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Minority Report: Young Black Conservatives


At a time when Trump supporters are falsely accused of hate crimes, publicly shamed by false associations with the Ku Klux Klan, with actress Alyssa Milano declaring of the Covington High School boys, “The red MAGA hat is the new white hood,” imagine the pressures of being a young Black Conservative in America today?

The truth is that Trump supporters, regardless of color are far more threatened with violence than they are apt to be perpetrators of violence, in our coup d’état environment powered by a shrill media intent on saturating peoples’ minds with hatred, division and lies.

This unexpectedly good documentary takes us to the Young Black Leadership Summit in DC in October 2018. It was produced by an arch-Liberal VICE News crew that was predisposed to be hostile to the topic but which actually put out a great report.

It features the fabulous Candace Owens, who describes herself until recently as “Conservative-Curious” but who grew weary of the failed policies of a party that kept trying to sell her her own oppression. As the leader of the Blexit movement, she encourages African-Americans to get off the Democrat “plantation”.

Myself, as a lifelong Liberal, who recently had the scales removed from my eyes, I’m very inspired by what I see here.  The high energy jumps off the screen!

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