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On September 18th, the US dollar will face its most significant test in the last 80 years as the Fed slashes interest rates. The Fed has admitted we are now in a US dollar bear market. Get ready for increased inflation, more layoffs, and a devalued dollar.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • The Lock Down destroyed the Global E(con)omy.

    Supply Chains are Broken Links.

    Manipulating Maniacs, Gold etc…….Con Way, the Way of the Con, Exit signs are recently Painted, with a fresh coat of Luminous Paint, aka the Media.

  • the the chairman of the satanic hedge fund stockholders who control the bankers who run the stock markets decided it’s not rally time yet based on the whiff of a hint of interest rates going back to zero percent . lower interest rates represents hijacked human energy it will be used to float the free energy party balloon the elites share in their club car this is the bankers favorite wet dream control mechanism and the final move in their war to kill that G.Blessed piece of paper our contract over this country that was decreed by all of heaven and witnessed by all of creation giving the people here back their sovereign rights and control over this fallen human civilization as a way to return to father . how long did our America last is it over with or are our overlords ready to meet their maker ? in the off chance that agent orange can beat the other worst presidential candidate in world history in a triple rigged election contest . they need that AI invasion voter sweep thing not to rig the election but to convince you to accept the rigged outcome and by entertaining us with an event they like to slip into our conscientiousness during puppet swap transitions that periodically interrupts the serially administered national prime time puppet show entertainment in which they prefer not to sully their newly chosen one puppets .

    • yeah, its sucks doesn’t it? I guess the good times were just so good that no one has the wherewithal to take slaveholders to task. Yes, you are a slave and you have a master. Did you really believe that historical cutesy called the Emancipation Proclamation? Negroids were not freed in a real sense from this proclamation. It allowed your masters to put all non-elite persons down to the negroid level, create invisible contracts for the slaves and create a infrastructure of sorts (justus,, laws, prisons, more laws, more controls, we own your dog, we own everything you fools) quite similar to the open-air gaza prison.

      You are fish in a barrel. Are you tired of swimming for your life and getting no where. Then spread the anger and become disobediant, which is level above being pathetic.

      • After the last great reset and the fall of Tartaria the population was decimated in the mudfloods . The peeps who were not happy campers were shoved into insane asylums and the orphans fresh from the farms came from nowhere to fill the empty cities and become child slave labor to keep the flow of needed goods moving and to keep the slaves alive . The good old tech was hidden we lost our way and suffered greatly until the great revival spiritual awakening period when we almost made it back from purgatory but the hooks were set in our fish bowl life we have now . Anger programming gives the soulless loosh farming elites their daily bread and feeding the beast is SOP and pathetic for us the lost treasure of angelic beings now finally winning our freedom back after 3 billion years of many slave lives . Disobedience is what got us into this mess pray that we have learned our lesson and can finally return to glory .

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