Mac-haters will rejoice at this hilarious send-up of the latest “product unveiling”. (The Logo is pretty funny).

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • Heh, sometimes, no, far too often, the absurd and the real are easily mistaken…far too many world wide and national events fall into that category…thanks to the folks who did this little gem.

    • Ha ha! These reactions are hilarious, wondering if – and actually thinking that – this satire is a real Apple commercial. Steve Jobs is barely cold in his grave and Apple has unraveled to such a degree that not even members of its Genius Bars can get behind their own company, anymore!

      I was at an Apple-approved store in Melbourne, FL yesterday, to decide whether I would replace my 4.5 year-old, banged-up MacBook Air (which I’m on for 15 hours per day) or whether I would get the VERY cute MacBook, instead because it’s even lighter and it has a higher-resolution “Retina” screen.

      The man there said they didn’t even have floor samples of MacBooks because *they don’t like them*! Stunned, I asked why and he took me over to a wall, where multiple adaptors and newly-designed plugs, were hanging, costing up to $80 each. It’s the same problem (aka sales strategy) as with the new iPhone: the MacBook has only one jack, which forces you to buy these new expensive plugs and adaptors and no previous generation of plugs will work with the new devices. It’s such a railroading; a total herding of people, it’s just pure evil!

      He also said that the WorkBook essentially uses a tablet’s processor, so it doesn’t have very much computing power – and it costs exactly the same as the smallest MacBook Pro, which is actually a very powerful computer, which has even higher screen resolution.

      The MacBook Air is also a real computer – not a tablet – and it sacrifices screen resolution for computing power to maintain its light weight, which is important for those of us who live on a computer and need to drag it around all over the place.

      I’d wondered why, when I dipped into a Apple Store in Chicago last July to see the new stuff, that the “Genius” also told me I definitely didn’t want to get a MacBook. They are total eye candy, so I was dumbfounded. I was in too much of a rush and had to leave before I could find out why.

      Mac is releasing a whole new line of computers within the next few weeks, and nobody knows what the changes to each model are going to be. The guy fixed my “E” key for free and told me that if I wasn’t in an absolute rush, to hold off until they release them, so I could make the best decision. Liam and many others say I shouldn’t get a Mac, at all.

      As disappointed as I am with the direction of Apple, I don’t want to re-learn how to use a computer, even though I worked on them for years, a decade ago, while working at a company that used Dells networked into the Great Plains $250k live inventory/accounting/contact software. Every time I get on a PC, I just think it’s so ugly in there and I don’t want to be looking at that all day, considering that this is exactly what I do.

      So, I’ll be biting the bullet again…

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