by @AzazelNews (Telegram)
Why now? For the first time ever IRAN is showing off their DUMBs
Ask yourselves why
Why do this now? On the possible Eve of WW3
Langley has analyst studying 📖 this video as we speak 🗣
But what are the Iranians telling the Black Hats / Red Faction 🎩 by this
Why showcase this Hard Power against the West? As they stand by Putin/Russia 🇷🇺
Wasn’t there an idea floated that Tehran hostage crisis (1979-81) was enacted with a specific goal to influence US voters (putting Carter out and Reagan/Bush in):
🙂 “1980 October Surprise theory” –
🙂 or pages 274 to 278 in the online book “The Secret History of Iran” –
In this view, one of goals of the video above, is to influence US voters’ emotions for upcoming elections. The more they are held in fear and confusion, the more they think their vote counts and that it would eventually result in a real change of the system they live under. The more votes are cast, the more of the public consent there seems to be entrusted in the fraudulent system’s domestic and international actions and thus system’s appearance of legitimacy is artificially boosted.
But there is another goal to influence global public into thinking that Iran is a real threat to Israel and the US and world peace. An scripted long lasting illusion that is easily dispelled by reading:
🙂 “Israeli support for Iran during the Iran–Iraq war” –
🙂 “We Never Touched Bottom with Iran/Contra”, another fake CIA’s hostage arms-deal operation –
🙂 “Iran’s Jewish Rulers” –
From the last link:
“The appearance of mass civil unrest, senseless violence, and global volatility suits the interests of the crypto-rulers more than the appearance of stability and predictability. See the now-trendy concept of VUCA, which they admit originated with the U.S. Army War College. In other words, the Army decided to start telling its students they live in a Volatile, Unpredictable, Complex, and Ambiguous world, and everyone in the private sector parroted them. But we don’t live in a VUCA world. We live in a world of unambiguous causality. They tell you otherwise to keep you from asking simple questions and approaching subjects rationally. You’re just supposed to throw your hands up and say, “It’s a crazy world out there”. But it only appears VUCA for those who don’t understand that a small group of elites are pulling all the strings – are creating the VUCA intentionally. And where it’s too risky or expensive to manufacture real VUCA, they simply create the appearance of it through newspapers, television, and social media. If there is a cause for the VUCA – if you can trace it back to a real person or group who is profiting from it – then the VUCA ceases to exist. Poof, it’s gone. As a strange as it sounds, knowing the world is run by despicable people helps you stay sane.”.
By now totally predictable ordinary people of the globe are being played like a fiddle by intelligence apparatus of each country (merged into one giant global hoaxing machine) for the last eighty years. That includes people of the US, originators and enforcers of the old “spreading democracy” drama.
This video is is an opening scene in a new CIA produced global “drama” that will soon unfold on stage as scene one – the US election. People are expected to vote in droves, mainly against each other and for the system to continue according to the new/old “saving democracy” script, a worldwide intelligence co-production.
And if oil price is also hiked up as a consequence of future theatrics, the better. That will raise global audience reception.
In Tehran, Iran Captain Flintstone of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army has reported they have shot down another Canadian commercial airliner puurposely this time, with intel that Nazi Gen. Trudolf was aboard, no reports from Canada to confirm Trudolf whereabouts stay tuned.
blue team vs. green team matchup in this space age special needs psycho Olympics wargame where all the teams with bunkers full of rockets and shit wins a medal just for showing up .
Participation Trophies for Everyone!
The site has a lot of interesting info, including the latest post by QTSR which features a summary of a discussion between Bannon and Kash Patel about the infiltration of Iranians in Biden’s government including Maher Bitar, in charge of Intel Ops and Ariane Tabatabai running Special Ops office for the DOD. Didn’t Obama give Iran tons of cash and was never held accountable for it? Biden took office and immediately removed sanctions on Iran. We are (our DS) funding both sides of this conflict with Israel which is threatening to become nuclear. An Iranian was arrested the day before the attempted assassination.
There is a ton of interesting Intel on this site, which many will find unbelievable and pure fantasy, but I take it very seriously because I have followed this site and related shows for a long time.
I would say if they are truly strong, they won’t even show their stuff off.
Apparently, they r just as dumb as authorities elsewhere.
Tom Hill was in the saddle
One bright November morn,
The echoing glades of Guiting Wood
Where ringing with his horn.
The diamonds of the hoar-frost
Were sparkling in the sun,
Upon the falling leaves the drops
Were shining one by one.
The hare lay on the fallow,
The robin caroled free;
The linnet and the yellow finch
Twittered from tree to tree.
In stately march the sable rook
Followed the clanking plough;
Apart their watchful sentinel
Cawed from the topmost bough.
Peeped from her hole the field-mouse
Amid the fallen leaves;
From twig to twig the spider
Her filmy cable weaves.
The wavings of the pine boughs
The squirrel’s from disclosure;
And through the purple beech-tops
The whirring pheasant rose.
The startled rabbit scuttered
Across the grassy ride;
High in mid-air the hovering hawk
Wheeled round in circles wide.
The freshest wind was blowing
O’er groves of beech and oak,
And through the boughs of larch and pine
The struggling sunbeam broke.
The varied tints of autumn
Still lingered on the wood,
And on the leaves the morning sun
Poured out a golden flood.
Soft, fleecy clouds were sailing
Across the vault of blue;
A fairer hunting morning
No huntsman ever knew.
All nature seemed rejoicing
That glorious morn to see;
All seemed to breathe a fresher life –
Beast, insect, bird, and tree.
But sounds and sight of beauty
Fell dull on eye and ear;
The huntsman’s heart was heavy
His brow oppresses with care.
High in his stirrups raised he stood,
And long he gazed around;
And breathlessly and anxiously
He listened for a sound.
But nought he heard save song of bird,
Or jay’s discordant cry;
Or when among the tree-tops
The wind went murmuring by.
No voice of hound, no sound of horn;
The woods around were mute,
As though the earth had swallowed up
His comrades-man and brute.
The thought, ‘I must essay to find
My hounds at any cost;
A huntsman who has lost his hounds
Is but a huntsman lost.’
The round he turned his horse’s head,
And shook his bridle free,
When he was struck by an aged fox
That sat beneath a tree.
He raised his eyes in glad surprise,
That huntsman keen and bold;
But there was in that fox’s look
That made his blood run cold.
He raised his hand to touch his horn,
And shout a ‘Tally-ho!’
But, mastered by that fox’s eye,
His lips refused to blow,
For he was grim and gaunt of limb,
With age all silvered o’er;
He might have been an Artic fox
Escaped from Greenland’s shore.
But age his vigor had not tamed,
Not dimm’d his sparkling eye,
Which shone with an unearthly fire –
A fire could never die.
And thus the huntsman he addressed,
In tones distinct and clear,
Who heard as they who in a dream
The fairies’ music hear.
‘Huntsman,’ he saida sudden thrill
Through all the listener ran,
To hear a creature of the wood
Speak like a Christian man
‘Last of my race, to me ‘tis given
The future to unfold,
To speak the words which never yet
Spake fox of mortal mould.
‘Then print my words upon your heart,
And stamp them on your brain,
That you to others may impart
My prophecy again.
‘Strong life is yours in manhood’s prime,
Your cheek with heat is red;
Time has not laid his finger yet
In earnest on your head.
‘But ere your limbs are bent with age,
And ere your locks are grey,
The sport that you have loved so well
Shall long have passed away.
In vain shall generous Colmore
Your hunt consent to keep;
In vain the Rendcombe baronet
With gold your stores shall heap.
In vain Sir Alexander,
And Watson Keen in vain,
O’er the pleasant Cotswold hills
The joyous sport maintain.
‘Vain all their efforts: spite of all,
Draws nigh the fatal morn,
When the last Cotswold fox shall hear
The latest huntsman’s horn.
‘Yet think not, huntsman, I rejoice
To see the end so near;
Nor think the sound of horn and hound
To me a sound of fear.
‘In my strong youth, which numbers now
Full many a winter back,
How scornfully I shook my brush
Before the Berkeley pack.
‘How oft from Painswick Hill I’ve seen
The morning mist uncurl,
When Harry Airis blew the horn
Before the wrathful Earl.
‘How oft I’ve heard the Cotswolds’ cry
As Turner cheered the pack,
And laughed to see his baffled hounds
Hang vainly on my track.
‘Then think not that I speak in fear,
Or prophesy in hate;
Too well I know the doom reserved
For all my tribe by fate.
‘Too well I know, by wisdom taught
The existence of my race
O’er all wide England’s green domain
Is bound up with Chase.
‘Better in early youth and strength
The race for life to run,
Than poisoned like the noxious rat,
Or slain by felon gun.
‘Better by wily sleight and turn
The eager hound to foil,
Thank slaughtered by each baser churl
Who yet shall till the soil.
‘For not upon these hills alone
The doom of sport shall fall;
O’er the broad face of England creeps
The shadow on the wall.
‘The years roll on: old manors change,
Old customs lose their sway;
New fashions rule; the grandsire’s garb
Moves ridicule to-day.
‘The woodlands where my race has bred
Unto the axe shall yield;
Hedgerow and copse shall cease to shade
The ever-widening field.
‘The manly sports of England
Shall vanish on by one;
The manly blood of England
In weaker veins shall run.
‘The furzy down, the moorland heath,
The steam plough shall invade;
Nor park nor manor shall escape
Common, nor forest glade.
‘Degenerate sons of manlier sires
To lower joys shall fall;
The faithless lore of Germany,
The guilded vice of Gaul.
‘The sports of their forefathers
To baser tastes shall yield;
The vices of the town displace
The pleasures of the field.
‘For swiftly o’er the level shore
The waves of progress ride;
The ancient landmarks one by one
Shall sink beneath the tide.
‘Time honoured creeds and ancient faith,
The Altar and the Crown,
Lordship’s hereditary right,
Before that tide go down.
‘Base churls shall mock the mighty names
Writ on the roll of time;
Religion shall be held a jest,
And loyalty a crime.
‘No word of prayer, no hymn of praise
Sound in the village school;
The people’s education
Utilitarians rule.
‘In England’s ancient pulpits
Lay orators shall preach
New creeds, and free religions
Self made apostles teach.
‘The peasants to their daily tasks
In surly silence fall;
No kindly hospitalities
In farmhouse or in hall.
‘Nor harvest feast nor Christmas tide
Shall farm or manor hold;
Science alone can plenty give,
The only god is Gold.
“The homes where love and peace should dwell.
Fierce politics shall vex.
And unsexed woman strive to prove
Herself the coarser sex.
‘Mechanics in their workshop
Affairs of State decide;
Honour and truth old fashioned words
The noisy mobs deride.
‘The statesmen that should rule the realm
Coarse demagogues displace;
The glory of a thousand years
Shall end in foul disgrace.
The honour of old England,
Cotton shall buy and sell,
And hardware manufacturers
Cry “Peace! lo! All is well.”
Trade shall be held the only good,
And gain the sole device;
The statesman’s maxim shall be peace,
And peace at any price.
“Her army and her navy
Britain shall cast aside;
Soldiers and ships are costly things,
Defence an empty pride.
The German and the Muscovite
Shall rule the narrow seas;
Old England’s flag shall cease to float
In triumph on the breeze
The footstep of the invader
Then England’s shore shall know,
While homebred traitors give the hand
To England’s every foe.
‘Disarmed, before the foreigner,
The knee shall humbly bend,
And yield the treasures that she lacked
The wisdom to defend.
‘But not for aye-yet once again,
When purged by fire and sword,
The land her freedom shall regain,
To manlier thoughts restored.
“Taught wisdom by disaster,
England shall learn to know
That trade is not the only gain
Heaven gives to man below.
‘The greed for gold departed,
The golden calf cast down,
Old England’s sons again shall raise
The Altar and the Crown.
“Rejoicing seas shall welcome
Their mistress once again;
Again the banner of St. George
Shall rule upon the main.
“The blood of the invader
Her pastures shall manure;
His bones unburied on her fields
For monuments endure.
‘Again in hall and homestead
Shall joy and peace be seen,
And smiling children raise again
The maypole on the green.
‘Again the hospitable board
Shall groan with Christmas cheer,
And mutual service bind again
The peasant and the peer.
“Again the smiling hedgerow
Shall field from field divide;
Again among the woodlands
The scarlet troop shall ride.’
Again it seemed that aged fox
More prophecies would say,
When sudden came upon a wind,
‘Hark forrard! Gone away!’
The listener started from his trance
He sat there all alone;
That well-known cry had burst the spell,
The aged fox was gone.
The huntsman turned. He spurred his steed,
And to the cry he sped;
And, when he thought upon that fox,
Said naught, but shook his head.
Cheltenham, 1871
Publishers Note
It is our privilege to publish The Fox’s Prophecy and to bring this little poem before American sportsmen for the first time.
The original manuscript by an anonymous author was found among some old Church papers by the Rev. Whatley, Vicar of Aston Ingham parish in the county of Gloucestershire. It was given by him to the late William Gordon Canning, Esq about 1889 while the latter was Master of the Ledbury Hounds. Where as the author of the poem is unknown, the end of the manuscript bore the words “Cheltenham, 1871”. In 1914 Mr. Canning published The Fox’s Prophesy in an edition of 250 copies, The proceeds derived from the sale being given to various War Charities.
In 1930 another edition of several hundred copies was published by members of the family to which he duke of Beaufort contributed a foreword. The proceeds from this later edition were devoted to the Gloucester Royal Infirmary in memory of William Gordon Cunning, who died in 1929.
The various people mentioned in the poem existed in real life and were living at the time the poem was written, being connected with either the Berkeley or Cotswold Hunt, sic Mr. Cregoe Colmore was Master of the Cotswold, 1858-1871; Harry Airis was huntsman to the Berkeley, F.W. Fitzhardinge, Bart being the M.F.H. and the “wrathful Earl”.
We are indebted to the late Mr. Canning’s brother, Walter Gordon Canning, Esq of Hartpury, Gloucestershire for the information contained in this Publisher’s note.
As the Duke of Beaufort states in his Foreword in the 1930 edition “many of the views offered by the old Berkeley fox have become curiously and prophetically true.”
The Sporting Gallery & Bookshop, Inc. ©1939
New York
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Everything in media is sumthin’ for public consum’shun.
Is there anything these days that is not propaganda? The targets of propaganda are more likely to be we the people of the world than the “leaders” of the acting nations. While the banking system that we call central banking is funding everything everywhere in every country, we can be sure that everything is working towards a common goal, right?
Do we believe wars and “assassination attempts” are different? Who finances these things?
Whats up with the masks? Are these really Iranians?
Could be propaganda created by the non-Iranians.
I don’t think it’s by non-Iranians, because the video was produced by, “Iran’s Military Achievements” website, where you can clickthrough to get a directory of more such infos and their social media accounts at
Flintstones, meet the Flintstones
They’re the modern Stone Age Family 🎶
funny stuff, masks are still “in”
covidiots are everywhere
It looks like a Hollywood production.
Maybe it really is because of the masks.
Those could be all actors.
It could be CGI, IDK.
fake video to release during these fake times
OR…….it’s just theater! Psychological warfare, a bluff. to make colonial plantation Boss Netanyahu’s lap dog bomber nation think twice before bomb, bomb, bombing another nation into submission.
They show off this impressive, space age military equipment and underground DUMB but they’re so stupid that they walk around wearing COVID masks at the same time…is anything not bizarre these days?
They might be hiding their faces, while pretending to virtue-signal about “health”.
They are acting as going against so-called “West” but they are just the same shit with difference appearance.