June 17, 2013

Twitter: @CarlaDauden / Instagram: carla_dauden

This video was recorded right before the recent protests started, but with all of this going on, it becomes even more evident that the World Cup and the Olympics should not be our priority. The world has to know about what’s really going on. Please share

I know this is a brief overview, so if you want to know more about the problems discussed in the video, please check the links below:

A Nova Democracia (The New Democracy)-

Dominio Publico (Public Domain)-

Copa pra quem?

Comite Popular do Rio


Marcelo Lacerda –


NOTE: Published on June 20, 2013
(Translated by Alexandra Bruce)

Hi people!

I’ve been watching with a mixture of surprise and fear at what is happening, in the wake of the video I posted to YouTube. Besides being very grateful to all those who shared it and to those who have contributed constructively to the debate, I would like to point out some important things.

Please read this as my attempt to position myself, in the face of criticism and as a caveat before any group that does not represent me makes use of my video.

– I vehemently dislike any speech that endangers the Democratic State, our citizen’s rights and the rule of law;

– No, I do not favor the impeachment of anyone. Do not use my video to defend this idea;

– No, I am not part of, nor do I sympathize with any political party or social movement, despite not being apolitical but I do have passing clarity about my ideological convictions;

– My initial intent did not have anything to do with the protests against the bus fare increase, however, I am in total solidarity with those protestors because, like all other social movements and demonstrations currently underway in Brazil, we are all trying to reverse the historic injustices and social inequalities in our country;

– My publication of this video just happened to coincide with the protests. Check out the date of my initial posting;

– As I explain in the beginning of the piece, I only used English because my first goal was to talk with my Americans friends and colleagues and the rest of the world, with the intention of showing the reality of our country and to bring international attention to the issue, with the idea of generating more pressure and greater attention for the desired changes to occur.

– Finally, and most importantly, I do not have the answers as to what is happening in the streets, I am neither political nor an activist, I just wanted to express my thoughts. Believe me – and I’m glad to say, that not everything in this world is created by political or financial interests.

Those who are much more prepared to answer these questions are to be found in the various organizations and legitimate social movements who have been struggling daily for quite some time, in order for the World Cup and the Olympics to not trample over the rights of Brazilians.

I would appreciate it greatly if you can help spread this message and to not use the video for causes that are not consistent with the ideas above.


Esse video foi gravado logo antes dos recentes protestos no Brasil, mas agora com tudo isso acontecendo, ainda mais evidente que a copa e as olimpiadas nao deveriam ser nossa prioridade. O mundo tem que saber sobre o que realmente está acontecendo. Por favor passe adiante

Eu sei que esse video e um curto resumo, entao se voce quiser saber mais sobre os problemas discutidos, dao uma olhada nos links acima.

Shot by Anel Zilic

Special thanks to:
A Nova Democracia
Domínio Público
Marcelo Lacerda
TV Record
Brasil Urgente
Laura Daudén
Anel Zilic
Ana Luiza Fernandes

NOTA publicada dia 20 de Junho de 2013

Oi gente!

Estou acompanhando com um misto de surpresa e temor o que vem acontecendo por conta do vi­deo que postei no YouTube. Alem de ser muito grata a todos aqueles que compartilharam e que tem contribuido com o debate construtivo, gostaria de pontuar algumas coisas importantes. Leiam isso como uma tentativa de me posicionar diante de cri­ticas e, sobretudo, diante do uso do meu video por parte de grupos que, definitivamente, nao me representam.

– Repudio, veementemente, qualquer discurso que coloque em risco o Estado Democrático de Direito;

– Nao sou favoravel ao impeachment de ninguem. Nao se utilize de meu video defender essa ideia;

– Nao faco parte nem simpatizo com nenhum partido poli­tico ou movimento social, apesar de nao ser apolitica e de ter bastante clareza sobre minhas conviccoes ideologicas;

– Minha iniciativa nao tem ligaacao alguma com os protestos contra o aumento da tarifa, embora eu seja totalmente solidaria a  causa, como a todas as outras que, de alguma maneira, e atraves dos movimentos sociais, tentam reverter as historicas injusticas sociais e a desigualdade em nosso Pais;

– A publicacao do vi­deo apenas coincidiu com os protestos. Confiram a data da postagem;

– Como explico no inicio da peca, uso o ingles apenas porque meu objetivo primeiro era falar com amigos e colegas americanos e do mundo, com a intencao de mostrar a realidade do nosso pais e trazer atencao internacional ao tema. Consequentemente, essa atencao gera uma pressao maior para que mudanancas ocorram.

– Por ultimo, e principalmente, nao tenho as respostas para o que esta acontecendo, nao sou politica ou ativista, apenas quis manifestar meus pensamentos. Acreditem, felizmente, nem tudo nesse mundo vem a partir de interesses financeiros ou politicos. Muito mais preparados para responder a essas perguntas estao as diversas organizacoes e movimentos sociais legitimos que estao lutando ha bastante tempo, e diariamente, para que a Copa e as Olimpiadas nao passem por cima dos direitos dos brasileiros.

Agradeco enormemente se puderem ajudar a espalhar essa mensagem e peco que nao usem o video para causas que nao condizem com as ideias acima.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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