Für heiße Momente
Nur das Beste für dich
“For hot times, only the best for you.”
While I’m in the process of migrating this website to a platform that is actually legible to the search engines, I’ll take the opportunity to run something very silly and off-color, that the policies of high-end advertisers might not allow – being that I have no high-end advertisers.
A series of wrong decisions, made while in a wild panic, after Google pulled the rug out from under me (and others like me, last year), my once-booming business was decimated, contrary to appearances. The costly new website is now multi-functional and looks snazzy, in comparison with the Drudge-like c. 2004 design of the previous site. However, it was parked on an Icelandic domain for the past 9 months.
Icelandic domains are virtually invisible to the vast majority of search engines, so 2/3rds of my erstwhile total monthly visitors, who were all newcomers and from where I derived new subscribers over the past 5+ years completely disappeared over the past 9 months.
To correct this, I migrated my website from the Icelandic domain, FKTV.is to the current “.net” domain earlier this month because I was advised that hosting my site on an “.is” domain was tantamount to having my website on the Dark Web!
Apparently, my Icelandic website was SO invisible, that I may as well have been selling heroin and brokering the services of international hitmen.
I also learned that that this eCommerce platform is ALSO invisible to search engines!
I’ve learned a lot by making these ignorant decisions and I’ve lost a lot of money, too. If I can’t turn this around soon, Forbidden Knowledge TV will have to cease.
Now, It’s a race between my savings account and how quickly I can correct my SEO ignorance, while individually fixing over 1,000 pages with broken embed codes, to restore the site to something that generates enough web traffic to to be ad-worthy again.
All of these annoying ads that you see now are place-holders to show to real advertisers, once my traffic is respectable again. Except for one independent ad, these banners pay me less than $10 per month.
Forbidden Knowledge TV is currently in the process of migrating to a web platform that’s easy-to-read for search engines. Advisors have told me that, with these two changes fully executed and optimized, I can be confident that Forbidden Knowledge TV will make a comeback as a presence on the Internet within a few months (it was once ranked around the 12,000th most high-traffic websites in the US. It’s currently 88,000th, up from 2,500,000th earlier this month, due to the video that went totally viral, about the Federal Express plane that got hijacked).
In the meantime, I’ll be moving in with my parents…
Please wish me luck – or better yet – please click on your donation button of choice: PayPal or Bitcoin, if you’d like to see Forbidden Knowledge TV make it through this cliffhanger.
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