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Farmers, Truckers STOPPED as Food Supply Collapses

Christian Westbrook of Ice Age Farmer is back with this report about the engineered food crisis that was wargamed by John Podesta in 2015 and is now currently underway.

It’s not just that access to food is being limited at the consumer level but also, the ability to produce food is being restricted.

In Western Australia, grain sites are being closed to farmers who don’t produce proof of vaccination. Western Australia’s bulk grain handler, CBH has told 3,700 growers they will not be allowed to enter the site to deliver grain after the New Year unless they get their vaccination, locking farmers out of the market. They won’t accept delivery of massive amounts of grains, even as they have food shortages.

And not only are they attacking at the consumer level and the producer levels, but everywhere in between.

The new border restrictions between Canada and the US, starting in January imply that truckers won’t be allowed to take goods across the border unless they get their vaccines. Many truckers refuse to get vaccinated and many are just quitting.

Westbrook says “The supply chain is being systematically dismantled and you can see it. You remember, we talked about the Port of Vancouver closing after the flooding there totally destroyed the railroads connecting the Port of Vancouver and the rest of Canada. They couldn’t get their grains or any crops to the the port to ship out to the rest of the world – Canada being one of the biggest exporters.”

A visible symptom if this is in Japan, where McDonald’s is rationing french fries, because they receive their potatoes from Canada. Customers are only allowed to buy small fries.

Westbrook explains, “What we’re not seeing is the myriad other purchasers in all sorts of countries including small countries that depend on these imports from Canada and the US…[some] countries are literally running out of food. Here’s one example
in Sri Lanka, where an official actually had the the gall to mention that: ‘Agriculture Secretary Warns of Food Crisis Before Being Promptly Removed from Office’

AFP: Agriculture Secretary Senior Prof. Udith K. Jayasinghe yesterday warned of an imminent food crisis before he was removed from his post.

Authorities may have to impose further food rations and seek foreign aid to help feed the most needy, he told reporters.

“We may have to borrow grains, such as corn, from friendly countries and think of rationing food so that mothers and the sick can be fed,” he said. “Others may have to make sacrifices.”

But within hours, Jayasinghe was replaced by another official, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s office announced, without saying why he was sacked.

Westbrook continues, “I think that says a lot, right? Somebody actually tells you, ‘Yeah, we’re running out of food,’ and they’re – boom – removed from office.”

(Continuing from the article)

Food shortages have been worsened by the Government’s ban on agrochemical imports…

“Oh, we’re going to stop importing fertilizers! This is the same sort of thing we saw from Botswana, where they said, ‘We’re going to stop importing…vegetables…First bullet point here [reading from a Botswana Ministry of Agriculture press release]: ‘The decision is to enhance the RESET AGENDA,’ specifically, reformulating the food supply lines, which is exactly what we’ve heard; transforming the food supply resetting the table from the Rockefellers – all of this language echoed!

“So, when you see Botswana cutting off imports because they’re going to make sure there’s a food crisis there, so they can ‘transform’ their food system; when you see agricultural secretaries warning that they’re running out of food and ‘maybe we’re going to ration our food, hopefully we can find some from friendly countries,’ but again, stepping back to what I have been saying throughout this video is that farmers are being cut out and farming and ranching is being shut down, chickens are being culled by the millions in the name of ‘bird flu’, which is also causing egg shortages in Israel right now.

“Another example: Syria just had their worst wheat harvest in 50 years and is fearing mass starvation, saying that about 12.5 million people are food insecure right now, with 90% of their population living in poverty, so food crisis is becoming a global thing and this is why China has, for the last two years been stocking it away, as fast as they could from anywhere they could buy food, especially the US and Brazil were cleaned out, even though the soybeans and corn we grow this season will have already been sold off to China.

“So, here from Nikkei Asia: ‘China is hoarding over half the world’s grains, which is pushing up the global prices. China is now stockpiling more than half the globe’s corn and other grains, leading to steep price increases across the world and dropping more countries into famine.’

“You see, these aren’t just random reports, this is the real story. ‘The hoarding is taking place in China.’

“China is maintaining its food stockpiles at a historically high level because they know, they are aware that the supply chain is being systematically dismantled, whittled away at all agricultural production across the world. They know. They stopped exporting fertilizers last year and that Europe has turned off their fertilizer production, Russia has stopped exporting it, too, seeing that they needed to keep their own domestic production so it’s an astounding, cascading failure of the food supply chain that’s feeding the world right now.

“And of course this was all wargamed, right by John Podesta in the Food Chain Reaction game funded by George Soros, back in 2015, which said that in the year 2020, there’s gonna be a pandemic and climate change and nationalist interests will be rising and they’ll stop trading food just trying to save themselves.

“So this is exactly the script that we’re now walking through, just as we went through the the pandemic script from Event 201 so too, now is the Food Chain Reaction game going live, destined to end in localized food shortages and the Carbon Tax and even a ban of meat. We’ll see how far they take it.

“So, I should be very clear that that’s what’s going on with this, it’s not just that people are being locked out of restaurants and even farmers’ markets, it’s actually a much bigger attack on all aspects of the food supply chain that’s going on right now and China obviously knows it and has been preparing, other countries seem to be catching wind of it but they can’t talk about it, or they’re removed promptly from office.

“And meanwhile, the US is just sleepwalking straight into the disaster, so that’s why I really ask you to help me have this conversation with other people; make sure people are spreading the word. The bottom line is that the mainstream food supply is collapsing and I use that language quite intentionally, because if you don’t depend on the grocery store to feed your family, then this is not a scary thing to witness.

“It’s huge, civilization-ending…but it’s not immediately life-threatening, unless you depend on that mainstream food supply. I’m using that word, because it implies there are alternative food supplies: your own garden, your own community gardens, the animals at your rancher neighbor, down the street.

“This is the time to make sure that you’ve got those relationships in place, that you’re doing everything you can to help them with their operations, make them more robust and anti-fragile, if possible, so that you guys continue to eat, even as this plan is enacted.

“I’ll be having a conversation with Marjorie Wildcraft tomorrow to talk more about how to build yourself an alternative food supply. I’m sure the mainstream would love to call this ‘black market food’…!

“Let’s think pretty carefully now about how we can improve our own security and food security of our families and spread the word at all times and ask yourself the question…are you doing everything you can to stop this this agenda from rolling forward?

“We are at the point of demarcation for humanity: to either be enslaved in perpetuity; a slave species with digital currencies dictating when we can leave our homes and the government declaring that they have perfect awareness and perfect control over any transaction you make or any place you go.

“It’s not a future that that we can accept or allow and so I’d like you to ask yourself that question: Am I doing everything in my power to stop this? Because it is the end of life as we know it; for yourself and your progeny and indeed the entire human species. No big deal, right?”

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