What is there left to say?

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • the demoncrats hold their convention times close to the witching hour on a full moon for full effect calling in dark entities and throwing pizza parties for the vampish delegates delight . but she is still considered good people in sum circles and being caught elbow deep frazzledripping on video is somehow still not a crime .

  • These Devils are the perfect leaders for the all the atheists who follow the Pokémon religion…They deserve to be Mislead by arrogant tyrants

  • This criminal channel is using some kind of optical manipulation to overlap that pattern of Clinton’s face which damages HUMAN EYES!!!! STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone knows CLinton’s are satanic, what’s your point in damaging the rest of us???

  • This is dumb like really dumb dumb.

    Smarter alternative web sites are pointing out that Hillary looked a hell lot younger now than she did a few years ago and questioning, here let me help you.

    Was that really Hillary?

    Did she get a huge dose of adrenochrome during the DNC?

    Could it be tons of make up?

    These are what the real alternative journalists are looking into.

  • There is something strange going on at the White House while everyone is distracted by the DNC and protestors in Chicago. Apparently they are putting all these fences up and are preparing for an event. Usually it takes about week to prepare for a ceremony such as an Inauguration. Another strange happening is all live cams around the White House are currently down.

    Could there be some passing of power event from Biden to Kamala happening soon? Something is in the works that we won’t know until later.

    I have also came across a book called “The Last President or 1900” by Ingersoll Lockwood. It tells the story of socialists in their final take over of America. What makes this book very relevant now is that in it, both Chicago and DC is in flames.

    Did I mention that the type of fencing being put in DC is wood?

    • Please take a chill pill. Some of us truth seekers jump to conclusions.

      Your post isn’t as well thought out like Ben’s post below or the people discussing Kim Clement’s Hyatt Regency prophecy may happen during the DNC.

      There are people on the ground in DC, videos are easy to find, like this one…
      Near the end of the video he shows us the “wooden fences” you speak of. He also does some basic research and confirms it is NOT fencing.

      My intentions are good, I have nothing against you as a person. The book you bought up is interesting. They usually write a novel about some event before it happens, like they did with Titanic. Book has some merit.

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