Here’s the latest video by the brilliant Greg Reese, with links to the seven papers cited.


Scientists have been designing ways to put their so-called vaccines in the food supply and it seems they may have created an avenue to begin this, brought to you my the American Chemical Society and four scientists from Communist China.

Functional Hybrid Micro/Nanoentities are being implemented to promote food safety. To detect hazardous substances in agricultural food products – they’re putting in experimental hazardous substances.

Molecular-Imprinted Polymer-Quantum Dots installs a surveillance platform into your food and body.

Molecular Imprinting Polymers integrated with upconversion luminescent nanoparticles conducts chemical analysis of your food and body.

Upconversion Luminescent Nanoparticles, Combined with Metal-Organic Frameworks are tunable, porous metals that have the power to regulate the dispensing nutrition to comply with international mandates.

Magnetic Metal-Organic Frameworks are metal frameworks designed for targeting drug delivery.

Magnetic Covalent Organic Frameworks are used for sensing food in the human body and –

Covalent Organic Frameworks Doped with Quantum Dots are used for detection of insecticide.

If they wanted to regulate healthy food, they would promote organic growing, not inject a cocktail of metallic nanotech into the entire food supply.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • There’s a project that’s started in CA with lettuce and spinach as explained in this article:

    Veterinarians have been injecting zoo animals with mRNA shots: (short video | non-offensive)

    So are they injecting the farm animals too? No? Then how is this happening as seen in this short video: ? After seeing this, along with other videos illustrating the same, I went to Lowe’s and bought a small but strong magnet (3/pkt) to carry in my purse, so I have it readily available if meat is on my grocery list. So far, I’ve not run into this at all and I primarily shop at HEB.

    Draw your own conclusions. As for me, organic meat or not, I’m sure to test it first. And short of growing our own gardens, not much can be said for produce. (There are a lot of interesting concepts out there. Tower gardens is one of them.)

    Thank you for sharing, Alexandra. It appears they’ve been at this for several years. Kinda puts a new spin on saying grace before we eat, “Lord, please let nothing we ingest bring harm to our bodies…”

  • I hope cilantro can pull these heavy metals out of our bloodstream, but I have a feeling this is different since it’s tech.

  • Nano Particles to Contaminate Entire Food Supply Under Guise of Food Safety video does not appear on your page using Windows 10 and Mozilla Firefox.

    • William, I also find that Firefox now blocks videos embedded from Rumble.

      It is likely the ad blocker in Firefox. It works when I switch to Chrome, which I keep ad blocker-free.

      Switch to another browser that has no ad blocker.

  • Bury gates before nuclear incineration. make sure that prion contamination did not wreak havok on his brain development. Why would his own father provide him with endless cocaine and trafficked underaged girls to keep him home? Mental illness. Period.

  • There’s a project that’s started in CA with lettuce and spinach as explained in this article:

    Veterinarians have been injecting zoo animals with mRNA shots: (short video | non-offensive)

    So are they injecting the farm animals too? No? Then how is this happening as seen in this short video: ? After seeing this, along with other videos illustrating the same, I went to Lowe’s and bought a small but strong magnet (3/pkt) to carry in my purse, so I have it readily available if meat is on my grocery list. So far, I’ve not run into this at all and I primarily shop at HEB.

    Draw your own conclusions. As for me, organic meat or not, I’m sure to test it first. And short of growing our own gardens, not much can be said for produce. (There are a lot of interesting concepts out there. Tower gardens is one of them.) The date of that first article above from Vision Times is Sept 2021, so if it’s in its beginning stages, we may have time to prepare in some way, somehow sooner than later.

  • big-food/tech/medicine wants to force feed us nannybot surveillance implants sounds like alot o crap to me
    drink steam distilled water (same as pure rain, add a little baking soda to make coffee and tea )
    you get absorb able minerals from nutrient rich foods grown in good soil not from rocks
    do not eat at restaurants, cook it yourself or eat a raw food diet
    get off of big-pharma drug supply use natural herbs and spices
    toss the microwave oven it kills the nutritional value of your food and imprints death in water
    don’t believe me microwave some water and try to germinate seeds with it.
    but then again what if the microwaves can blast the metallic crap right out of the nanobots.
    we definitely need a better weapon or cure.

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