UFOs are in the air, again, with the The New York Post reporting “Mysterious Lights” hovering over Washington, DC, which some experts are referring to as “lens flares”.

You can check the video, above and decide for yourself.

It’s rather uncanny, how these lights appear to re-enact the famous “1952 Capitol UFO Flyover” event, which Dan Willis recently told James Grundvig was actually the Antarctica Nazis intimidating the Truman and Eisenhower administration.

Willis says that Admiral Byrd’s Operation Highjump, a few years previous to the Flyover was a failed attack on the Nazi base in Antarctica that had wiped-out nearly all the US Navy sailors and ships involved, due to the Nazis having advanced anti-gravity and Directed Energy Weapons technology.

The US Secretary of the Navy, James Forrestal allegedly wanted the world to know about the Nazi threat from Antarctica, which is why urban legends claim he was “suicided” by being thrown out of a window of Walter Reed Hospital.

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Alexandra Bruce

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