This is new video analysis of the murder in Portland of Trump supporter, Jay Bishop by violent felon and Antifa member, Michael Reinoehl, which shows that this may have been an organized assassination.

On August 29th, hundreds of Trump supporters held a vehicle parade through Downtown Portland and of course, many of these vehicles were attacked by Antifa as they entered the city.

A video was filmed of the murder by Portland independent videographer, Stumptown Matters, who appears to have been in on this coordinated hit.

The video first shows the team gathering together on one corner and then walking a few blocks to another corner, the “kill box”.

A black Jeep is identified as the “command and control” vehicle.

Then we hear screams.

“We got them right here. We got a couple right here.” Jay Bishop has been identified by his Patriot Prayer baseball cap.

“Pull it out!”

“Right here?”

Shooter fires twice. After confirming the kill, he runs away.

A black Dodge Charger runs a red light and pulls up next to the victim. The Charger is carrying the “information operations” team and fake medics.

On the street, a spotter is seen using a flashlight to find and remove spent bullet casings.

Bishop’s friend realizes what’s happening and he pushes the fake medics away.

The black “command and control” Jeep pulls up in front of the murder scene and now appears to be directing the information operations team.

The police then arrive and the the information operations team remains to provide false testimony.

An onlooker warns the cameraman that he has captured a murder and that he must surrender to police the video that he’s filming.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Whats happening in Canada and especially the states is crazy. White people being killed purposely…citizens……while the streets are filled with white people.watching it happen. WHENARE YOU GOING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT……….before it becomes YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These are criminals that eserve to swing at the end of a rope………not be continued to comitt crimes. The police wont do anything…so YOU should.


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