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Heal for Free – Trailer

The wonders never cease.

Who knew that this lovely film, with such an uplifting message, that had been abandoned by its previous financiers would get rescued by me, last May, with funds I’d saved from running this website, to pay down the filmmaker’s debts to his vendors, 10% of those funds, of which came from YOU, my subscribers?

I’d originally “met” the filmmaker last November, when he sent me a “cease and desist” email, with his attorney CC’d, for broadcasting his film, called ‘The Grounded,’ which had been suggested to me by a subscriber, who’d seen it on

I immediately apologized and took it down and replaced it with the film’s trailer and said, “I originally come from the film business, I would never want to take the food out of your kid’s mouth! I’ve earned a living on royalties of some sort most of my life, I know how it goes – but this movie was up for free on, so I thought it was fair game!” I then offered to sell his film as a Video-on-Demand (VOD) to my viewers, to make up for the misunderstanding, telling him that I’d previously sold over 2,000 downloads of the film, ‘Sirius’ by Dr. Steven Greer from my newsletter, in a span of 2 weeks.

His attitude softened toward me right away.

Since there were several weeks before his official distribution deal was to begin, he decided to take up my offer, as he already had his film up on a VOD platform but didn’t have the reach of potential viewers that I did and he was both freezing and starving, in the Alaska winter and he could use whatever money he could get, at that point.

So I re-launched ‘The Grounded’ as a VOD and then proceeded to publish it beneath my daily free offerings for the 5 weeks we had and he’d made enough to pay his electric bill, before he was obliged to take it down, due to his signed deal.

We stayed in touch because he’d decided to make a sequel to the first and wanted to get my opinions on it, both as a film and as someone who might be able to do a better job at promoting and distributing it than the first. But all Hell broke loose when his financiers bailed on the project and I found myself trying to find investors for him. After several attempts at selling it to others, I ultimately sold myself on it, recognizing the value of this property and arriving at an agreement with him where I felt comfortable investing 1/3 of my net worth, in rescuing this film.

We then proceeded to sell it as a VOD, as you may recall – but we were stopped dead in our tracks because someone on this list saw one of the teasers that I cut last month who worked in development for a distributor and asked to see the whole film. Her boss was an immediate “yes.”

Happily, they wanted to change the title from ‘The Grounded 2’ to ‘Heal for Free.’

I then immediately set to work, cutting a new trailer and taking out a line of credit to print out the posters, DVDs and other materials needed by House of Film, the boutique sales, distribution and production company that specializes in the world-wide distribution of quality independent films, scrambling to meet their deadline of announcing it as their showcase documentary, at the upcoming MIPCOM Exhibition in Cannes, France between October 13-16.

MIPCOM is viewed as the most important global marketplace for entertainment content across all platforms!

If anyone on this list is a film buyer or journalist who will be in attendance at MIPCOM, please come to House of Film’s booth at R-7 H-10 in the Riviera and see them about our film, along with the rest of their line-up of investigative, transformational, spiritual, music, cultural and nature documentaries.

For appointments and availabilities contact:

Shot in the rarely-seen, luxuriant 35mm format with a larger-than-life score performed by the Prague Symphony Orchestra, the film delivers a timely, yet timeless message that is totally vital to literally everybody on Earth.

Apollo Astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Canadian Environmental Scientist and well-known Broadcaster, Dr. David Suzuki, Internet Health Guru, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Bestselling Authors of the book, ‘Earthing,’ Clint Ober and Dr. Stephen Sinatra, his healed son, Step Sinatra, the film’s creator, Steve Kroschel and the lovely Laura Koniver, M.D. all validate this ancient wisdom and new theory about Nature Deficit Disorder.

The film informs us about the little-known fact that the Earth’s surface emits a constant stream of electrons, which neutralize the disease-causing free radicals in
our bodies. Nature Deficit Disorder is a recently identified syndrome of chronic, inflammatory conditions, which manifest in an array of body aches and fatigue, non-restorative sleep and a poor immune system, among other complaints, all of which are caused by staying inside all day and wearing shoes at virtually all times thus, depriving people from from the naturally-healing electrons, which constantly flow from the surface of the Earth.

The practice of making regular skin contact with the Earth, like taking barefoot walks on the beach or on the grass – or better yet – swimming in natural bodies of water – have been clinically shown to help heal chronic inflammatory diseases in 95% of all cases.

If you are an Earthling, this film has an important and uplifting message for YOU.

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