Video Unrestricted Warfare The Kabala Kampain’s Core Strategy Is to Digitally Swap-Out the Bios and Policies of Their Own Candidates with Those of Their Opponents, in Order to Confuse People into Voting for Her August 17, 20248 comments
Video Big Pharma, Consciousness, Corruption/Monopolies, Gaslighting Propaganda Media, Genocide, Military Industrial Complex, Mind Control & PsyOps, Unrestricted Warfare, War Seriously, What happened to Stephen Colbert? May 18, 202241 comments
Gaslighting Propaganda Media, Mind Control & PsyOps, Neuroscience, Slavery, Unrestricted Warfare Is This Torture? July 1, 20206 comments
Video #CRASH, Censorship, Central Bankers, Collapse, Conspiracies, Corruption/Monopolies, Drugs, Gaslighting Propaganda Media, Genocide, Globalists, Mind Control & PsyOps, Money, New World Order, Unrestricted Warfare China vs Basel: Battle of the Globalists June 8, 2020Add comment
Video #CRASH, 9/11 & False Flags, Censorship, Conspiracies, Gaslighting Propaganda Media, Genocide, Mind Control & PsyOps, New World Order Alice in Wonderland Technique: The Power of Applied Confusion May 24, 20201 comment