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Ronald Bernard: Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse

Former Dutch banker to the elites, Ronald Bernard exploded into the alt media a year ago with the story of his escape from the life of a criminal bankster, after his failure to participate in child sacrifice.

Earlier this week, he gave a heart-rending talk about how he ended up in that world. He was born into an abusive home and acted out at school. At the age of 9, the courts removed him from home and placed him in a Catholic facility, where he endured extreme sexual abuse for two years. In his own words, “They really, really loved children and they didn’t have Vaseline.”

His resulting rage at humankind led him into a life of white collar crime, fronting the offshore accounts of powerful entities, including intelligence agencies and the Church, laundering drug money and counterfeit dollars minted in the Soviet Union. Then, his body broke down. He had a heart attack and went into hiding under a fake identity for 8 years. He studied theology and now describes himself as “healed”, although he remains leery of certain Biblical passages, due to his experiences with the Church.

Having lived in fear for his life and that of his family for many years, Bernard has arrived at a place of wholeness and equanimity. He feels that in the heart of most perpetrators is a wounded child.

Bernard’s presentation was made at the Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse at the International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ), where one can also find testimonies from criminologists, legal specialists, survivors of abuse, as well as from some familiar faces, like Cynthia McKinney, Bill Binney, David Seaman and Robert David Steele.

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