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Pizzagate & Pedo Joe – The Truth Will Rock the World – MAJ Jeffrey Prather

Retired DEA and SOCOM officer, Jeffrey Prather joins Sean at the SGT Report to talk about the latest developments in the current 5th Generation War.

What’s great is that Sean directly asks Jeff questions about some of the most controversial and viral topics discussed by the truth community, starting with the significance of the film, ‘Sound of Freedom’, about which Jeff says that the release and the success of this suppressed film is an “Opening breach of the Deep State’s dark economy defenses.”

Jeff explains, “I worked the Nogales, Arizona, Nogales-Sonora Border as a DEA special agent for 10 years. I did cross border operations, over border, under border, tunnels – all of those kinds of operations and I’m intimately familiar with them and so, for me, there’s nothing new in saying that the Cartel controls the Border.

“The Cartel has controlled the border for a long time. Every plaza or corridor is controlled by a cartel and run by a federale comandante and in my day, he used to pay a million dollars to get that corridor and then he would take a mordida, which is a little ‘bite’ out of everyone coming across.

“Nowadays, everybody that comes across is in thrall to the Cartel and that includes all the little children. Under the Obama administration, I was saying, Obama was pimping kids very clearly – but Pedo Joe, as I call him and Joe’s Pedos are a thousand times worse.

“Now, they’re putting these kids into hotels, from San Diego to New York. It’s one thing to be in a fenced-in enclosure where you can see what’s going on, it’s another thing to put children into hotel rooms and that’s really just child brothels coming home to the United States…

“The Deep State consumes everything, produces nothing and so all they can do is run children and guns and drugs and that’s exactly what we have evolved down into. That’s why we’re still giving money to Afghanistan, why we’ve got troops over in Ukraine – and we do – in Syria, as well, because it’s endless gray wars to support their corrupt economy.”

When Sean asks Jeff what he has to say about a horrible child snuff video, known as ‘Frazzledrip’ rumored to have been found on the laptop of Anthony Weiner, the ex-husband of Hillary Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin, he had this to say:

“I think [‘Frazzledrip’] is true. I’ve seen bits and pieces of that and I worked in the Manhattan office of the DEA and therefore, closely with the New York PD and after 9/11, they established their own task force headquarters, because they didn’t want anything to do with the FBI, because the FBI just manages all of this – but no, I think that is true.”

When Sean presses Jeff about Devolution, first laid out by Jon Herold (aka Patel Patriot) and furthered by Derek Johnson, Jeff has this to say about the latter:

“I think he’s very intelligent, I think he’s well-meaning but he is naïve, because he’s trying to say that the government is following the law – and they are simply not following the Constitution, at all, in any regard.

“First of all, the President does not declare war, the Congress declares war and we really haven’t had a declared war in a long time. But regardless of that, none of these folks follow the Constitution anymore. Now, what’s very interesting is the Executive Emergency Declarations – those are interesting, that Trump put some those in place.”

Jeff then volunteers the following about Q:

“I know people want to talk about Q and ‘The military’s in charge’, so let me say that I do believe there was or still may be a Q Team. I outed Ezra Cohen Watnick as head of that Q Team and I only outed him because I had information that Barr was going to indict him and I think that maybe because I put that out, it didn’t happen…

“There are dueling executive orders to activate different elements of the Defense Department…There are elements of the intelligence community and elements of the Department of Defense and that are using dual Executive Emergency Orders against each other but I don’t think that Trump is secretly in charge. I don’t think that, at all, I don’t think the military is secretly in charge.

“The military is not a singular entity. It’s an entity of orders…and that is what has been really been used against us to a big extent. Where it is wrong is the intelligence community has subsumed the Department of Defense and that should never have happened.”

Jeff says the FBI is not a law enforcement organization, it’s an intelligence organization with law enforcement capabilities and that FBI whistleblower, Garrett O’Boyle, Army Veteran recently said as much.

He says the FBI has been interfering in US elections for a long time and, “They are shaping the battlefield or shaping reality to their forces of action…And that began, you could say under the Bushes [and] was followed-up under Reagan, with Ollie North.”

As for the 2024 Election, he thinks it may be prevented from occurring but he does see a resistance building up at the local level.

There are many more juicy nuggets in this interview, including a comment about the involvement of the CIA and Mossad in 9/11.

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