Playboy is making a big deal about featuring their first transgender Playmate, Ines Rau on their cover next month. The magazine has featured transgender models as far back as the 1980s but it has never put one on the cover before. Why? Because Playboy has been successfully marketed for 64 years to the vast majority of men who are straight and who want to look at biological females with their clothes off.

An estimated .58% of Americans are transgender, according to a 2016 poll by the Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law and Public Policy. That’s just over half of one percent of the population. Transgender rights certainly must be protected – but must trans aesthetics be shoved down the throats of the remaining 99.42%? Why is an equation suddenly being made between these two positions in our pop culture?

Cooper Hefner, the Chief Creative Officer at Playboy magazine tweeted, “We should collectively be fighting for a more open world, not one that promotes hatred and lack of acceptance.”

I’d say that most straight American men don’t hate trans people; they accept them and want to see their civil rights protected. This is a very different matter from straight men wanting see trans women in a girly mag! Again, transgender Americans (including female-to-male) comprise .58% of the population. This is not Playboy’s marketing niche.

Or it hasn’t been. Cooper Hefner told the New York Times that choosing Rau as the Playmate “speaks to the brand’s philosophy. It’s the right thing to do. We’re at a moment where gender roles are evolving,” he said.

What does he mean, “Gender roles are evolving”?

The wonderful scholar Camille Paglia weighs in here on the current “transgender mania” that we’re seeing, whereby disaffected youth, who in previous generations might have become Beatnicks or Hippies are today affecting gender dysphoria. In her decades of study, Paglia has seen an obsession with androgyny and the denial of masculinity go hand-in-hand with the decline of a particular culture. From the ancient Greeks to the Weimar Germans, she’s seen this again and again. Inevitably, the culture in decline is being surrounded by conquering barbarians who unquestioningly believe in the heroism of masculinity; groups like the Huns and ISIS…

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Sexual structures on earth.

    1. Trees stay rooted on their spot, flowering. The bees come. organising fertilisation.
    No flowering no bees. No bees no flowering, where humanity dies.

    2. Animals move around the globe, surviving gender fight and reproducing of their species.
    There is a certain pyramid structure of sexuality, where often sexuality has a season.

    3a. Human beings move as persons around the globe, surviving by gender fight and reincarnation of the old pains of gender fight. There is a certain pyramid structure of sexuality. Their is no sexual season.
    3b. Human beings as personalities move around the globe, surviving by personality fights, where their pains grow. Humanity gets many problems in order to survive. There is no sexual season, therefore happening day and night.
    3c. Human beings mover around the world by their soul, living in love where the need of reincarnation reduces. Humanity can survive. There is no sexual season, therefore happening day and night.
    3d. Spiritual beings move inside, where the inner gender as maleness and femaleness merges and inner heaven is found. Here in fact human time of pains is disappearing.

    A spiritual evolution is needed.

  • My most disturbing observation are parents of small children who encourage this in their children. I have raised 2 healthy, happily married straight men. When they were little they would find my hats, or try walking in my high heels, paint their faces with my lipstick.. as well as walk in their dad’s shoes.

    It’s curiosity about what mommy and daddy do, wear, say. Now there are sick parents who nurture this aspect in their children by promoting the child play in opposite gender items fostering a preference in the child for opposite gender everything. In most cases it’s a parent promoting transgenderism which has psychological implications. Maybe a psychological form of Munchausen’s by proxy.

    I was a tom-boy till 13. Fortunately, my parents were sane.

    • I couldn’t agree with you more as I too was a Tom Boy and luckily living in a time where no one doesed me with hormones and wanted to stick a dick on me.

      These children are being mutated causing not only physical but mental issues which they or their parents did not “consent” to their offspring being altered.

  • Camille Paglia’s comments track completely with my own observations over several decades of amateur historical study. The current American “transgender mania” and the elites’ acceptance — and even glorification — of it are symptomatic of a civilization in grand decline. Just like in ancient Greece and Rome, and Weimar Germany, and even in pre-revolutionary France, the abandonment by the elites (social, cultural, political) of the values and precepts of the natural law (which includes honoring the feminine virtues in women and the masculine virtues in men) in our national culture will guarantee the disintegration of both the United States and most, if not all, civilized Western nations in increasingly swift order. The Vandals of today are not only at the gates of most Western societies, but are now well inside them given the mass transmigration of orthodox Muslims from the Islamic world. Coupled with domestic “progressives’ ” (read Marxists’) committed objectives to destroy democratic capitalism, states’ sovereignty, and individuals’ rights & liberties, we are witnessing a repeat of history, the downward trajectory of an advanced civilizations. Unless reversed by some mass change of mind and heart, the confluence of (i) a fractured moral consensus concerning right & wrong and good & bad behavior, (ii) the elites’ embrace of immorality, amorality, and truly incompatible foreign cultures, and (iii) emboldened foreign enemies bent on global domination (viz., China & Iran, with Russia now adreamin’), we can look forward to a growing domestic anarchy – socio-cultural, then political and economic — followed by erupting international security crises (viz., Iran, NoKo, and eventually Venezuela once armed by Iran). History doricly instructs that the culmination is always the same: civil war or great internal strife followed by a tyranny. So, for all of us, it’s to know history to know wisdom and have liberty. Otherwise, without history, it’s to have no wisdom and know no liberty.

    ethat we’re seeing, whereby disaffected youth, who in previous generations might have become Beatnicks or Hippies are today affecting gender dysphoria. In her decades of study, Paglia has seen an obsession with androgyny and the denial of masculinity go hand-in-hand with the decline of a particular culture. From the ancient Greeks to the Weimar Germans, she’s seen this again and again. Inevitably, the culture in decline is being surrounded by conquering barbarians who unquestioningly believe in the heroism of masculinity; groups like the Huns and ISIS…

  • Personally, I’m sick and tired of all the air being sucked out of the room by the LGBTQ whines and brags. Ahem, what goes on in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom as far as I’m concerned.
    The entire manufactured fog of this issue is ANOTHER divide and conquer by TPTSB.
    Hot buttons which keep the discussions on political and financial malfeasance, crime, lies, theft, larceny, black mail, exstorsion AND WAR via DOD financial malfeasance, crime, lies, theft, larceny, black mail, extorsion and the concomitant trickle on the masses, OUR masses especially must be exposed and stopped…and that won’t happen while finicky issues affecting .58% are presented so often and so intensely and so often and so intensely, that REAL issues starve for attention…Oh, did I forget to mention the petro-chem poisoned ecology or the stunning dot connection between gmo and chemical saturations that kill, stop human reproduction, warp the food supply and other wise stop the very processes Mother Earth has put in place over a few billion years?

  • Obsessions are not benign. Excessive obsession is a form of mental illness prone to feed on itself.

    Each gender is intrigued and attracted by the other quite naturally for the purpose of procreation, but when it’s abused, especially for profit, it becomes weaponized. Such is the case for pornography AND advertising. SEX SELLS!

    Merchants tap into what attracts attention out of curiosity and therein is the hook, so the best defense is don’t look. If you don’t look you won’t be tempted to buy what the merchant is selling, right?

    I’ve lived a very long time and seen very much both professionally and as an observer. Most women love to be seen and most men love seeing them. Nothing wrong with that, but when it becomes obsessive I become suspicious. Let me say this much – I have known porn addicts who developed serious unhealthy abnormal destructive habits even to the extreme of wanting to be what one is not and even pedophilia. It all started with indulging in unhealthy obsessions with the body and it’s function, one damned thing after another progressively because everything gets old with use. I’m trying here to be nice, okay?

    The Hefners got rich feeding unhealthy obsessions for profit, so what does one expect from them but more of the same?

    • I completely agree but not only is the LGBT being used to promote pedophilia under the same guise as their “Tagline” Born this way…but it’s Founder is a supporter of NAMBLA and they keep adding more to the Alphabet Committee as is NOT normal but people have been “mutated” and also children being manipulated by the masses and the “M’ is silent in the Public Fool System so it won’t be long before LGBTP will be the sic new “norm,” whatever is left of that.

      Being a child born into a cult of sexual abuse that no one does anything about because the powers that shouldn’t be, the string pullers of divide/conquer have ordered this peverse so-called new world which is really just the Old Weird Odour rearing *pun intended* it’s fugly head.

      People need to speak up because children are being targeted ay every level and the world is being “primed.”

    • As something of a confirmation of what you shared, there were rumors that Hef could only become excited by gay movies in the end.

  • Gender/Transgender.

    Direct after the big bang happened, there was ionised hydrogen present.
    Here bipolarity was present as female hydrogen and male hydrogen.
    Helium brought these ions together, where finally a male and a female being appeared on earth.
    A man and a woman exist for a huge amount of water, where they have their mind and/or consciousness.
    Human being now survives in a gender fight, where they could live in love by a gender harmony.
    Because this fight is still present and love is very less on earth, all kinds of gender fights go on.
    By lesbians, there still is a gender fight.
    By gay men, there still is a gender fight.
    This fight can also appear inside one human being, which creates an inner transgender situation.

    It is also possible to reunite the bipolar gender inside one human being.
    In this being appears by inner gender love a paradise within the own body.

    • There are only two sexes and if you’re outside that arena you’ve been mutated.
      I do agree that we carry both male and female genes but still depending on/if our genes have been mutated one appears stronger than another but no matter what there’s still only exists two true sexes…male and female.

  • Hugh Hefner is turing over in his grave. Amazing on how they waited for him to die to do this. Time to Boycott Playboy.

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