Over the weekend, Dr. Steven Greer sat down with Jay Weidner of GaiaTV to discuss Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPs) and how they’ve have become a government unto themselves.

“The idea that A, the president a has an all-access pass and B, even if he’s read into these projects the idea that he has control over this group, that is the mistake everyone makes. They do not. They absolutely do not.

“I’ll tell you how batsh*t crazy – excuse my French – this gets: a wetworks, black-bag man who had done a lot of work for the CIA, he wanted Obama to order Special Forces, using tactical nuclear weapons to invade the classified facilities at Area 51 and Dugway.”

Greer says he had to explain to him that this wouldn’t work. He told him, “If you go to Pahute Mesa and the underground facility, on top of it, you have explosive charges and underneath you have thermonuclear weapons. If anyone were to try to seize that facility, they would detonate it and the whole thing would pancake. Gone!”

They run down the list of postwar presidents, all of whom have been aware of the alien presence to varying degrees:

“Ronald Reagan didn’t have the background to know how he was being manipulated into supporting SDI, the Strategic Defense Initiative. Some of those funds were going into the research and missile interception. The bulk of them went through a back door into the real Star Wars programs, which were put into developing more and more sophisticated weapons and satellites in space to track and target and down ET craft as they approached Earth.”

In a statement that apparently confirms what Daniel Liszt revealed a year ago through his own contact, Robert Merritt, Greer says that Richard Nixon “Wanted to be the Disclosure President in his second term and that’s actually why Watergate happened…he thought he had more power than he did and he was checkmated.”

“In terms of the major media, major movies, most of the information that comes out is actually counterintelligence, spin that is designed to make people afraid. This is the raison d’être of the secrecy, right here. It’s the macroeconomic power that derives from the operating system of the whole planet, which is a linear, fossil fuel, electric grid, pumping-gas-into-your-car system…

“It’s not just about the money. It’s about the centralized power it represents, because imagine, if every village in the world and every home had its own power source…it cuts out the entire globalized, centralized multi-trillion-dollar, corporate government system.”

This interview was sprinkled with lots of interesting details I’d never heard before. For those interested in this subject, it’s definitely worth the watch.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Surely , if ” Action speaks louder than words ”
    Then ,Speaking of the ” RIGHT KIND ” is already ” Action” too ! Because ” WORDS ” vibrating in complete ” HARMONY ” in the ” Cosmic Order of Things are in accord with
    The ” LIVING WORDS ” which are part of
    ” LIFE ” …As the ” HUMAN WORD ” is a


  • I have purchased Steven Greers’ books….have started reading them but never finished them…..it’s the same way I feel about this interview. It’s inviting but as it goes into more depth (and I say that as an oxymoron)….I feel like also just walking away….no more informed then when I started.
    Just a feeling…..but I wouldn’t use him as a ‘go-to’ for the low-down on what’s taking place in the Deep Space program. But one should never dismiss any information no matter what it comes across as- ‘real or ‘disinfo’. The other fellow there isn’t really pushing for any kind of facts that can be brought out about ‘what’s going on within or without’ our planet. We move on!

  • That Whole so-called “Disclosure movement (Operation Disclosure) Etc. Is a BS, along with their so-called “Alliance” witch is as Useless as ALL the other “Alphabet Agencies” whole “Couldn’t – Find-a- Hooker-in-a-Whorehouse”!
    The REAL reason for all the “Secrecy” is more about the Whole movement being EXPOSED as being the FRAUD it actually Is…and even MORE about HIDING the Real Truth about VERY Ancient “First-born” Creation of “Sons of God” also know as God/Woman/Man…Whole actually were “Seeded” in AFRICA.
    The Evidence of this is Piling Up over the Internet about this subject for anyone to watch…IF…They are true seekers of TRUTH.
    Ask yourself…WHY all the Secrecy about what’s ongoing in Antartica ??? Its as if they have MUCH to hide they don’t want widely Known…and THERE IS “NO” REASON THE HIDE WHAT’S THERE…ITS PART OF PLANET EARTH!
    The REAL Truth is that ALL these “Creatures”, who ever they ARE are Scared of WHO and WHAT is coming Here…THE GOLDEN RACE BEINGS…OR WHAT IS NOW CALLED “GOD” (Prime Source Creators…Female Energy.

  • I found myself not believing Dr. Steven Greer. Of course, he can’t disclose this or that even though he is part of a Disclosure project. He meets all these important people, goes into these specialized areas, and talks about people that ended up floating down the river. Anyway, he just doesn’t seem serious. I’m not questioning black budgets or hidden projects. Still, I thought his future vision of these highway free villages where people float around in anti-gravity machines creepy. Isn’t that the de-industralization NWO thing? He seems very New World Order, creepy.

  • Steven Greer has been at this a long time, his story never changes, if it did then you could call him another Corey Goode, but I won’t. When the CIA was formed in 47? they used a whole bunch of “former” Nazi’s with OSI to do it. And since that time the “deep state” has been formed with their family members. At least that’s my belief, I could be wrong, but…. It sure does “feel” that way.

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