Nicole Shanahan, RFK Jr’s vice-presidential pick, has released a hilarious new television commercial, pretending to be Big Pharma advertisement that pokes fun at “TDS, also known as Trump Derangement Syndrome”, a disorder that. can be treated with the new product being offered called, “Independence”.
Rated News reports that, “The ad is part of the [RFK Jr-Shanahan] Campaign’s strategy to highlight what they perceive as irrational opposition to Donald Trump, framing it as a significant issue in the current political climate. Shanahan’s ad aims to connect with voters who feel that Trump’s critics are driven more by emotion than reason.”
Narrator: Are you or your loved ones suffering from illnesses, such as TDS, also known as Trump Derangement Syndrome?
Do you dismiss or deny the current issues facing our country, such as historic inflation, illegal immigration, corporate corruption, World War 3 escalations and the Chronic Disease Epidemic?
Are you willing to elect someone who was the least popular Vice President in modern history and who offers no policy or vision for America, simply because your brain keeps telling you, “Anyone But Trump?”
If so, you might be struggling from TDS.
Introducing Independence! Independence allows you the freedom to finally think independently, once again, instead of believing everything you hear from the Mainstream Media.
Independence allows for constructive critical thinking.
Customer Testimonial #1: I used to hear people on the news say things like…
(Cut to TV screen, with MSBNC Host, Ali Velshi saying:) “Donald Trump and the movement he has encouraged are a threat to democracy!”
Customer Testimonial #1: And I instantly believed it. With Independence, I now realize the media is run by the Democrat Elite, who are a corrupt oligarchy that censors Free Speech, silences political opponents, supports Forever Wars and abandons democracy, by anointing its candidates.
Narrator: Independence may not be for everyone. If you enjoy being lied to about your President’s cognitive abilities, support Orwellian Totalitarianism or are excited about Communist fiscal policy, Independence may not be right for you.
Common side effects of Independence may include an awakening of rational thought, successfully identifying propaganda, freedom of choice, loss of hatred and anti-Narcissistic behavior and love of democracy.
Customer Testimonial #2: I used to blindly hate whoever my party was running against. I didn’t care about facts or policy, because I was hopelessly indoctrinated.
With Independence, I’m much more interested in policies that uphold democracy and I truly care about the health of our country and its citizens.
Narrator: Ask your doctor if Independence is right for you and enjoy your freedoms, once again.
Democracy is mob rule, not independence.
The Election Ritual-The Illusion Of American Democracy:
Enough of the polarized minutia running amok, listen to this sound of REAL REASON!
Mobious – brilliant analysis!
I came to the same conclusion once I identified the puppeteers as tribal mobsters, aka Oligarchs. Once one sees this, the rest of understanding becomes possible. But as long as these mobs demonize anyone who recognizes them, they scare weaker minds and turn them against anyone who dares to identify them. I don’t care which tribe it is, tribal Oligarchies all, operate pretty much the same. Thanks.
Who is this guy, Shahid Bolsen, born in Boulder. Colorado? We don’t get his real name. It is said that he was born (1971) as Catholic and then converted (1997) to Islam.
No name of his mother, or father, nor of his wife is given. To me, this ghost doesn’t look white, but Boulder-white jew(ish).
Is it possible that he is an agent, a spook, working for the US military Intelligence, Mossad and MI6 (and Intelligence of UAE, making him Octuple agent) and that he was sent after his “conversion” in 1997 to the Middle East as a”imam” Shahid to “witness” the situation on the ground, to check out the region and figure out how – in the time before year 2000, when neocons of the USA were still preparing plans – to bring “democracy” to the Middle East and later was somehow instrumental in fomenting color revolutions (in Syria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt) once Iraq and Afghanistan were invaded, after year 2000? Was he in Istanbul to “witness” coup attempt against Erdogan?
Those are questions that pop to mind when one tries to look behind the curtain of this ghost’s life. Behind each veil there is another veil, it seems his persona (mask) comprises of veils under veils “all the way down” (to Nothingness of US Military standard).
Although his video’s message is right in identifying voters (US or of other western “democracies”) as participants in “[…] a ritual, that has no real significance beyond the psychological and the emotional, it’s a collective society-wide self-soothing gesture […]”, he offers a solution that is faulty, and I think he intentionally offers a faux solution to voters when he says:
“[…] you’re not writing this story and you’re not writing how this story goes and as long as you think that you are writing how this story goes or participating [in] it in any way whatsoever then that just ensures that you will always be nothing but a spectator, unless and until you redirect your activism towards the private sector and, I mean, organize and mobilize with the understanding that, for example, corporations are political entities so treat them as such, deal with them as such, impose expectations, and demands, upon them as such […] [corporations] are the entities that control your policy, it’s not your ballot, it’s their billions. Your government is captured and your country has been captured and power and decision-making has been transferred from the public sector to the private sector, your laws and your policies are written by corporate lawyers, not by congressmen, you know your democracy has actually become like the British Monarchy it’s just an empty tradition.[…] look, you [voters] are not constituents of politicians, you’re constituents of companies and you need to organize yourselves along these lines, democratize private sector power, at some point your activism in your strategy has to actually be informed by the real existing power dynamics in your Society, not just by the official version of the power structure that they taught you in civics class, until you do that, I’m telling you that, the harder you work for this party or the harder you work for that party, while you’re doing nothing but fortify and reinforce your own disenfranchisement and your own irrelevance.”.
His faux solution is – as it turns out in this video (at minute 4:40), titled “The Power of Small Steps: Democratizing Corporate Influence and Holding Power Accountable”, – the global Stakeholder Capitalism.
I had to go through several of his videos to finally get catch him using the word ‘stakeholder’. So … he belongs to the WEF line of OC GFC globalist oligarchy, the globalist working through the UN (as opposed to military-industrial complex of OC GFC). This is supported by his view that exploited people of the USA should seek help with the oppressed peoples of the World (member states of the UN), by inviting them into the USA to help battling the criminal slaver elite – see his video, titled “Americans Need UN Intervention”, -, the invitation that would most certainly help in creation of the Global Military and the Global Police Force under the flag of UN Agency..
His primary job remains, as it turns, the same as it was at the beginning of his international spooky career, working for the US Military Intelligence/Mossad/MI6, inciting cultural changes and then channeling followers by the use of incremental changes – step by step – in a very particular direction: toward Stakeholder Capitalism and UN Agency’s World Government. He omits the fact that UN, just like all governments of the World, has been hijacked from its inception and that UN’s charter is just another “good-sounding” veil on top of them all.
Stakeholder Capitalism is just another of many slavers’ masks (veils) which hide the exploiters from the masses and misdirects focus away from them. Now that the “democracy mask” is failing in veiling the fact that all countries have been hijacked by the same global slavers and by their international companies (which were also the original hijackers of the USA from its inception) this “imam’s” advice to the exploited majority of the people (of the World and of the US) is not to (re)take their republic(s) in their own hands (if they even had them, at least on paper) by getting rid of their hijacked governments through voting, but this ‘ghost’s’ “solution” is that people should start politically negotiate “from within” (as stakeholders) with the very corporations that hold them and their governments in perpetual state of enslavement.
This advice is misdirecting people from the fact that there is another option to fight these supra-national hijacking corporations, that is through voter/customer boycott. Boycott of “faked democracy” elections sends powerful message to hijackers’ henchmen in the government and delegitimizes their policies, and boycott of corporate products sends powerful message (a stake through the heart) to the bloodsucking hijackers themselves.
Hoping that by voting or by holding a stake in any of the international (government hijacking) corporations might bring a republic (by the people, for the people) into life is an illusion, … at best, but the idea held as a solution in peoples minds certainly has a potential to veil the hijackers in perpetuity, especially if “the vote” or “the stake” is some elusive digital entity traded on global digital financial market (block chained as a coin or as a token, under the UN sanctioned ‘Voting and Stake-holding’ trading rules, encapsulated in small-print of micro-contracting and subject to continuous changes according to real-time global political power shifting).
Voting and Stake-holding will never change people’s slave status, boycotting, government’s (bully) policies and corporate (crappy) products, might.
Is partial truth to be considered a lie? With the vital part missing.
Is this man’s opinion an example of Limited hangout? With Just enough truth to hook those passing by.
Is this modern version of sheep-herding shepherd? They call themselves stewards now, and use their cyber-skills to help ship Captains cyber-wheel their ships full of seasick slaves towards the light-house of the New Order World.
the cure for this fake news demockracy BS syndrome is more spin when you reach warpspeed the effects of the illusion of living in a democracy wears off . living bigly in the clownworld high life utopia requires teamwork with everyone pulling together in the same direction so just going in big ass circles . I must confess I liked the old trump much better even though I could never make it to the end of any of his speeches but new fake mini-trump is a loser and anyone who falls for his fake BS is also a reality hating loser . just saying haters .
I am hesitent, to make this comment, because some people are sensitive, for no reason.
The Left are following the Pipe Pipper…..mostly all non-thinkers.
The Right are reactionary, but have more thinkers among them.
The problem with the Left and the Right is that they lack true facts, in which to make decisions with.
Both sides are connected at the Top…..the Same Source.
Trump has for about a decade, received his financial backing, from Nazi Drug Cartels out of Spain, the remnants of the Franco Regime.
I know everyone has been convinced, it is the cia, but they have the same origin as the the drug cartels….Nazis.
Political Campaigns are just a distraction, and a money machine; you think all the periforal products are producted in the USA, for its elections…..think again.
The Nazis invented the cocaine market after WWII through Klaus Barbie and Pablo Escobar, starting in Bolivia. This is how the Nazis financed themselves after the war. The Bush Family was also huge in the distribution of cocaine during the ’80s. The coke was brought to their Zapata Oil platforms and brought to shore in their oil tankers, which were not subject to Customs Inspection.
The cocaine money is laundered through the Vatican Bank, JPMorgan-Chase and elsewhere. Different Black Nobility families (mostly Italian and Spanish aristocrats, in the case of the Nazi cocaine, which has now expanded into human trafficking) control the different Latin American crime gangs. They all get a Piece of the Pie of the American Dream.
I wrote about this and did a show on at at AMP and was fired shortly afterwards. Most of this info, I found in a PDF that was encoded in a Tore Says film from last fall that explained all of this and I wrote about it here, on this site and on Substack:
You gave it a good work-up and a good write-up.
I still have the image in my head of Barbara Bush saying what a kind and gentle man her husband (H.W. Bush) is. I beg to differ with her opinion. Skull & Bones, CIA, and I am sure other associations. Criminal!
sum sources say the Iranians are the black footed wayward Aryan clan of the Great White Brotherhood who were once run by Lucifer before he repented and returned to fight for source on the side of the light during our liberation happening now helping to drive our rising consciousness . The illuminati families now leaderless and disconnected from power from below are further pressured by the rising frequencies of earth ship mother Gaia as she prepares to take us home to 5D and the vermin have to flee or try to stop the ascension process to survive or consent to leave peacefully and to live under universal law and divine order .
We need to hang out sometime.
It plays to people who have a mindset, but won’t reach the people who might reconsider, what is happening….then the crowd in the middle who will ponder, but just go back to where they are at.
It seems like brain fog is the theme of the day…
Either Woke jive time rhyme… or
So called Conservative infotainment……
They both also have their Extreme versions…..but they spell the same End, as the political process always stays the same…Promises, Promises…
Does this audience really see otherwise?
Love this!