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Here’s the the latest video by Greg Reese, about the looming central bank digital currency or CBDC, which is the reason for all of the insanity that we see worldwide.

Between the Death Shot and the Pentagon running PSYOPs on Twitter, which was just confirmed and CENTCOM’s development of Scytl software, which is used in 80% of the world’s elections, plus the Omnibus Bill, which just passed under the protest of a great majority of Americans, it is clear that a massive element inside every agency and branch of the US Government is not only at war with its own citizens but with all of the citizens of the world.

They are killing us and they are railroading us into the the Central Bank Digital Currency Zero Carbon Social Credit Slave System – and THAT is what all of this is about.

The Death Shot, the controlled demolition of all of the world’s economies are ALL about that: imploding all existing structures and “Building Back Better” with this Orwellian programmable money scheme that Aaron Russo talked about back in 2009, where they can “turn off your chip”.



A Key component of human life is enlightenment, the awakening from the darkness of deception into the light of truth.

The so-called Great Awakening has really been going on forever.

And before MAGA and QAnon, the consensus was that the banks were at the top of the criminal pyramid structure.

And while many of us assumed that a hidden hand was pulling their strings, as well, we realized that their main goal was a digital currency and a cashless society.

It was the subject of several documentaries.

And it was also commonly discussed that they will likely use Big Pharma to get us there.

But now it’s as if everyone has just accepted it and found something else to fight about, because the cashless society is being rolled-out right now and very few people seem bothered by it.

In November of 2019, right before COVID, the institute of politics at Harvard Kennedy School had a live tabletop exercise called Digital Currency Wars: A National Security Crisis Simulation, which looked at how the United States can continue to leverage economic power in a world of national digital currencies, such as the Chinese Digital Yuan, which is already heavily competing in trade against the US dollar and seems to be at the forefront of centralized digital currencies.

And it has an expiry date. If you don’t spend it by then, it becomes worthless, so people can no longer save money.

The Bank for International Settlements has announced that the central bank will have “absolute control” on the rules and regulations and will have technologies to enforce it.

The Central Bank of Brazil is planning to launch their centralized digital currency in 2024.

Israel is about to launch theirs.

And the Bank of England is preparing a UK digital currency.

Italy’s new prime minister, Meloni is speaking out against a cashless society but she seems to stand alone on the world stage.

In the Federal Reserve’s digital currency scheme, it appears that Hedera and Quant will be used on the technology side.

They’re already connected to everything.

The Cashless Society is here but everyone is talking about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

The goal was never to put an old, senile puppet into the presidency to ruin havoc.

The goal was to create a cashless society.

And so, while bringing Joe Biden to justice may feel like a victory, the tyrants are still getting exactly what they wanted.

And once it’s all said and done, then who will save you?

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • For centuries, the Rothschild clan BIS and City of London have utilized various governments to exploit societies. The Federal Reserve [and the ECB ?] have been structured into a guise of a government entity with covert shareholder ownership [alleged] to be behind a closely held FRBOG, Inc. The alleged profitability of Deficit Spending appears to be insufficient for the clan. Ref. FEDERAL RESERVE FOR DUMMIES .

    The clan now wants direct control by banking institutes with less government oversight. Putin, and China [?] appear to be resisting clan domination. Clan implants appear to have made successful infiltration of U.S. agencies, with additional minions implanted into state agencies.

    To be successful, and acceptable, a currency must have a stable value. Chinese have not accepted bank tokens as a suitable currency. The rest of the world is a future experiment.

  • Alex, Thank you so much. The digital control comes from Davos, but goes off world. We and the masses are convinced and even becoming bored with the mountains of evidence and speculation. about UFOs and alien agendas. At some point we need more than half of us who have learned THE COLLECTIVES are here, what they do to the worlds that they take over, how they cleverly and silently are doing it and what we must do to respond. What we have to do is now more important than gathering more mountains of evidence and speculation, but we have to become very clear about the context and united in our response. Always glad to share your great work Alex.

    I am an advocate for The Allies of Humanity.

  • This was prophesied over 2,000yrs ago by Jesus Christ when He told St. John to relay the message further on to coming generations. A devout and gifted Christian modern day prophet form New Zealand/Australia, named Barry Smith also prophesied of it specifically, back in the early-1980s.

    Cash has been getting phased out globally since the Global Financial Crisis in 2008. This is how long they take, and this is how their deceptive work is subtly made manifest.
    Their work is sneaky and, pretty soon, the big deception will manifest, when we see “The False Prophet” (spoken of in the Holy Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ) emerge on the world stage to deceive the masses away from Christ an.

    The False Prophet will introduce the Antichrist to the whole world as “The 2nd Coming of Christ”. This is what Jesus is talking about when he speaks of it in the gospel of St. Matthew (Ch.24; Vss. 5-6) when he says “Take heed that no man deceives you. For many shall come in my name, saying I am the Christ, and shall deceive many.”, and many people will believe.

    This is how they deceive so many people. They come n Christ’s name, i.e. as so-called “Christians”. Only, they’re not Christian faithful. They’re deceived, and are perpetuating the deception they got caughtup in. with their “Universal Religion”, better known as the Catholicism It wiil be very convincing that the antichrist is who the False Prophet claims him to be, even though neither of them comes from Jesus Christ and God.

    The Antichrist’s initials are “W.W.W.” This is one aspect of how his name will make it really easy for things with a web address to be transferred into become registered into belonging to his name (for example, personal bank accounts, medical insurance accounts, gov’t agency vehicle registration accounts, and small business web address, etc.)… Everything/anything with a web address starting with the usual “www.____” will be able to be transferred.

    The False Prophet:
    The Pope of Catholicism (Head of the Roman Empire’s “universal religion”)

    The Antichrist:
    William Windsor Wales, Heir Apparent to the Crown of the British Empire and Head Priest of the Anglican Church (equivalent to the Pope of the British Empire’s “universal religion” ).

    Here is wisdom…
    The calculation required to confirm proof of the name of the Antichrist as that which is used as the Mark on all who wish to trade n the national/international (worldwide) financial economy, i.e., have a job, receive wages, pay rent, take a mortgage loan, buy food, pay bills, and buy any regular consumables such as food or wine, etc., etc.:
    “W” is the 23rd letter of the English alphabet, the most widely spoken language of the 20th and 21st centuries, and 2 x 3 = 6. To confirm this, “U” is the 21st letter, and 2 + 1 = 3. Double the “U”, equals Double “U”, AKA “W”, and double the 3 equals 6.

    W = 6 and U = 3… Therefore, “WWW” equals “”666”. Don’t be so astonished at this. Why do you marvel at the simplicity?

    • It could be the other way around that anti Christ wrote the book in order to make things come true as they say in it.
      Don’t be carried away too much by religious belief as there are also many other possibilities.
      I am not an anti Christ, but I’m just learning lessons after all disappointments.

  • If one trusts the government to always be just, then digital currency seems beneficial.

    Fortunately governments have an overwhelming track record of being untrustworthy.

    As is, the central governments of the world, including the US do not have complete control of cash flow, but they have adequately demonstrated a lust for total control. Money is property as long as you own it completely to do as you will with it. There are degrees of ownership. Fiat money is subject to the flux of its current recognized value, but so are other forms of property. But as is, property owners have the opportunity to hedge their property in order to protect it from negative pressures upon it, even improve its value if managed wisely.

    But, state digital currency is a matter of state owned currency! Completely! No transaction will escape state scrutiny. As the CCP has already demonstrated, “credit scores” can be imposed based upon many other factors of ones behavior.

    Behave as directed by “the authorities” and you remain free to use your property, but if you misbehave, big brother may restrict your use, even bar you use of it completely until you conform.

    It’s the ideal world of authoritarians who think they know best how to spend or restrict use of other people’s property.

    You will own nothing, but you will be happy.

    Orwell was right.

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