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Cannibal Mouse

In an attempt to finally prove or disprove their mothers’ warnings that sugary breakfast cereal was “as nutritious as cardboard,” the Mythbusters set up a controlled experiment using laboratory mice. One group was fed normal mouse food, the second group was fed sugary...

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Ali G – On Science

Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV August 24, 2010 This goes out to all the Ali G fans in da house! Personally, I am a major fan of “Borat” but I never was a huge fan of Ali G . . . As Ali (Sacha Baron Cohen) tests his panel’s patience by just rattling off numbers...

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Sonic Boom

ForbiddenKnowledgeTV Alexandra Bruce August 24, 2010 We’re all used to the idea that light travels faster than sound. Think about thunderstorms. You always see the lightning before you hear the thunder, despite their both occurring at the same time. Man has been able to beat the...

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