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False Flag – Coming Soon!

Alexandra Bruce
October 1, 2013

This is a funny mock-up of a trailer for a classic Roland Emmerich-style disaster film, using footage from this filmmakers’ well-known opus, which includes ‘2012’, ‘The Day after Tomorrow’, ‘Godzilla’ and perhaps his most well-known; ‘Independence Day’ – and it opens with a classic scene from the first of James Cameron’s ‘Terminator’ franchise.

The difference is that our hero-announcer is the Snordster or Snordlehans or whatever names he’s using to create new accounts (I’m not telling) to continue his vital work on the Internet – and he does not sound like a commercial Hollywood trailer voiceover artist.

But what the Snordster is trying to get us to wise us up to is the nonstop, bone-crushing manipulation by the “news” media to psyop us, in to paroxysms about our finances, our health and our government.

However, it is good to keep in mind that on November 13th, the “Grid Ex II” drill will be conducted by DHS, FEMA, 150 corporations and the 50 governors. The drill will simulate a power grid take-down by terrorists on that same date. How many times have we witnessed a drill which turns into a false-flag attack? This happened with 9/11, the 7/7 bombings and the Boston Marathon. Could it happen here?

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