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Secret Societies of 1776 & the Cabal’s Demise w/ Matthew Ehret

Many people have already figured out that the JFK Assassination and 9/11 were inside jobs but historian, Matt Ehret shows us how these events – and the founding of the Federal Reserve bank – and the COVID Plandemic are all tied to the same process.

The fight against the British Empire in the 18th century during the American Revolution is the same fight that humanity is now having against the Globalist elite and their New World Order. It’s essentially the same players, 250 years later.

As Matt explains:

“Even though the people who executed those operations have long been dead and are separated by big spans of time, there’s a continuous process and it’s that continuous process which is also tied – the more you dig – to the battles of the Founding Fathers against the world’s greatest, globally-expanded empire…that was able to dominate 25% of the world’s surface area from a little island called the British Empire.

“You can’t do that with just brute force or the British East India Company, you need to have an interconnected network of finance; of the control of banking. That’s the City of London. We talked about that last time but also, you need to have a certain kind of sensitivity to social engineering, how the mind of the people and how cultural dynamics work, such that you can manipulate whole cultures to undermine their own goodness and work against each other and work against their neighbors, so that they’re so busy fighting themselves internally or with their neighbors that they can’t work together to do anything about the Great Overlords…”

Matt says that the method for subverting nations came from ancient mystery schools that operate in public, disguised as political groups or as certain religious orders or as exclusive social clubs, like the Hellfire Club, which were actually early forerunners of the World Economic Forum and of Jeffrey Epstein’s blackmail operation.

The London-based Hellfire Club was quick to set up 11 chapters throughout the US Colonies in the late 18th century, in order to, as Matt says, “Indoctrinate and corrupt local elites to be local managers and stewards of this global system.”  

Matt charts the history of the Fabian Society, whose outward purpose is to promote Socialism via incremental reform, rather than by revolutionary overthrow, hence their symbol of the Wolf in Sheep’s clothing, which Matt says refers to the stealth warfare techniques of attrition and infiltration used by the Fabians, an organization which, as unintuitive as it sounds, he explains is actually a revival of the ancient initiatic mystery religions of Mithras and of Cybele.

The Fabian Society is named after the Roman dictator who ruled during the Punic Wars against Carthage. After a Sibylline oracle prophesied that Fabian would only be successful in the war if he welcomed the Cult of Cybele into Rome, he did so – and thereby swiftly ushered-in one of the most corrupt periods in the history of the Roman Empire.

Matt points to the self-flagellation of the Benedictines, Franciscans and Jesuits as an artifact of the Persian Cult of Mithras. Interestingly, hardcore self-flagellation rituals called Tatbir are still practiced to this day by some descendants of the Ancient Persians who practice Shia Islam.

Matt says that the Templars also appear to have been a Gnostic cult, adding, “You’ve got this whole continuity of different, synthetic Christian orders that are reviving the Gnostic gospels that were pre-Nicaean Gnostic texts; the Book of Seth, the Book of Mary Magdalene, the Book of Thomas.

“There’s a whole variety of them that were recovered in Egypt but they already had a bunch that had been known for thousands of years, that had been maintained in secrecy underground, shaping the different occult movements, from the Templars through the Rosicrucians and the Franciscans, as well had esoteric doctrines versus the exoteric, public doctrines.

“There’s a whole variety of pseudo religious orders that act Jewish or act Christian – but they’re not, because they’re actually carrying on the secret gospels of what Jesus ‘secretly told’ his lover, Mary Magdalene, who then told the two of the twelve ‘select, elite’ disciples, that then carried on this secret Gnostic teaching, that the masses were ‘too unwise’ to understand.”

One can see the roots of elitism and oligarchism in this kind of thinking.

There’s the shopworn trusim about how those who don’t know their history are destined to repeat it. This is clearly not going to happen to Matt Ehret and he has such a great gift of bringing history to life by showing us how we are products of history, how we are living history and how we are all part of a story that’s been going on for a long time.

When Seth asks Matt what books he recommends to better understand our own history, he says that we should all go get ‘How the Nation Was Won’ by H Graham Lowry. He also recommends anything by Anton Chaitkin and he also plugs his own ‘Clash of the Two Americas’ Volumes 1 through 4, which fleshes out the history of the Deep State.

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