Video Corruption/Monopolies, Unrestricted Warfare Berejiklian Resigns as New South Wales Premier October 1, 20217 comments
Video Central Bankers, Civil Rights, Collapse, Genocide, Globalists, Unrestricted Warfare The Killing of Australia September 27, 202115 comments
Video #CRASH, 9/11 & False Flags, Activism, Consciousness, Conspiracies, Corruption/Monopolies, End of the World & Survivalism, Gaslighting Propaganda Media, Geopolitics, Synthetic Terror & Interventionalist BS, Globalists, New World Order Era of Shattered Illusions March 23, 201711 comments
Video Activism, Crime, Freedom, Gaslighting Propaganda Media, Geopolitics, Synthetic Terror & Interventionalist BS, History & Revisionist History, Independent Film, Neuroscience, Prison, Realpolitik, Too Forbidden Secret World of US Election: Julian Assange talks to John Pilger (Full) November 6, 20167 comments