Stumping in Muscatine Iowa, during her failed presidential run in 2019, Kamala Harris said she wanted to seize patents owned by individuals and companies, threatening to strip them of their rights to their own products, saying, “Yes, we can do that!…I will snatch their patent so that we will take over.”

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • Is she referring to any particular patents? DARPA licences and leases most of our technocratic corporations patents.

    • Anomalous, does it matter?

      The point is that she is a tribalistic racist Marxist political pawn with no real regard for the US Constitution. Look at what that whole field of leftists from the SF Bay area do and know without a doubt what their agenda is. As in – “you gotta vote for the bill before you can read it”, to quote that leveling schemer Nancy Pelosi who also has no real regard for the US Constitution. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck it’s a duck. I respectfully call your attention to the words of former US Congressman from Florida, retired Colonel Allen West who warned at least a quarter of Congress critters are communists, for which the neocons in his own party made certain he lost the next election. Later Obamacare passage validated Congressman West’s warning!

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