georgia, would be in evidence, but they are not.
Instead, we see British Territorial organizations doing business as the State of New Hampshire and the State of Georgia, usurping against our lawful American States and Government.
The Union, the Federation, and the Confederation are and have always been the American Government. They all stand or stood, in the case of the Confederation, under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence.
The only people serving the American Government as Citizens are the State Citizens of the member States of the Union. State Citizens renounce loyalty to any other government but their own State Government and serve no others.
That’s Part One to know, repeat, memorize, pass on, map out and realize — by golly, that’s all under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence! No mention of any “Constitution” at all. No District of Columbia. No Washington, DC. Just the States of the Union.
The Union did business as: (1) the United States from 1776 to 1851 when the name changed to The United States, (2) The United States of America (1776 – present), (3) and the States of America (1781 to 1861).
Knowing this, you can see that “The Constitution for the united States of America” issued in 1787 was awarded to the American Confederation of States.
Now we get to Part 2 — The United States Government also known as the Federal Government.
The Federal Government consists of three (3) Federal Subcontractors operating under three Constitutions, issued in 1787, 1789, and 1790 respectively.
These Federal entities all operate out of the District of Columbia, share the Federal Capitol, Washington, DC, and work in international or global jurisdiction –and have nothing to do with our land and soil at all.
These Federal entities each have citizens of one kind or another: United States Citizens, U.S. Citizens, and Municipal citizens of the United States.
United States Citizens, sometimes described as “American Nationals” are defined in the very first Immigration and Naturalization Act and codified in the United States Statutes-at-Large. They underwent a lengthy process to attain this variety of Citizenship and went to work for the American Federal Republic upon completion and served under The Constitution for the united States of America issued in 1787.
U.S. Citizens were military subcontractors who served under the British Territorial United States Government and The Constitution of the United States of America issued in 1789.
(Don’t be confused by semantics — this is a separate foreign corporation, the United States of America, Incorporated, not the American Federation of States doing business as The United States of America which is an unincorporated Holding Company.)
Municipal citizens of the United States were and are foreign Federal Civil Service workers serving under The Constitution of the United States issued in 1790.
So you had four (4) kinds of citizenry in play in international and global venues prior to the Civil War:
(1) State Citizens serving their States, which were all State Members of the Federation of States dba The United States of America and all acting under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence, all living in their individual States of the Union;
(2) United States Citizens serving the Federal Republic and its members known as State Republics (e.g., The Republic of Texas/Texas Republic) under The Constitution for the united States of America (1787). The Federal Republic was sponsored and run by the original Confederation of States doing business as the States of America.
(3) U.S. Citizens who were British-affiliated military subcontractors.
(4) And finally, citizens of the United States, employees of the Federal Civil Service.
(Employees of the Union States were sometimes called “state citizens” or “county citizens”, but as they had no role in international or global jurisdictions, they were internal to each State of the Union and there is little mention of them until we get down to the level of County Government.)
After the Civil War, both the original Confederation of States (American) and the American Federal Republic (United States) were vacated.
Only the Union doing business as The United States and the Federation doing business as The United States of America remained of the American Government.
Only the British Territorial Federal Subcontractor doing business as the United States of America, Incorporated, and the Papist Municipal United States Subcontractor doing business as the United States, Incorporated, remained on the Federal Government side.
Got all that?
We were built with a six cylinder engine, and have been functioning on four.
The American States-of-States who were the members of the original Confederation have been rolled over into State Trusts and supplanted by British Territorial States-of-States pretending to be acting as our custodians and caretakers in our “absence”.
The Federal Republic that was supported by and run by the original Confederation doing business as the States of America is also long gone, ever since 1861.
So, in 2024, there are no State Republics (that were State Members of the Federal Republic) and there are no United States Citizens (sometimes called American Nationals) as defined by the first Immigration and Naturalization Act.
Lately there has been a lot of confusion and people going around calling themselves “American Nationals” but this is not correct, because the American Federal Republic along with its brand of United States Citizen is long gone. Likewise, there are no State Republics for the same reason.
It’s apparent that Mr. Trump and the British Territorial Military Subcontractors operating as the United States of America, Incorporated, think that they can walk in as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and “occupy” the long-vacated American Federal Republic —- and fool everyone into thinking that this latest British Substitution Scheme is legitimate.
It’s not.
It’s just more British meddling, bad faith, guile, and violence.
We are still occupying our own country, thank you, and they are here illegally and unlawfully operating in Breach of Trust and in violation of their Constitution which requires “good faith” service, telling the world that we are “absent” and “in interregnum”, when we are standing here staring them in the face and denouncing them for it.
The Confederation and the Federal Republic are indeed long gone, but the Federation of States is still in operation and the Union is still in operation, and we are the ones who delegated all powers to the Federal Subcontractors in the first place.
By Operation of Law, all vacated delegated powers returned to us in 1861. There was no actual war declared. And no “national emergency”. There was just a lot of British guile, criminal breach of trust, illegal mercenary occupation of our country under color of law, and theft, theft, theft.
It’s time for this to be recognized and brought to an end.
Any bank that hands over $60 Billion dollars worth of our credit to Ukraine in the face of this objection from us, on the basis of a vote by our erstwhile British Territorial Subcontractors and their “Congress”, had better be prepared for a $240 Billion bill from us.
Tedros….an African terrorist and supporter of terrorism (ain’t it obvious?)
I do not argue or concern myself with these authoritarian nitwits who are genuinely insane.
Bring it….mthrfckr! I dare you.
aren’t the COVID opt-out crowd anti-vaxxers as well . we see that your exempt from the kill shot and prefer that you lead by example and no placebo saline lots allowed . proof will be required with a positive bluetooth scan and airport camera head shot showing glowing luciferase on the forehead . is that assertive enough for you WHO rein in hell the branch covidian suicide cult .
Leave that piece of sh*t alone, and don’t let it trigger ya, waste of energy.
F**k Tedros! He should be given the lethal shot to put him out of his misery.
Well said, FTM! This is what the bought and paid for useless criminals on both sides of the aisle in all of the (fake theater) hearings should be hammering on. A society whose government gets paid on the labor of the citizenry through taxation will primarily attract the most corrupt and parasitic people who will do the bidding of the highest bidder. I hope Trump doesn’t turn out to be just another Trojan Horse when he gets back into office (unless the globalists succeed in rigging the election yet again. ) I guess we’ll see won’t we.
I didn’t participate in your first COVID-19 Scamdemic in any way and never contracted your “COVID-19”, so what demon has advised you that I will participate in your next Scamdemic or in any required Bioweapon “Vaccination”? Come and try it, you Black Chinese bastard.
You want push back? Try forcing your bullshit death shot on us you POS!
f@ck you tedros you f@cking madman sociopath criminal!
Tedros is a POS!………this guy is a runaway from Ethiopia and is head of the Communist party of Ethiopia (probably why he fled Ethiopia as they were going to hang him)
He has NO formal education, NO degrees in anything…..just like his butt buddy Gates!
Alexandra, I joined your substack, thank you. I thought something might have happened to you. Your content just disappeared like some others I follow. Glad to see you okay! We need you. Blessings!
No one seems to call these crazies out in the meetings, or we just don’t get to see or hear it. This nut should have been cracked a long time ago…just saying! Stay vigilant!
Psychotic asshole, *^%% off
This is echoed by Tedros right out of the halls of the CDC mouthpeice, Dr Mitchell Wolfe, born in 1995, Alumnus U of Vermont, CDC Chief Medical Officer, VP Global Engagement & Governance, decades long CDC global health strategist, not a practicing MD, but a philosopher/apparatchik MD, a globalist medical policy evangelist in circulation internationally (see:Global Business School for Health), whatever health emergency there is you can bet he has been at the militant heart of it with “ENHANCEMENT & ENFORCEMENT” & “WE NEED TO BEEF UP OUR LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENTS TO DEAL WITH IT” (vaccine hesitancy)! He is all in for vaccines from birth to death! I suspect he is the lynch pin for all the mandatory vaccine propaganda functioning as a rear admiral for the USG!
The CDC is a literal den of these vipers, you can discover their bios as I have, but I’m not going to burdon FKTV with them now.