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Grand Jury – Day 2: Historical Background

Dr Reiner Fuellmich, an attorney who has won huge class action cases against Volkswagen and Deutsch Banke and who practices in both Germany and California has put together this Grand Jury trial in the Court of Public Opinion, or what he’s calling a “model proceeding,” based on the hundreds of expert witness testimonies he has taken over the past year.

I like to think of it as our Event 201, wargaming against the perpetrators of the fake pandemic, the death shot and the global coup d’état.

There are six figures in Fuellmich’s indictment: Anthony Fauci, Tedros Adhanom, the Director-General of the World Health Organization, Bill Gates, BlackRock, Pfizer and Christian Drosten, who is the German virologist who was appointed to the European Commission’s advisory panel on COVID-19, and who was the one who first recommended the use of PCR tests.

Fuellmich’s investigation has found that the vaxxine genocide is part of a long-planned agenda by an ultra-rich group of people and their financial mafia based in the City of London and Wall Street to use a pseudo-pandemic as a guise to obtaining full control of the global economy while we are distracted with the pandemic.

They openly discuss their agenda every year at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Since 1992, they have groomed their own group of political leaders and infiltrated them into the governments of the world in order to sabotage and destroy them from within. Merkel and Gates were among the first, followed by Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern, Emmanuel Macron, Gavin Newsom, Pete Buttigieg and many more.

This Davos clique promotes the shifting of the world’s assets to this group so that in 2030, ordinary people will ‘own nothing and be happy’ under their one world government and single digital currency, along with a drastic reduction in the world’s population and the manipulation of the remaining population’s DNA all the way into transhumanism.

The pandemic was the way into this scenario, which was first gamed-out in a 2001 senior-level bio-terrorist attack simulation called Operation Dark Winter. In 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation did another rehearsal called Operation Lockstep. Finally, in 2019, there was Event 201, sponsored by Johns Hopkins, the Gates Foundation, the WEF and the Rockefeller Foundation.

The video of opening statements was released last week and this is Day 2, which gives us the historical perspective on how we got here.


Philosopher, George Santayana famously said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” but we have been propagandized and lied to about so much that “remembering” it may not be very useful. We could all use some courses on true history.

The first guest is Alex Thomson, who worked at GCHQ and who attended numerous meetings at the Royal Institute of International Affairs and who has an insider’s perspective on that Deepest part of the Deep State, which is British Intelligence and the aristocratic (and arguably Satanic) agenda that it represents, of which famous dynasties like the Rothschilds are just the front-of-the-house.

Thomson gets into the history of slavery and war and the process, starting almost 200 years ago of how these evolved from physical control into control of the mind and its products (and patents); from classical combat war into the Fourth Generation Warfare in which we find ourselves today – a full-blown global psychological war, where literally everything has been weaponized.

This is followed by a brilliant deposition by young Canadian historian, Matthew Ehret, Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, a Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow and author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series, who takes us through the history of how the British Empire never accepted their defeats after the American Revolution and subsequent incursions and how they have been covertly fighting to win it back ever since, culminating in the 90% hollowing-out of the US manufacturing base and our current pharmaceutical genocide.

This was accomplished through the machinations of Wall Street and the US intelligence agencies, both of which are in reality outposts of the City of London. This is a bit of an oversimplification but Matt walks us through it all and really crystallizes the bigger picture of what is being done to us.

There are 5 hours of expert testimonies here but it’s a far more productive use of your time than binge-watching Netflix and I highly recommend it.

It truly is a valuable gift that Reiner and his panel of experts have put together for us.

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