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In 2016, comedians who used to be funny, like Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, John Oliver, Jimmy Kimmel and Trevor Noah were all hijacked by the Globalists and impressed into their war against Trump and populism.

For six years, these former comics have been in “Lock Step”, as the cheerless gaslighters and the scolding nags of wokeism, now commanding their viewers to take the Death Shot.

I’ve bewailed the horrors of “Propaganda Comedy” since 2016, in which Deep State assets PSYOP their audiences with corporatist talking points masquerading as jokes.

They’ve odiously morphed into shills for the very despots they used to rail against, coercing their viewers to believe their technocrat-directed takes on the daily news.

The antics of Stephen Colbert in particular, a man I once idolized are particularly revolting. His audience is screamed at nightly and browbeaten into submission with his CIA-scripted barbs in what passes for an opening monologue.

What they’ve all forgotten is that comedy isn’t funny unless it rings true.

In a profession devastated by Communist censorship and blackmail, Ryan Long, like Dave Chapelle is one of the last funny comedians left on the planet.

Unlike the others cited here, Ryan came of age at the height of this Great Information War and he’s been tirelessly taking a run at the mass formation psychosis in our midst.

He threads the needle and manages to be side-splittingly hilarious without getting himself de-platformed.

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