Comet Pizza and Ping Pong, Besta Pizza, Politics and Prose, Beyond Borders and Terasol are all business entities on the same block in NW Washington, DC (technically, in Chevy Chase, Maryland).
All four of these businesses are associated with the Clintons. Two of these are overtly associated with the Clintons AND with pedophilia; Beyond Borders and Besta Pizza. Terasol bistro had a pedophilia symbol on its website, which has since been taken down.
Comet Pizza has become embroiled in an emerging scandal, due to the #PodestaEmails batch, released by WikiLeaks on November 6, 2016 – and also due to the lurid Instagram posts made by the restaurant’s owner, James Alefantis.
Hillary Clinton fundraisers were held at Comet Pizza. Restaurateur, James Alefantis is friends with Hillary’s 2016 Presidential Campaign Manager, John Podesta and his brother, lobbyist Anthony Podesta. Alefantis also owns the steak and seafood restaurant next door, Buck’s Fishing and Camping.
Two doors down from Buck’s is Besta Pizza, owned by Andrew Kline, Bill Clinton’s appointee for the Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit of the DoJ.
The Connecticut Avenue Besta Pizza is a franchise of the Besta Pizza national chain. For years, the Besta Pizza logo (at least for the one on Connecticut Ave.) included a pizza slice containing a symbol well-known by law enforcement to signify pedophilia.
This is a side-by-side comparison of Besta Pizza’s old logo next to an image that symbolizes “man-boy love”, which was hacked from the FBI by WikiLeaks and soon afterwards, declassified, in April 2016.
After the WikiLeaks story broke, Besta Pizza quickly changed their logo. The Wayback Machine website, where I obtained the image above, last week no longer has any archives regarding Besta Pizza. (By the way, “Besta” means “beast” in Portuguese).
Allegedly, an underground tunnel connects all three venues, according to pictures of the alleged excavation (with ping pong table in the background), posted on Alefantis’ Instagram, which is covered by this site, created to chronicle the discoveries of citizen investigators, since neither the local police nor the FBI are particularly interested in prosecuting powerful pedophiles. The site was created, in part because Alefantis, sensibly (for a change) set his restaurant’s Instagram account to “private”.
Unfortunately, many of the original 4chan posts have also been taken down, as these people are in fear for their lives. Another hard worker in this citizens’ investigation is Brittany Pettibone, who has exhaustively explored the perverse posts on Alefantis’ Instagram account, in turn posting her findings to her Twitter and YouTube accounts.
On the other side of Comet Pizza on Connecticut Avenue in DC is the Politics and Prose bookstore, which was purchased in 2011 by former Hillary Clinton senior adviser and speechwriter, Lissa Muscatine. Across the street is Beyond Borders, a charity focused on Haiti and funded by the Clinton Foundation.
Two doors from that is Terasol, a “French bistro and artisan gallery”, whose website used to feature the adult-on-underage girl pedophilia symbol, a heart within a heart:
Compare the image above with the FBI’s declassified symbols, below. The symbol used by Terasol additionally contains a small toddler’s hand, within an adult hand.
The same page contains a slider of images featuring VIP customers, including Madeleine Albright and Hillary Clinton. This symbol was scrubbed from the site around November 7, similarly to how the man-boy symbol on the Besta Pizza website was also taken down.
For the unschooled, which I was and remain, somewhat until this week, “Pizza” is code/slang which can refer to sexualized underage children, especially girls and images of same.
James “jimmycomet” Alefantis is the ex-lover of David Brock, founder of the George Soros-funded Media Matters, a Liberal media watchdog group. Brock is also Head of Correct the Record, a pro-Hillary super PAC which has gone on the record, stating that it funds millions of dollars for online trolls to confront anyone writing negative comments about Hillary Clinton on social media such as Facebook, Reddit, Twitter and 4chan.
The video posted above contains some images from Alefantis’ Instagram account, which are far less racy than some of the other ones out there and referred to above. Many of these are smutty images, involving pizza slices covering up the private parts of adults (we’re relieved that the naked pics are of adults). Much of it is homoerotic but there are some naked ladies – with pizza – too.
These posts were definitely inappropriate, for the official Instagram account of a “family-friendly” restaurant, whose owner was recently listed as #49 in GQ’s list of Washington DC’s 50 Most Powerful People.
This clip is of a nighttime performance at Comet Pizza by the DC-based punk band called Heavy Breathing. They play at Comet Pizza often and this is their official website (WARNING, profane graphic content.).
For all the world, this introduction to a song sounds like a Satanist/pedophile stand-up comedy routine, which is only funny to the apparent pedophile Satanists in the audience. The routine is incomprehensible to most people because it largely uses inside code/slang. Nonetheless, it very clearly refers to “Euthanasia” and the “Putting down” of a newborn baby – and is rejoined by uproarious laughter from the crowd (!)
While none of the information published and linked on this page can convict any of the parties cited above on anything, it is certainly suggestive of child abuse or worse and definitely indicative of the many pervasive connections between the Clintons, their Foundation, their confidantes and associates with child trafficking and pedophilia. This is especially so, because in at least one of the images attached in an email, there appears to be a hidden zipped data file within the .jpg, a directory (PK), which could not have happened by accident. There’s no word yet on what this directory contains but there are suspicions that it could contain illegal imagery and/or discussion or else a password to open another zip file or enter an illegal website.
It may be worthwhile to legally investigate some of these parties. uses boy pedophile symbol and on his yt channel logo
he has over 600k subscribers and over 45 mill views on his yt channel
please help me expose this sick man on his channel comments
Proliferating this abject lie is an insult to the real victims of Ritual Sexual Abuse.
Pizzagate is a psy-op, and investigating it is detrimental to the CT community. For shame.
As one would expect much of the evidence for the alleged skullduggery is highly circumstantial at best, however it does seem credible given the odd use of apparent code words in the Wikileaks emails. I admit to having next to no understanding of these obscenities but given the evidence of high level paedophilia here in the United Kingdom, the Jimmy Saville affair for example, an investigation in the United States does seem to be in order. Thank you for your efforts on behalf of the children. I cannot imagine the fate of some of them if this is even half true.
Proclaim ‘innocent till proven guilty’ all ya want fellas, but I’m old and these sorts of reports, pre internet were prolific in 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. I read many and the implications were/are beyond my abilities to even comprehend let alone want to know more. All those indicators are not just coinky-dinky boyz. Been in the rumor mill in America for well over 40 years, and the one pointer finger always focused on Europe and Asia as the real pervs…well, wuhduhyanooooooo, 3 fingers pointin’ at the pointers? Ya, coinky-dinky-stinky.
Agree. These posters do not know what you know, what loads of us know. Poor, ignorant souls still “believe” that there’s a justice which is equal and real. Wake up!
The most relevant comment made in this video clip is when the narrator says: “Maybe I’m reading too much into this….” Is there any hard evidence anywhere that any of these pizza shops are linked to the trafficking of minors – or anyone else for that matter – or to other types of pedophilia? I suppose the documentation of factual research has truly become a thing of the past. Well I’m comforted by the notion that President-elect, Trump will put an end to this type of crude, baseless wildly unsubstantiated accusation against someone presumably because they represent an opposing political viewpoint from that of the accuser.
Yeah, right.
Wrong. I’m a lifelong Democrat. The information I posted here is 3/4s of what I have but it was getting long and there are so many moving parts. Brock used to be a Republican operative, prior to working for Soros. Guys like him – and seemingly everyone at the top of the Hillary 2016 campaign are soulless sellout scumbags.
Who could ever actively support, let alone vote for a candidate so utterly bereft of intellect and heart? Who could ever vote for this naked criminal, that she is? She’s the most criminal candidate that I’ve ever heard of – she might be the most criminal human being I’ve ever heard of!
Maybe one day, a ‘Scarface’-type Hollywood film will be made about the true story of Hillary and she’ll finally achieve the hero status that she always craved – among the crew that grew up playing “Grand Theft Auto”.
I do hope that justice is served.
You sound like one of the thousands of trolls that David Brock’s group has admitted to paying. You’re not a subscriber to my newsletter, so I don’t know what you’re doing here.
You know, there could be nothing to this. And in America, we’re supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, and there’s no proof of anything here (the little girl being taped down is very disturbing though, as I can’t imagine ANY reason to ever do this)> That being said, we are talking about Clinton and DC, which means greedy perverts.
I agree about the “greedy perverts” tag – especially for Bill – but what must be emphasized is your point about being innocent until proven guilty. Especially in a situation in which, as far as I can tell, there have no charges brought forth against the Clintons regarding this imagined pedophilia ring, or even a formal investigation. I fully support investigative journalism, but I don’t support a “journalist” who publicly draws conclusions from insufficient research and unsubstantiated interpretations of that insufficient research.
you can keep your eyes behind the blinders as long as you wish, ask yourself why has no charges been filed, ? This shit goes way up the chain, to the top and beyond. So “people” if you want to call them that, are very, very perverse. And will use what ever they can, to show dominance over others, including murdering children, after raping them first. Saying it ain’t so, cannot make it all better, open your eyes, see what has happened, maybe stop it from happening again, you sure as hell won’t be able to jail these pedophiles, too much power behind them, and blackmail, cause you know there must be pictures. Just find the proof, hell never mind they are above the law, and write them as well, they commit murder for a pass time, war for fun and profit. Just think about what leaders of this nation have done to us, and are still doing. Sorry I just had to let it out. I hope some sniper goes out and has target practice with their heads, just wishing for swift justice, however that would make me no better then them. I’ll close my trap now, I have removed all doubt.