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Smart Cities, the Transhumanist Game and ‘Lifelong Learning’

This video is long but consider it a bonus college class that adds a much-needed perspective to this rush to inject people with synthetic biology and self-assembling nanocircuitry.

Alison McDowell dissects the digital ID/WEF/global surveillance prison planet dystopia and the conquest of biological life with a clinical precision that will leave you speechless.

Yet, as dark as much of this information is, McDowell has a very light and empowering way of presenting it and she believes we can defeat this agenda. Her PowerPoint slides can be seen here and here.

If you have any concerns about digital ID, the World Economic Forum, transhumanism, AI, geofencing or any interest in preserving nature and the human soul, you must understand what the financial sector is creating: a geofenced social credit score planet where children’s data is permanent, follows them for life, and is farmed out to futures markets to be monetized.

When people warn that the public/private fascist regime state has an interest in your kids, this is what they mean.

An example of how this will play out would be in the event of a self-driving car accident. How will the AI driverless car decide who to run over? Answer: ETH smart contracts will allow AI to evaluate the social credit scores of the potential victims and that’s how it will choose who dies.

So not only are they creating a perpetual surveillance system tied to your permanent social credit score record, but they are creating a futures market based on that social credit score data. YOU can be longed/shorted/etc, with data evaluation leading to predictive policing.

Wonder why Illinois was locked down so hard and implemented vaccine passports? Billionaire Governor Pritzker, partnered with the Soros Open Society to install facial recognition technology in kindergarten.

What McDowell is talking about is not theoretical. It has hundreds of billions in funding, and has been under development for years by both parties, businesses, etc.

It’s so much bleaker than “you will own nothing and eat bugs.” It’s “We need to farm humans like cattle for data, which will be used to create the AI and robotics systems that will be built to enforce your compliance.”

McDowell is like an even brainier East Coast version of the late great Rosa Koire. Absolutely fantastic and not to be missed.

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