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‘Splintering Babylon’ shines a light on how the tyrannical Babylon Beast system will come to an end, per biblical prophecy thousands of years ago.
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Short test comment shows up, longer, actually germane* comment vanishes.
* that the original Constitution was written by banking stooges and most of the signers of the DOI took a pass
Somehow, I saw most of the wrestling match between the blond bomber (Carrie Cassidy, or something like that) and you and Mr Grundvig, wherein youse guys expressed an interest in getting us “back to the original Constitution”. Didn’t really get how isn’t just “doing the same thing over and expecting different results” as that was the start of “how we got here”, nor how “the original” is different than “the current”, but in any event, here’s why it’s not “the answer”:
The Constitutional Convention was a COUNTER REVOLUTION:
NINETY PERCENT (90%) of the “delegates” represented Federalist BANKING INTERESTS. Their “original” U.S. Constitution created a small, centralized government, easily controlled by MONEY (which got us where we are today).
Jefferson was in France from August 1784 to September 1789, before, during, and after the 1787 Convention; when he returned, he was so enthralled by the Federalist handiwork that he convinced one of the authors of The Federalist Papers (Madison) to join him as an ANTI-FEDERALIST (and gave a lot of veiled warnings, stopping short of clearly stating”you frickin idiots have screwed the pooch”; he alluded enough to situations similar to what we face today to lead one to think that he believed it would be the inevitable consequence of consolidating the government, even if in the form of “a Republic”).
The pretext used to justify the ConCon con (Shays’ Rebellion) was most likely a “put up job” (in the manner of 9/11), only one person thereafter being hung, probably for trying to extort more money out of the bankers who had put them up to it.
The Constitution contains some fine ideals, but when all 3 branches of the government are owned by the banking interests/Zionists, it becomes (in the immortal words of my all-time favorite “terr’ist”) “Just a goddamn piece of paper!”.
The democracy of Ancient Athens was made possible due to the free time afforded by most labor being done by (human) SLAVES; we are quickly reaching the time when we can ALL have extensive free time afforded by (electronic) SLAVES: we either HAVE them, or they will GET RID OF US (or at least our hope of earning a living as 24/7 robot labor falls to $1 per hour in the next 5 years, replacing ALL forms of labor, including ALL PROFESSIONS).
We don’t need (nor can we expect the current elected state legislators to vote to convene) a Convention of the States; before we can get ANYPLACE politically, we MUST have OUR OWN POLITICAL PARTY, beholden to NOBODY but employing some PRINCIPLES and PROCEDURES that haven’t seen the light of day for over 2000 years
First and foremost, the party will have
CONSENSUS (7/8s) decision-making
as it’s defining characteristic
– Rather than a “simple majority” (which usually turns out to be a determined MINORITY which seems to always find common ground with the opposition when it comes to buttering the bread of the bankers/Zionists/warmongers and/or screwing their constituents), the party and it’s elected representatives pledge (on pain of recall and excommunication):
– To only vote for legislation, regulations, and rules that have 7/8s support of whatever body of voters they represent, to work and
– Vote for the rescindment of any all legislation, regulations and rules which fail to maintain 7/8s support, and
– To only nominate and support candidates who achieve greater than 7/8s backing and recall those who fail to maintain that level of approval,
– Use SORTITION (selection by lot from available candidates) when 7/8s consensus is unable to be reached and when those elected are recalled until such time as another consensus candidate can be nominated and elected.
Once we get a majority in the House and “control the purse”…well, we’ll see what the consensus is.
This is a test
The Vatican doesn’t own the Black Nobility. The Vatican is a corporation and the shareholder owners are the Black Nobility. And I had heard years ago , credit Dietrich, a whistleblower super soldier, about the U.S. not winning WWII. This gentleman is a wealth of knowledge. He was a military archivist who was tasked with destroying info, some of which he kept. Anyways, I have lived off grid for almost 10 years now and haven’t seen a real computer or actual internet. I only have an old Iphone and as you know Google censors everything. I am liking what I’m beginning to hear. Thanks, Capt Joe.
Perfectly put.
And the Popes come from the Black Nobility.