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FARMERS FIGHT BACK: French, Croatians Protest Seed Law and Takeover of Food

In France, farmers have taken to the streets in protest to broadcast to their fellow citizens about the urgency of “Saving French agriculture, without which we would lose our food autonomy.”

Ice Age Farmer reports that as the Green New Deal aka the Great Reset aka Agenda 21 is implemented in the EU, there is a war on traditional farming and ranching. He says that in fact, the goal is to take food autonomy away from everyone around the world, to make us all slaves to the fake meat and lab-grown nonsense of the Big Ag companies and the technocrats behind them.

In this case, they’re complaining about the Green New Deal and the EU’s new taxes on nitrogen fertilizers – because the goal is to phase out all fertilizers.

And it’s not just France that’s noticing this systematic war. A set of laws going into play in Croatia that is both deploying surveillance drones over fishing boats to keep track of in real time of how many fish they’re pulling in. They’re also making it illegal to save seeds and they’re doing a comprehensive inventory of all farms and animals and food practices, everywhere.

People are rightly discerning that this is a takeover of food production.

How do we get these psychos off our back?

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