Călin Georgescu worked as a senior expert in sustainable development within the UN system for nearly 20 years, as a former executive director of the United Nations Global Sustainable Index Institute in Geneva (2015-2016). He previously served as President of the European Research Centre (ERCIS) for the Club of Rome (2013–2015), of which he is also member.
He joins Dr Reiner Fuellmich to say that when he began working within the UN system, he believed the institution offered great hope for humanity and for the planet but he eventually found that the UN is controlled by criminal oligarchs who use it to enrich themselves and to enslave humanity.
I take issue with but a few points of this interview, the first being that the UN was NOT usurped by the oligarchs, on the contrary, the UN was created by the oligarchs, to serve their purpose, the UN was sold under the pretense of world peace, but such is not, nor has it ever been the goal!
Also, in one regard, he is correct that this is all about money, however the oligarchs have more money than God, they don’t need, nor want any more.
The fact is, they are pure evil, their desire is not to be even more wealthy, it is that you have nothing, so we are all reliant on them for what table scraps they provide and be thankful that they even allow us to exist as their humble, yet unworthy servants!
Absolute control equals absolute power, such is what evil demands!
Alexandra this is a phenomenal Video. Every Human Beings that wants to be Free needs to view this. The Oligarchs Billionaires/ Trillionaires totally control the United Nations. They want to Enslave us all by using fear tactics. We all need to stand up to their FEAR MONGERING Control and just say NO. We need to embrace Love Kindness and Joy. We need to experience the thrills of being out in Nature and explore it’s beauties. We need to live and be happy. We need to turn off our cell phones that are a virtual reality and live the real life with family and friends.Mahalo💖🌺🥰🤙
Don’t ever forget the power of Entrapment of 🌍leaders by these Nefarious creatures! The tentacles of WEF stretch through the very fabrics of society and with their ill-gotten Wealth they have bribed and BLACKMAILED world 🌍 leaders who initially may have started with good and noble intentions! Wonder what they do while they are gathered and do you think that anything happening there is recorded for Future reference? As in the Epstein’s Island, Bohemian Groove, Freemasonry rituals and This is a Agenda that has been written for hundreds of years and being put into action according to their timeline yet 🐑🐐🐏 s still believe that the UN,who, unhcr and thousands of NGOs worldwide financed by WEF to further their plans while grooming Goyims who are compliant and if not blackmailed into compliance or even killed.
We are surrounded by evil at every turn!
May God protect all of humanity from these filthy inhuman money monger parasites!!
In Jesus name AMEN!!!!
Look, look, over here, it’s the ‘wicked’ Russians/Chinese or the UN.
Don’t look over there at the plutocrats and the M.I.C., there’s nothing to see.
Thank you David and all involved, for sharing this fantastic video: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/secrets-of-the-united-nations-what-everyone-should-know/#comment-47977 Just this one message – It is all I have stated, all I believe – In LOVE!
This is my quote, which I place at the bottom of each out going email…
“Why do we loath each other when taught or told to do so?
Why not love each other instead – not in the sense of hypocrisy, or
due to some scheme, but in the sense of felicity among people? Isn’t that a kinder, gentler solution to living life.”
These monsters have done more than enough killing – It IS time to shut them!
Our 2nd Best POTUS in the last two centuries, JFK, needed to include the UN in his remarks, to “break up the CIA into a thousand pieces” …. The predatory, parasitic, criminal group known as The UN is guilty of War Crimes to the Max.. Do some deep, unbiased research and their criminality will be obvious.. WHY aren’t they all in tribunals, jailed.. destroyed? There will Always be those without Ethics, without conscience and empathy that will take money to do the bidding of the supplier of that money. Money/Banks were created in order to control others.. REFUSE ALL ATTEMPTS TO BRIBE YOU…CAN YOU DO THIS?? It is possible to trade, barter, exchange for services, foods without money..
Don’t ever forget the power of Entrapment of 🌍leaders by these Nefarious creatures! The tentacles of WEF stretch through the very fabrics of society and with their ill-gotten Wealth they have bribed and BLACKMAILED world 🌍 leaders who initially may have started with good and noble intentions! Wonder what they do while they are gathered and do you think that anything happening there is recorded for Future reference? As in the Epstein’s Island, Bohemian Groove, Freemasonry rituals and This is a Agenda that has been written for hundreds of years and being put into action according to their timeline yet 🐑🐐🐏 s still believe that the UN,who, unhcr and thousands of NGOs worldwide financed by WEF to further their plans while grooming Goyims who are compliant and if not blackmailed into compliance or even killed.
This is why I love “Forbidden Knowledge”!! You do a very good job of covering the information that ties in ALL governments, ALL corporations that one could send their fast asleep parents (or grandparents) depending one’s age; and they could start putting the pieces together! Someone such as myself who comprehends that these people are generally ALL dark occultists & psychopaths — If my grandmother was still alive today, I couldn’t tell her that John F Kennedy, Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan & George H.W., Wild Bill, George W, Obummer and as much as it pains me to say this, probably even Trump are all on the same team as the current Corporate CEO Joe Biden – or whoever is playing under a mask….I know I’m not the only one that thinks that isn’t Vice President Biden. Whoever that is, they are doing a fine job of playing a walking corpse; which is fitting if USA Inc is bankrupt.
Anyway, I still have to watch this one; I’ll play in the background later —- but this one caught my eye so great job as always!!
The UN is a private corporation, owned by the satanic Khazarian Mafia, hell-bent on ruling the world, reducing the population by 95%, and enslaving the remnants. They are involved in every malady on earth, including trafficking children, drugs and arms. It MUST BE destroyed.
During our attempts to beat on Iraq a couple of decades ago, there was “some” resistance at the UN. Today ZERO resistance at the UN regarding evil work we are doing to Syria and Yemen,…. The UN is now totally compromised just as our government, and media. People are too preoccupied with their focking cell phones, and social media fights.
Superb. Will follow and post. THANKS.
The Bible in Revelation says there will be a world gov with a world leader and God will send Jesus back to destroy those who destroy this world. Then Jesus will rule and reign for 1000 years to show mankind how man was meant to live in harmony and peace with one another. Its here and its shaping up fast. Get ready man is going to get what he wants but will lose in the end. Not a wonderful time coming upon this earth. With man there is no hope with Christ is your only hope for eternity. God has a plan and God will succeed. Man has a plan and he will fail go down in the dust as a loser!
You have been duped, waiting on a myth figure to save you. Get off your ass.
You do understand that the bible is actually a playbook, right? I’m not saying it’s not relevant but both the Old and New Testament plagiarized from MUCH older historical texts, they’ve been re-written hundreds, probably thousands of times. Are you aware that there’s no one in the historical records names Jesus, or Yeshua or whatever name people want to call him? You’ll likely be angry at these particular statements but unfortunately, they are objective facts, not my opinion.
If you actually do some studying on this, the events of “Revelation” were supposed to have happened around 70 AD; I’ve done a lot of looking into this and it’s quite possible the “thousand year reign” of peace happened —- Look at the dark ages; Why don’t we have hardly any history from that time? What’s there is probably made up or taken from other historical times.
That all being said, I don’t’ believe for a second that he didn’t exists or that his works & teachings don’t matter because they would not hate him (or his teachings) so much; that name would hold no power.
In some of my research, there was someone else who may have actually been the person we know as Jesus. I think the name is ISSA, or ISSI; I honestly can’t remember but he was allegedly a King; again, basically scrubbed from historical records — Unless, one could access the Vatican library & knew where & what to look for as well as be able to read the ancient languages; then we would find everything we’re looking for. If you do a search for coins that are hundreds of years old where most people think that the j or the i before the number — Example; 1655 vs j655 or i655 — I probably would have never thought twice had the fake virus of 2020 never happened and I was already in rabbit holes; just not this deep.
Religion, and I mean ALL religion are control mechanisms…. If you think that Yahweh is the same god as the benevolent “father of Jesus” you didn’t pay very close attention to the bible — I had arguments in my “religion” classes at my catholic high school back in the 90s and they didn’t like to be questioned. I’ve been a black sheep all my life and my earliest memory of that goes way back to when my grandfather was telling me how “Pro Wrestling” worked, how it was fake where I must have said something to my father and he explained and then “showed me” via slow motion on a VHS tape how they bleed, etc etc — that was some time in the 1980s. So, I have literally questioned everything that doesn’t feel right in my gut or literally makes no sense; such as Yahweh being Jesus’ dad….sorry, nope.
I’m not one of those new agey obnoxious love and light retards; it is BEYOND IRRITATING when they say “Christ Consciousness” but that’s mainly because of the way they spin it for that narrative but the idea of this “Christ Consciousness” does have merit – I’ll get to that and try to explain my perspective leading up to that at the end.
I see things for what they are and if anyone thinks we’ve seen darkness the last 3 years, we haven’t seen a damn thing yet. As far as any religions go, I definitely don’t think that the one true Creator of all would for one, want to be worshipped and two, punish people who aren’t “Christian” — So, according to the Christian & Catholic rule book, every native tribe and the Tibetan monks that were genocided for hundreds of years; any of those who have ever existed goes to a pit with flames called Hell? How about a baby that dies that wasn’t able to be baptized? Condemned to hell according to those rules!! Rules rules rules…..No thanks. Do what is morally right and even the man they call Jesus allegedly said that there will be a time you have to trade your coat in for a sword —- of course, I am paraphrasing but my point is, they don’t like the guy because he wasn’t a little bitch and he was not able to be controlled. To be honest, I think the real Jesus was not only the man of integrity we’re told about but he was a bad SOB and because “they”, meaning the enemy, which basically means they are the old Phoenician families of the ancient past, they are all cowards and they feared him and his followers. That makes perfect sense to me….
That right there, literally doesn’t change any of the basic concepts taught growing up in one of the 45,000 denominations of christianity and/or catholicism; probably muslims, jews and mormons as well — mormons aren’t christians in my eyes; it ties WAY closer to judaism and freemasonry. Anyway, what I am saying is the concepts I am talking about are all of the teachings of christ including the ones everyone seem to have forgotten because turn the other cheek doesn’t mean letting these SOBs run roughshod all over us — it means expose them for what they are publicly as much as you can, stand up to them, know your GOD GIVEN rights you were born with and act on this as a LIVING man or woman. Regardless of where it originates from, there’s a reason there is a bible in every single Court – It holds A LOT of power and the court of the Creator is the highest court.
I hope that ramble made some sense and I don’t mean to offend by pointing out facts or discrepancies. One last thing; if the bible is a playbook, or prophecy, or however one wants to look at it, what I think they are “trying” to do is repeat revelation but also rush it — this is just part of the reason so many have woken up the last 20 + years in my opinion. That, and deep down, most people are good people; even some of the ones we think are the enemy. Along with rushing the events of “Revelation”, we have been in the time that would come “after” the 1000 year reign I talked about where “Satan” is let loose for a “Short time” — There is absolutely nothing that explains what that even means where in the bible, one day to God is 1000 years —- even though that’s Yahweh god & right in genesis it clearly states “Let us”, which implies there’s more than 1 “god”….Elohim is plural.
Her view is pure speculation but ties in with some other people whose work I follow pretty closely and it was a very well done timeline — I wish I could remember the name of the lady that did this because she was phenomenal; even if she was 100% wrong or just 10%, there was alot of effort put in and it made alot of sense as to why things are the way they are today, up to and including the whole idea of America, the articles of confederation to the original constitution, the “alleged” civil war, the act of 1871, the federal reserve “act” (not a law & the federal reserve has nothing to do government, hence nothing federal about it) and the creation of the “birth certificate & social security number” frauds.
Hold your beliefs, I’m certainly not frowning on them or saying they’re wrong (I’d be a pretty shallow person to say that after reading a paragraph) but do not put beliefs over actually “knowing” truth. If I am not mistaken, we are told Jesus said he is “the truth and the way” and that we will do greater things than he did; essentially, that means continuing to awaken what we (as humans are concerned) once were, whatever that was…. but I guarantee that the parents not vaccinating their kids poisoning them at birth; we’re about to see things we have never seen in our lifetime and we need to protect them, even if they aren’t “our children”.
Hopefully that gives you or anyone else some things to look into and think about.
One of your better videos which hits the preverbal nail on the head relating to our world at large for sure!
How can ‘we the people’ destroy this octopus of slavery and its mind slavery to this horrible group of NGO’s and their plans and purposes?
ALexandra – A powerful message! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4TyJWXJ0K8&t=9s
Remarkably it has been obvious for decades that central government representatives are elected by computers owned by offshore corporations and nobody is allowed to see exactly how they tally. This arrogance is all out in the open, people know it and nobody will do anything meaningful about it!
Everyone involved in using these infernal privately owned contraptions is guilty of violating their fiduciary duty to safeguard ballots, tallies and so forth yet nobody will do anything meaningful about it.
This is how we lost the steering mechanism of our nation.
After this nothing will be impossible for them.
There’s a decided gluey weby whirled unveiled in an alluring rabbit hole which smellz of spellz n tongue of knute wafting through sulphuriously from the nethers.
I make poetic attempts at refraining from the use of more obvious demon-strations of word…no worth in giving it that much of a big shot psychology, thoughts are things and words have consequence. Doubt Nothing Question Everything
It’s so refreshing to hear someone credentialed believing and speaking from this angle with the perception of those who are awake to what’s really going on. This is something I’ll be sharing with family members and friends that are still mesmerized by MSM and the government’s lies. Thank you, Alexandria, for sharing this on your site.