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Kevin Shipp – Arm Yourself, Dark Left Violence is Coming

Greg Hunter interviews former CIA officer, Kevin Shipp about the ongoing coup d’état against the US President and the necessity of enforcing the law on the perpetrators, including former CIA chief, John Brennan and Hillary Clinton, who both brazenly persist in making fraudulent public statements about Trump’s guilt in his collusion with Russia. Like Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper was given a job as a cable news pundit, where he directly fed the seditious talking points of the CIA into the Mainstream Media.

Greg asks whether the Mainstream Media will go down for their seditious role in parroting false CIA propaganda for the past 2 years and Kevin says he believes that the people will take them down, once they understand the scale of the lies they’ve been told but he doesn’t believe that journalists can be charged due to the press protections now in place. One wonders how they will represent the indictments, which he believes are imminent. Leading up to this, Shipp believes the MSM will continue to ramp up its attacks on Trump, on Conservatives, on Christians and Jews, etc.

The punishment for treason/sedition is death and Kevin Shipp anticipates that some of the figures in the case will at least be looking at a couple of decades in prison. Shipp says something that I’ve been thinking about in recent weeks, that the Democrat Party will be put out of business, due to the severity of the many crimes they’ve committed.

Shipp believes that justice will be served but it will be done slowly, so as not to crash the financial markets.

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