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How to Become Gluten Intolerant: JP Sears

This is one of many hilarious episodes of JP Sears’ ‘Ultra Spiritual Life’ series on YouTube, which sends up a certain kind of New Age sanctimoniousness that sometimes makes me want to live a Gluten-Free-Free life.

Relax. It’s comedy. Of course, Celiac Disease, Gluten Intolerance and -Sensitivity are real. There are many nutritionists and naturopaths who are qualified to insist that everybody, whether sensitive to these foods or not should avoid all grains that contain gluten, among other nasty foods, like meat and extracted oils, if they want to extend their longevity and quality of life (because delicious food and haute cuisine doesn’t count as a quality of life).

I’ll post something soon about the other foods that you must never eat, in order to avoid cancer and accelerated decrepitude. It will make you very, very angry. But for now, have a laugh.

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