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    Alexandra Bruce
    October 1, 2012

    Lanny Cotler and Paul Edwards are the creators of the hard-hitting and sometimes controversial series of videos produced by ClassWarFilms. Their adeptness with the English language, in conjunction with their dazzling and rare images choices plus tasteful use of sound design that serve to powerfully underscore the heft of their words, result in slideshows that are more effective than many full-blown motion pictures of the same length.

    In their absolutely brilliant clip, “Political Fraud’, they take us through the horrific bowels of chicanery and despair that define modern politics — but they also show us the light at the end of the tunnel.

    Here is a snippet of their brilliant voiceover:

    “The world does not end because a political system is found to be dead to those it should serve. This is not a unique occurrence. It is not even unusual — it is routine in history!

    “To create a human future, our dead system must be resisted, rejected, buried, replaced. This will take tremendous resolve and a galvanizing of purpose seldom achieved by a people. But it is the way — the only way — toward a future, in which the role of government is in the defense and the nurturing of all life — and of man as a part of it.”


    Published by ClassWarFilms
    September 29, 2012

    A hard look behind the curtain.

    Contributed by


    Alexandra Bruce

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