This is a special episode where Bear Independent, Billy & Michelle Bond, from Perma Pasture Farms and Rohit & Niti Bali and Dr Will and his team will be sharing our testing results with you all.
We the People are doing what our subcontractors are paid to do and are not performing. Where is the EPA?!
It is ok, the Americans are back and we are just going to handle this ourselves! There is great love here for you. Link with Anna-Approved Links of sites to follow and solutions :
Billy Bond: We got a lot of people on this broadcast, and we got a whole lot of things to cover. And look, y’all, if you’re coming in right now, please do us a thumbs up. I mean, seriously, tell everybody you know that we’re live right now, because we’re going to be dropping tactical nukes of information on this show that is 180 degrees out of phase with everything you’ve been told about what’s happened in eastern Tennessee and western North Carolina, which just happens to be where Billy’s Jungle Palace of Love is currently located.
So look, y’all, I’m just going to kick it off by telling you what’s been officially proclaimed. Right off the bat, I’m reading this article from Citizen Times…
And it’s basically from French Broad Riverkeeper, Hartwell Carson basically said, and this was written on November 13th, 2024, and I quote, he says, “You know, we’ve checked everything out here, but things are overwhelmingly good.” And I’m reading this. This is a direct quote.
Also, Dr Will’s going to get a real good laugh out of this. Also, Rohit, he says, according to the Mountain True, the organization tested for roughly 185 chemical pollutants. Hmm.
I’m sure there’s, Michelle, would you agree there’s probably a few more than that? Just a few. Just a few. But anyway, he says, and I quote, “Almost none of those pollutants were found.”
And then according to Carson, this Hartwell Carson, the levels of chromium and mercury were “Well below the drinking water standard. And the levels were 28.9 milligrams per kilogram, which is well below the EPA safe limit for soil, which is 400 milligrams per kilogram.”
And then he says, of course, later on October 24th, Mountain True tested roughly 135 pollutants, and only two were present, and they were only isopropyl toluene and trimethylbenzene.
OK. I didn’t just step out of the cotton field, y’all, but I’m pretty sure this stuff ain’t wonderful. Bottom line is, everybody out there, everybody in this Presstitute Media, that’s why I said permaculture preparedness, practical living, and tonight we’re going to talk about Presstitutes.
Look, let me just warn you right off the bat, y’all. You’re going to hear some stuff tonight that might freak you out. But guess what? I’m here live with a bunch of people who are doers. It has been my policy, our policy of this show, to never offer a problem without offering at least a couple of solutions. And you’re going to hear some, probably most certainly, from Pat and Dr Will. Now, just briefly, we got Niti.
You heard me talk to her a little while ago, along with Rohit, her husband, and they did some testing. You’re going to want to know about it. Bear Independent, he’s on here, as TJ Morris, but, you know, we affectionately know him as “Bear”.
Bear from the Internet, as he’s well known. If you don’t know about Bear, you want to check out Grindstone Ministries. You also want to check out the other things he’s doing, like Kaleb House. And this is why we support Bear and give money every single month to Kaleb House, because he’s doing things that nobody else on this planet are doing right now.
Dr Will, I had on a little while ago. We’ll let you know about him, here in a little while, and what he discovered, and the bombshells that he’s absolutely discovered.
And we were there to witness it, this last Sunday. And then we got former UFC world champion Pat Miletich, soil scientist, or, no, no, Soil Savior, these days. Got the coolest email address I’ve ever heard in my life, and Pat almost gave it out because it’s that awesome.
And, of course, Jim. Just Jim. He’s over there, in the bottom. I was going to say, it’s just Jim. No, we got Jim. He’s also the host of their podcast as well.
So Jim will jump in, from time to time. But, look, Bear is dealing with some stuff, right now that would ordinarily crush most mortals. So, right off the bat, Bear, I’m just going to step back and let you take it away, because we’re going to start with your results, first.
And I’m guessing it’s not congruent with what I just read.
Bear Independent: Well, good evening, Billy. Can you hear me?
Billy Bond: I can indeed. And you got that awesome baritone. Hey, Bro, I’ll tell you what. If what you’re doing right now on YouTube and the other thing doesn’t work out, Bro, you can also do some voice acting. And you could be a Barry White fill-in if you had to, man.
Bear Independent: I got a face for radio, Homie.
Billy Bond: Yeah.
Bear Independent: All right. So my name’s TJ Morris, aka Bear from the internet. I am the Founder and President of Grindstone Ministries, 501c(3), nationally-registered. Same authority as the American Red Cross. We do disaster relief, which is different than disaster recovery.
So we get in, immediately after the storm, and our goal is preservation of life: Food, water, shelter, med, search and rescue, thermoregulation, management of displaced peoples, et cetera, et cetera. 100% privately-funded. Don’t take money from FEMA. Don’t take money from the State Government. Don’t take money from municipalities. Don’t take money from homeowners. We’re just privately-supported by the Bear Nation and folks like y’all.
So with that preamble, we deployed Hurricane Helene for approximately 30 days. We were based out of Jonesborough, Tennessee, which is on the border with North Carolina, Western North Carolina and we had approximately 360 volunteers during that time.
Predominantly, what Grindstone does is debris remediation. That’s what we’re good at. Chainsaws, heavy equipment, dump trucks, dump trailers, haul the bad stuff out. We’re like surgeons. Trust me enough, for me to come in here, cut the bad stuff out, and then leave so you can begin to heal.
That’s what we do. Hurricane Helene, we did not do that. We were predominantly focused on distribution. We were “Amazon for Hill People”. That’s what we did, because that’s what the need was. You tell me what you need, I’ll get it to you within 24 hours.
And shout-out to the awesome people who came out and volunteered, because we had mountains of excellent people who dropped everything they had, drove literally all the way across the country to come and sleep on a cot and love-on people they never met before in their life. That’s what makes Grindstone amazing.
So I had a gut feeling that the soil and the water was bad. Call it intuition, call it whatever you want. We were telling our people from Jump, “Stay out of the water, stay out of the silt.” We did a 24-hour stand-down, at one point because we were getting reports of cadaver dogs getting sick, of first responders getting sick, of locals getting sick.
And I needed more information because I didn’t want any of the people who had come and volunteered their time and spent their own money to come out here and help to get sick, as well. So we did a 24-hour stand-down where we stayed at our FOB, the Cherry Grove Baptist Church, 104 Cherry Grove Road, Jonesborough, Tennessee. We stayed there for 24 hours so we could get a better handle on what was going on.
During that time, we decided to start taking soil and water samples. We were also encouraging everybody in the community, the local law enforcement, local governance, the residents, constituents, everybody, to take soil samples, take water samples, and take multiples and send one set to the State testing labs and then send other sets of samples to independent labs, so we could compare/contrast, and find out whether the State labs were giving different data than what the private individual labs were giving…
Specifically, what I’m gonna tell you about today, and for anybody who wants to, you can just screenshot this little matrix. It’s right here. The yellow was bad, okay? The yellow was, yellow, green, whatever that is. I’m super colorblind. The highlighted areas are bad, okay?
So this is coming out of Bumpus Cove, Tennessee, which is right on the Nolichucky River, which is right upstream from Little Germany. If you’ve been following Grindstone Ministries, you’ll be familiar with the people of Little Germany.
So with that, we took seven water and soil samples from Bumpus Cove, in the Little Germany area, and I’ll read you the conclusion of the report that we’ve got here:
“Conclusion: The correlation between soil levels and permissible exposure levels, immediately dangerous to life and health or lethal dose, 50% lethal dose, is difficult because each is measuring a different route of entry.
“IDLH: Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health, is typically concerned with airborne concentrations while lethal dose is oral ingestion. However, soil level of contamination along the Nolichucky River exceeds the permissible exposure level by 10 to 1,000-fold, and it should be extrapolated that the levels inhaled through the dust and were absorbed through the skin could exceed the permissible exposure levels. Humans would be impacted by dust inhalation, dust settling on skin and then sweating, allowing absorption through the skin and absorption through wet mud into clothing and through skin.
“Gastrointestinal issues and headaches were the most common symptoms of excessive exposure to these heavy metals, arsenic and barium being the most likely culprits of any potential injury. Their levels in soil exceeded the permissible exposure level by a multiple of 827 and 17,000, respectively.
“Cadaver dogs were reported to have been ill, their body mass is lower, and routes of entry would have been through their paws and wet soil, inhalation through looking for cadavers as well as ingestion through cleaning themselves and drinking from puddles.”
Now, let me take a moment to pause. There are, of the different types of minerals or issues that they’re looking for here, forgive me, I’m not a scientist and I don’t play one on YouTube. They were looking for arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, selenium, silver, and manganese.
Above the permissible exposure level were: arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, and selenium. How much above? Arsenic, permissible exposure level 0.01, actual 8.27, barium permissible 0.05, actual 853.73, chromium permissible 0.05, actual 57.42, lead permissible 0.05, actual 194.06, selenium permissible 0.2, actual 2.26.
Now, Bumpus Cove has a long history that has to do with the nuclear fuels in that area and there has been dumping in the area for several decades. We cannot exclusively say whether or not the soil samples that we got were because of what happened at Hurricane Helene or because of the dumping that occurred previously.
However, I had been saying from Jump, when people started to rebuild in this area that they shouldn’t, because the water and the soil is bad. And I understand how difficult that is, because you own this land, it’s your land, your family’s been here for 100, 200 years, you want to rebuild here.
But the water is dangerous, the soil is dangerous, and this is why we explicitly told our people to stay out of the water, stay out of the silt, because it’s filled with bad things. Now, this sample was taken, that has all these levels, the levels that I just quoted to you, this is from the mudflats in the silt in Bumpus Cove.
So I have reason to believe that this isn’t groundwater contamination from the 1980s, that this is from the silt of the Nolichucky River, post-Hurricane Helene, because of where that sample was taken.
I’ll continue with the conclusion of this report and then I’ll be done for this portion.
“There’s also the possibility of biological contamination through ruptured sewer lines.” Again, this is a professional report that we paid $5,695 for this one report, “we” being Grindstone.
“There is also the possibility of biological contamination through ruptured sewer lines, septic tanks, dead humans, and livestock. The generation of hydrogen sulfide gas is also a possibility that could have impacted cadaver dogs. Mudflats with oxygen-starved organic material in the sediment can produce generally low levels of hydrogen sulfide. Shorelines with significant amounts of decaying organic material can create hydrogen sulfide problems. In the environment, hydrogen sulfide is produced from the bacterial breakdown or decomposition of dead plants and animal matter, especially where there is a lack of oxygen, like in the silt.
“At lower concentrations, it smells like rotten eggs. At higher concentration levels, it has a sickening, sweet odor, which –” inserting my own observations here, many NGOs reported running into that odor. Some of them didn’t know what that odor was – continuing from the report:
“At extremely high levels, a person can lose their ability to smell the gas and become unaware of its presence. Hydrogen sulfide is heavier than air, so it can build up in low-lying areas and enclosed spaces. Low concentration may irritate the eyes, nose, throat, and respiratory system. Asthmatics may experience difficulty in breathing.
“Moderate concentration can cause more severe eye and respiratory irritation, headache, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. And here is the crux of the report for my people: Grindstone.
No members of Grindstone Ministries’ team reported any health issues.
Now, I will insert here. We did have an “ick” going around at our FOB, general malaise, upper respiratory infection-type stuff, and we had concern because of the particulates that were in the air coming from the silt that we believed to be infected, to be an environmental hazard post-storm. And that’s why we did that 24-hour stand-down, and we had people who went to the hospital, people who were seen by doctors, who had tests done to make sure that this was not an environmental issue, this was just your typical seasonal “ick”.
And, Praise the Most High, it turned out to be just a typical seasonal “ick”. Any issue that may have arisen would have been from acute exposure. No further potential risk of adverse health impacts exists, as all personnel and volunteers have deployed from the site.
If Grindstone re-deploys to the area, this information will be valuable in establishing proper PPE and safety measures for each person volunteering their time and resources to help the people impacted by Hurricane Helene. And this is what I want to end with for my portion here.
We know Bumpus Cove from the silt, that’s what the report looks like. It’s not supposed to be highlighted. It is. It’s really bad, OK? We also know, per the report, that none of our people were exposed to that because we did a 24-hour stand-down, made sure everybody had PPE, and from Jump, I told people, we’re not mucking-out houses. My intuition says we’re not mucking-out houses, we’re not doing it. And the reason I felt compelled to participate in what is going on this evening is: Number One, for the safety of the people that are still there, OK? The people that live there, that have to be in this silt, that have to drink this water, and the people who have come to help them, who are now engaging in the restoration phase of putting things back together, again.
You have relief and then recovery, right? Relief is short-term, recovery is long-term. Grindstone does disaster relief. We’re in and out in a week to six weeks, typically speaking.
We were on Helene for 30 days. People will be rebuilding there for years, for years and years and years. And if the silt is bad and the water is bad, they are going to be exposed to things that could potentially harm them and or kill them.
And I want that out there, because nobody else is talking about it. And Billy, to your point, that the open reporting is that “Everything’s fine. Business as usual.”
Let’s get back to rebuilding, OK? So my primary concern is safety for NGOs, 501c(3)s, and the Residents. My second concern, and I’ve got three, my second concern is that people understand because there’s been so much reporting about what FEMA did or didn’t do or should have done, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Most people do not realize the primary reason that FEMA exists is for Continuity of Government. It is not for disaster relief.
For every $1 that FEMA spends on natural disasters, they spend $12 on Continuity of Government. And everybody who’s listening should do themselves a favor and Google “enduring constitutional government”.
That’s FEMA’s job. That’s their primary job. And “disaster relief” is Cover for Action.
So, of course, they did a terrible job because their actual job is protecting the Government – not protecting you. OK? So, yeah, they’re terrible at their job. They’ve been terrible for as long as I’ve been doing this, which is since Hurricane Katrina, 19 going on 20 years!
They’re always going to suck. They absolutely sucked during Hurricane Helene. And they’re going to suck during the next one and the next one after that, because it’s not their job.
However, this is the first storm I’ve ever worked from Hurricane Katrina, forward where FEMA was part of the problem. They weren’t just in the way. They were part of the problem.
And that’s very curious to me. Lastly, my third concern is Accountability. What does that look like? What is the point of getting all this information out here if there’s nothing that we can do with it? We should, for the preservation of life, make sure that the people who are living there and working there aren’t going to get sick.
But to what end? At what point? How do we hold these people accountable? Whoever it is that is hiding the reports that are coming out, that is whitewashing the information before it hits the Mainstream Media, the politicians, local, state, national, the people who are buying-up land at a fraction of the cost after this, the people who are trying to re-open mines that have been closed, etc., etc., etc. I think what you’re doing here is good and it should be done, which is why I’m being a part of it.
But I’m a strategic thinker. I think, where does this go next? And how do we make sure this doesn’t happen again? And I don’t have an answer to it, but I hope that we can figure one out. And that’s my piece for the evening.
Billy Bond: No, Bear. Hey, before you run away, I know you’ve got a lot going on there. Michelle’s going to kind of add to your report, there. Well, first of all, Folks, if you didn’t notice already, what Bear said was 180º out-of-phase with what’s being officially proclaimed.
Now, as far as what we can do about it, well, we’re going to talk about solutions that, once we drop the bad news, we’re going to start with the good. And that’s where, you know, Dr Will and Pat really come into things. Well, Dr Will’s also going to drop some bad, too, and worse than many of you would ever want to hear.
Part of it is, look, Biden just announced the other day we just gave a billion dollars to African nations for rebuilding after natural disasters. Meanwhile, the people up here are struggling on the whopping $750 they got from Uncle Sam. All these people that are supposed to be able to be eligible for Temporary Unemployment, many of which aren’t getting anything.
I know some that are, but many aren’t, or they’re being given the runaround. And, of course, there’s going to be that part of our citizenry that say, “Oh, well, gee, you know, there’s nothing I can do about it. I don’t want to pay attention.”
Well, you can’t do anything about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, but you pay attention to that. So, I guess, in a nutshell, what we’re really trying to do is spotlight some cockroaches and spotlight this entire system. But before we go to Michelle, y’all, I just want you to know.
First of all, I want you to hit that thumbs up, because everybody you know needs to know about this. Number one, and it’s going to let the algorithms out there to let everybody know that we are live. And number two, there are some strange things going on.
So, if you don’t see this feed, I should have said this from the very beginning, but if for some reason this feed gets taken down for whatever because the powers that shouldn’t be don’t want this information out there, we’ll keep on rocking on, and then we’ll eventually put it up on Rumble, but we’ve had some weird things happen already electronically.
X would not allow us to put this on X. OK? Despite everybody talking about how much of a free speech platform it is, well, they wouldn’t have us. So, right now, we should be broadcasting on Instagram Live and also in all of our platforms right here, on YouTube.
So, Michelle – Bear, this is to your point, and this is actually in the area that you were talking about. Michelle came up with another little article that you might want to know about.
Michelle Bond: So, Nuclear Fuel Services is located 0.2 miles from the Nolichucky River in Irwin. They process highly enriched uranium for naval nuclear reactors and power plants. Their official statement after Hurricane Helene is, “Everything’s fine, we’ve suffered minor damage, nothing to see here.”
However, this article in the Knoxville News states that back in 2007, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission found out that there was a spill, back in 2006, a spill of highly-enriched uranium, and they didn’t tell anybody about it for National Security reasons.
So, there was a spill that happened in 2006 that they didn’t tell anybody about, but they want us to believe that “Everything’s just fine,” after Hurricane Helene.
Billy Bond: Yeah, so basically this spill, of course, there’s no details as to how or why or whatever, but the bottom line being, you lied about it then, but people are so willing to be spoon-fed these lies from the powers that shouldn’t be.
So, I mean, Bear, your response to any of that? I mean, I’m sure you’re not surprised.
Bear Independent: So, first of all, a little just map recon. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is essentially co-located with Nuclear Fuel Services. They are next door to each other.
They share a property line. It’s just so everybody understands the level of cronyism that’s possible here, that literally one half of the fence belongs to each of them. They’re literally right next door to each other, in Erwin. So, surprise, surprise, they’re covering for each other’s tracks.
Next, and this is RUMINT, rumor, OK? But it is, and I don’t know if it’s single-source that’s been repeated by a thousand different voices or if there’s multiple different witnesses on this. I don’t know.
If you look at Google Earth and you look at Nuclear Fuel Services along the highway, here that’s right next to the river, there’s an old pole barn (1205 Banner St, Erwin, TN?). And the old pole barn is where per NFS, their statements immediately after the flood was that what was damaged at Nuclear Fuel Services was that pole barn and that there were “training barrels” of cesium-137, etc., that were located in that pole barn for “training purposes”. Again, RUMINT, unconfirmed by me. And that the only thing, the only structure that was affected was that pole barn that had “training materials” in it.
However, immediately after that, drone footage was acquired of their property. And if you look on Google Maps, if you look at Nuclear Fuel Services in Erwin, due east is a metal building, about an 8,000 square foot metal building.
And that metal building, talking to locals, is used for cleaning all the contaminated pieces, parts, etc. And that building flooded, as well. And all the stuff that was in that building washed away.
And where it went down the Nolichucky, I have no idea. But it wasn’t – again, RUMINT – and I’m saying this, mostly because I’m not suicidal.
Billy Bond: None of us are, by the way. (Laughing)
Bear Independent: None of us are! But, that building that’s used for decontaminating all of that equipment that’s used for processing these nuclear fuels, that building was severely compromised. And it wasn’t just training materials.
And so even the talking line of “It’s just training materials that washed away, that were stored in a pole barn,” that was confirmed to be untrue, using drone footage, aerial footage of their property within days of that official statement coming out, “Oh, it’s just training material.” So that’s known to be untrue, as well. And I’ve seen that drone footage with my own eyes.
So there are truths, half-truths, complete lies just being thrown-out, when it comes to NFS. And I wanted to just bring that up. And the Nuclear Regulatory Committee, or whatever they call themselves, the nuke-muckety-mucks are literally next door to Nuclear Fuel Services.
And so the fact that one would cover for the other doesn’t surprise me, a bit. So I just wanted to add a little bit of color to your statement.
Billy Bond: Yeah, I’m done with this, y’all. Bear with us. It’s going to take a minute, forgive the pun, but it’s going to take a minute to weave this little tapestry, here. And that’s why we’re going to go to – is there anything else you want to add, Bear, before we run over to Rohit and Niti?
Bear Independent: Nope, I’m good.
Billy Bond: Thank you. Good man, Bro. I can’t thank you enough. And like Bear said a moment ago, Folks, that’s why we started Living Soil Foundation, is because these tests are not cheap. I mean, this stuff is very, very expensive. And in order to find out the remediation strategies that I’m working with Dr Will and Pat on, the only way to know that this stuff is happening is if we’re able to get confirmation through not only the testing that Dr Will does, the scalar testing, but also the kind of testing that Bear just did.
So we’re going to confirm what we’re able to do through these testing. But I don’t want to waste any more time. Once again, folks, if for some reason this feed drops, go find us on Rumble.
We’re going to rock on. I don’t know what may or may not happen, but once again, if you’re in here right now, there’s only like 500 hands up or thumbs up. Tell everybody we’re live, y’all.
I mean, it takes a second to go over here. These people are rocking for the love right now. Everybody’s doing this on their own dime, and we really need your help to get this word out, because I mean, that’s the whole reason of doing this.
Everybody in the Prestitute Media is absolutely lying to you. So with that… Hey, Billy. Yes, sir.
Bear Independent: I’m going to go hold my sick baby, but I am simulcasting this on the Bear Independent channel, as well. There’s about 1,200, 1,300 people over there who are also watching. So we’re going to let this continue to play on my channel, because I trust you.
And yeah, thank you for having me on this evening. I’m going to go do dad stuff. So…
Billy Bond: Well, if dad wants to come back, thanks a lot, Bear. If Dad wants to come back and jump in at any time, if you’re able, by all means, Bro, you know the deal.
Bear Independent: Best information worst, production quality. That’s what I’m known for.
Billy Bond: So… All right. Awesome, Bro. All right. With that said, we’re going to toss the ball. OK. So let me… Before I toss it over to Rohit and Niti, let me just kind of give you a background of why… First of all, y’all, I couldn’t find… I’m reaching out to people like Dane Wigington, who, by the way, if you don’t know, he was on the show,, had Dane Wigington on, looking at Bear’s results, and he was like… With barium numbers like that, I mean, this is a guy who knows what he’s talking about when it comes to these kind of results.
Dane Wigington looked at it, and he’s like, “Oh my goodness! That is just unbelievable. I mean, that’s not coming from a Chemtrail. That didn’t come from geoengineering. That’s something on the ground that got leaked into this thing. We got a real mess, here.
So when I was looking all over, trying to find some reliable lab and the whole nine yards, I couldn’t find anybody, y’all. And so I’m praying to the good Lord, literally. Like, “Lord, please open up the opportunity.”
And then Niti called up about that time. Niti, the pharmacist, remember, I had her on the show a while back, and, you know, I’ll put it this way, man. She’s like… Remember that little cartoon, Captain Caveman, where you ask for something, he yanks it up out of his beard, man.
You know, I mean, a chainsaw, you name it. Well, I’m telling her, “Look, I can’t find a lab, and I’m about ready to throw my hands in the air. And so, she solved that problem.
So with that said, I’m going to throw it on over to Rohit and Niti, and we’re going to let you know what they have.
Niti Bali: Thanks, Billy. Thanks for hosting. I’m just really glad that Dr Will, you guys, you know, you, Pat and Jim, like, showed up, because we comprehend that this testing that we did is EPA Standard. It is coming from accredited labs, and no matter what our relationship might be with the lab, we know that it’s not going to be the same as the private testing. So, like, bless you guys for showing up. Thank you for that.
Billy Bond: Well, thank you.
Should I go ahead and add to the stage your slideshow, or how did you want to go about this, Rohit?
Rohit Bali: It’s fine. We can just talk about it. No problem. So, we’re just, we got into this because you called us, and, you know, we’re just literally here to do something, you know, make sure we’re protecting the people and their assets. I mean, that’s literally why we did this.
And you called, and we answered, basically. So, we chose three locations. We were going to choose some more locations, but they were running along the same river. So, we chose to keep the sample quantity low, just because of cost and things like that.
I mean, just, all these samples that we did take cost us about $8,300 out of our pocket, already. So, we took three sample locations of where you, basically said that there were some really bad things going on, where people were getting sick, cadaver dogs were dying, things like that.
So, we chose those based on access and where potentially there was a lot of sick people or people getting sick in general. So, the first location was in and around Asheville and Swannanoa. And then we went to Woodfin and we went to Rollins.
Those were the three locations. And basically, we did a whole bunch of testing for soil and water. We did organics, we did metals, we did fecal coliform for the soil and for the water.
We tested for organic compounds, total volatile organic compounds, the eight RECRA metals. We did radiological testing of the water, as well: Radium and uranium and some bacteriological samples, as well.
So, just to give you some results: the first location we had levels of total dissolved solids was 70.9. So, what that really means is that basically 71% of the soil is nutrient-dead. It won’t grow anything. So, that’s important to get, right off the bat.
If the soil is not healthy, it’s not going to come back to life. The barium levels were not so elevated in the first location [Asheville, NC]. They were detectable but they weren’t elevated.
Chromium levels were elevated but not enough according to the lab to affect human health. Lead levels were 2.5 micrograms per kilogram. So, that’s a good amount of lead in the water.
Fecal coliform counts that the lab gave us for the first location were 231 colony-forming units. That’s pretty high. That’s also an indication of warm-blooded animals that have died.
Billy Bond: This is weeks after Rohit. Let me just go ahead and say real quick now, you came out. This is not like right after the disaster. This is weeks later that you came and got samples.
Rohit Bali: Yeah, this is like three or four weeks ago. This is relatively late in the game. There was also methylene chloride detected in the samples. It was at 15.2 micrograms per kilogram.
Then, location two [Woodfin, NC], the things that stand out, the total dissolved solids were 96%. So, that’s 96% of the soil that’s dead and no nutrients. Chromium levels were at 8.12 micrograms per kilogram. Lead levels were higher. They were at 6.26.
Then, the third location [Rollins, NC], the soil, the total dissolved solids, the soil was at 66.5% total dissolved solids. The barium was really high, at 63.8 micrograms [per kilogram]; barium. Chromium levels were at 16.1 micrograms per kilogram. Lead levels were at 5.47 micrograms per kilogram.
Then, there was also mercury levels found at the third sample in Rollins. That was at 0.021 micrograms per kilogram.
The colony-forming units for fecal coliform were at 150. That’s just the soil. The water-sampling, in general, the barium levels were detectable. They weren’t super high. They were at 0.023 micrograms per liter.
The thing that really stood out was that the radiological samples in location three [Rollins, NC] came up at nine picocuries per liter. That was pretty significant.
The first two locations [Asheville and Woodfin] didn’t have any radiological levels, but the third one did.
Billy Bond: Let me stop you for a moment there, because a lot of us are going to get lost in the weeds, here. What, exactly does that mean? I know you’re an engineer and you’re going to have to break this down for us mortals.
Rohit Bali: That’s fine. What that really means is that there was radium-226 and radium-228 that was found in the water samples. We took it from a moving stream. The only thing we can really compare it to, that I know of is the “safe drinking water level”, which is supposed to be at 5 picocuries. We were getting 9 picocuries.
It’s much higher than the drinking water standard. If this is getting into your drinking water, it’s high.
Billy Bond: That’s 180 degrees, once again out of phase with what was reported by Mountain True and the Citizen Times and you did your testing a considerable amount of time after they did. One of these things is not like the other.
Niti Bali: I just want to ask everybody to consider how much poison is good enough for you, number one. Number two, these are living waterway. The water is moving. It’s been continuously moving and filtering through the earth for weeks.
This should be very concerning. Where is this poison coming from? That it’s not like the storm came and it washed through and if we would have tested it, right then and then it would have, over time. Because, Nature has our back. It’s going to work on remediating itself. It was still so high.
Billy Bond: And this is weeks removed. What must it have been just prior to that? Folks, like I said, just hold steady. Michelle and I met Dr. Will this last Sunday. It was basically where all of these rivers, the Nolichucky, where all of them converge over, near Lake Douglas.
This is dreadful stuff that’s going on here, but the thing is, look, don’t shoot the messenger, y’all. We’re just trying to let you know, right now that what you are being officially told, Rohit when he came out to get the samples, he was like, “Man, the smell,” if I remember right, Bro, I can’t remember if it was location two or three, but you were like, “Man, the smell just doesn’t seem right.”
Rohit Bali: Yeah, it was location two and it just stunk and it was a very windy day that day. It didn’t make you stop and not go there, but you could definitely tell that the odor was pungent. If it wasn’t for the windy day, I don’t think that we may have wanted to stay there too much longer than we did.
Billy Bond: As an environmental engineer yourself, what’s your overall analysis regarding if you were a person living alongside this river in any of these communities, would you find any of these places acceptable? Like Niti said, and she even has a t-shirt and I got it, you see me wear it from time to time and it says there’s no 80-20 rule for poison. Would you be comfortable or having your family live near this?
Rohit Bali: No, of course not. There’s heavy metals in the soil, there’s radiological material in the water, everything’s elevated. It’s concerning.
Niti Bali: We know people don’t need to just be displaced, but these murderers, I just want to say, these murderers, they murdered almost 250,000 people. It wasn’t 200 people!
This is important for folks to comprehend. And then, on top of that, how many of these people that are up there right now, over these past 3, 4, 12 weeks, how many weeks has it been now?
Billy Bond: Every day is Monday, I’ll be honest with you, I don’t even know anymore. I drive around and I see frickin’ disaster everywhere.
Niti: Right, I just am saying like, when are we going to start hearing about their cancers, all the side effects of what’s happening over time? I mean, everybody processes things at a different level, I’m sure Dr Will’s going to break this down for us, but as just a mother, they should be housing these folks, they should be helping the people evacuate. We should be in a State of Emergency in North Carolina. What is Governor Cooper doing? What is happening?
Michelle Bond: To your point, Niti, as a mother, if I found out I had my kids playing in this contaminated soil and the whole community and the media is telling me it was “fine”, that is completely unacceptable!
Niti Bali: Why are we not in a State of Emergency? I mean, I’m so confused. We should have been in a State of Emergency immediately, but even now.
Rohit Bali: I mean, just the lead levels alone, right? We always hear about lead and kids being exposed to it and there’s so many rules and regulations just about lead exposure to kids that, you know, there’s fines and things like that all the time about lead. Just that alone should make you think. What is happening up there that’s any different than if somebody was to just scrape paint off of a house and leave it and you have three and four and five-year-olds playing next door?
It’s the same thing, but we’re not doing anything for anybody, up there. Meanwhile, people are getting regulated left and right everywhere else.
Niti Bali: Also, the other point I want to make up there is that there are people who were renting who are not being excused from renting. If I was renting up there, I should be able to just leave and go live somewhere else, because if we were renting there, we would get our stuff and leave and go rent somewhere else, because you could just literally go anywhere else and rent.
Billy Bond: I mean, my response to this is hell to the no to the no, no, no because the fact of it is when you get down to brass tacks on this thing, it pisses me off to no end that we got money for warfare – they want to go on about the “welfare mom”, but they don’t got anything to say about the “warfare banker”. They don’t have anything to say.
Niti Bali: This is a war. They have attacked our nation-state and I’m still trying to figure out why nobody’s up-in-arms about that! They’re talking about how people have donated Tiny Homes and all these things and then somebody wants to come around and try to talk about “permitting”. Are you for real, right now? Are you serious?
And also, if they have Tiny Homes and those things to donate, why aren’t we relocating some of these folks down into one of those Tiny Homes, anywhere else in North Carolina so that they’re not in a Radiation Zone?
Billy Bond: I’ll tell you one better. They don’t even have a lot of them in Tiny Homes. They got them in freaking tents! We were just down in the community. I’m not going to say which one, but Michelle and I were just there today. It’s going to be the site of where I’m doing the collaboration with Dr Will and Pat with what we’re working on. It’s one of the remediation.
This is also going to be Ground Zero for recovery and all the other things that are going on, but we’ll come to that in a minute, folks, but we got to tell you the problem before we talk about the solution because, like I said, it’s the policy of this program. We don’t just offer a problem without them throwing out some solutions here, so we’re going to bring that up in a minute, so just hold steady, Folks.
We were just in a place today. I kid you not. Michelle, tell them if I’m lying, but we’re down there. They got them in fifth wheels. They got them in campers. They got them in tents. They got them in everything you can possibly name.
They’re dropping 300-pound propane barrels or tanks, propane tanks out there, and these folks, it’s so freaking cold here. It’s going to be 12ºF tonight in Western North Carolina, folks. It doesn’t happen, and by the way, they were just chemtrailing a couple of days ago.
Niti Bali: Every day, all the way down to the ground.
Billy Bond: But it ain’t bad enough. We weren’t hard enough to kill during the storm. Now, all of a sudden, it’s getting down in the sub. I mean, it is just nasty, and think about how cold it is alongside a river, and then these folks already down to their last inch of skin are having to put up with all this, and they got them in flipping tents.
Niti Bali: How is $750 going to help them relocate or anything? Why are they not being offered alternative housing? The corporatocracy is the Enemy here, Friends.
The corporatocracy is who we’re warring against, and this is a spiritual war. This is much bigger than anything that we’ve ever experienced, and the interference in nature, right now is off-of-the-charts. When are we going to stand up and say, stop it?
Billy Bond: Sadly, we live in such a decadent society that I think only starvation can cure it, I mean, honestly, at this point.
Rohit, is there anything else you’d like to add as far as these … Okay, well, first of all, let me ask you, what do you think of these numbers of … They’re saying they tested, as an environmental engineer, I mean, do you think it’s … They tested for roughly, and this is a quote, roughly “185 chemical pollutants, and almost none of the pollutants were found in any of the samples.” Does that sound believable to you?
Rohit Bali: No. I mean, no, it’s just not believable because I tested. I have results directly. I’ve got positive numbers, elevated numbers, so I don’t know. I’d have to delve into it, more. Maybe they’re taking readings or measurements in locations that are maybe not even near the River.
Billy Bond: There you go. They can say, well, technically, we were on the river, but maybe they were 100 miles upstream. Yeah, so they could be playing semantics, here.
You guys have done some Yeoman’s Work, and they’re doing fantastic stuff, y’all. Let’s … We’ll swing back because we’re going to talk Solutions, in a minute, but let’s go on down to Dr Will.
Dr Will, you’re going to have to unmute. Are you there? Well, folks, Dr Will, basically, he’s the reason why my Instagram account is locked-out. I’m blaming you for that! Because I did the Short that you and I did down by the Rollins community, and I kid you not, I put it on there, and we got another intrepid reporter, that I’m going to interview, tomorrow night.
All of a sudden, people are trying to reach out to me. I put that … It was just like a 30-second clip or a one-minute clip that I had of you and me, and you were talking about your immediate results and what you found. Well, not only, I mean, there’s a weird phenomenon going on, and apparently, it happened to Dr … I can’t think of her name right now.
Michelle Bond: Naomi Wolf?
Billy Bond: Yeah, Naomi Wolf, where I can’t see my own Instagram account from any device that I have, but everybody else can. I got locked-out of my own Instagram account, but everybody else can see it.
We can post on it. As long as we don’t use one of mine [devices]. It’s one of those weird coincidences that just happened to unfold, when Dr Will dropped his information. Dr Will, we met up with you the other day…
One of these days, we got to actually link up and have fun together, but … Yeah. Here we were at another location. You reached out and said you were going to be at this location. Michelle and I met you over there, and I know that I can’t say the location because the firemen that we met with were a little bit freaked-out. Why don’t you tell us what went down there?
Dr Will: Well, I got a call from some SAR [Search and Rescue] team guys after our first interview we did a few weeks ago because they were in their wetsuits for hours. One of them spent 72 hours, actually and got so severely chemically-burned, underneath his wetsuit doing SAR stuff in the water, that it was amazing to me.
So I decided to put some stuff together and go meet these people and teach them how to use some stuff to, at least treat those chemical burns. We’ll call it what it is. It’s chemical burns. You don’t get chafed under your wetsuit like that. It just doesn’t happen.
You get blisters. You get skin damage. You get burning. You get all these. It’s straight-up chemical burns, because we did testing.
The testing we did was actually one of the municipal water sources. Then, we were testing several different open-water sources and then several soil samples, that were either under water, at the beginning or still near the water.
It was silty mud, different types. The acid levels were 50% to almost 300% more than a battery acid. Billy, you saw that. We did an example, right there. I wanted to do it, real-time for them, so they could see what a battery acid and then, what this water and soils – the acid levels were astronomical.
The radiation fallout numbers were about the same as we did the first video, upstream. What was that, 80 miles or something? It was about the same there – which was extremely high. Radiation fallout, that is an all-inclusive. That’s not just 100 elements. There’s thousands of elements in the radiation fallout number.
Just like the chemical poison index and the acid numbers, those are literally thousands of elements, all-inclusive into one test. I haven’t done specifics at this point, because I was waiting for some other data, but we will be doing some further testing.
We got chemical burns and then we got radiation of all different. We did look at yttrium and we looked at some uranium, different strains of frequencies of uranium, yttrium. Pat, you have that from that very first test.
It’s fairly consistent, whether we’re upstream, downstream. I’ll be doing some testing, closer on the Tennessee River, because according to some of the reports now, some of that acids and radiation is already making its way fairly far down the Tennessee River, on its way to the Mississippi and then, the Gulf of Mexico.
While we were there, we were there for a couple of hours with Billy, and I stayed a little bit longer to do some training, but I’ll tell you, the mucosa lining in my sinuses and my eyes were burning. It was crazy. The people we were working with, they were complaining that’s been going on the whole time, just about.
Billy Bond: We just have to be in a location where all of these rivers basically converge [AB Note: I’m guessing, near Knoxville, TN].
Dr Will: Yeah. Come to find out, and I haven’t got the pictures yet, but there is right now in those rivers that converge into that lake [Lake Douglas] 275 gallon totes of acids, different kinds. I’m waiting for the pictures of those labels and some of those blue barrels, those “training barrels”, that Bear was talking about. That’s very interesting to me.
Then, I had some information given to me just like an hour ago, right before the show. Actually, no, it’s been two hours now. Sorry.
Again, referring back to that nuclear chemical engineering site, there that Bear was talking about. They’re definitely not telling the truth, as in because some of those ponds, it was reported to me, that some of those ponds, they’re gone now.
They have storage areas, big outdoor storage ponds and whatnot. They’re gone. I’m awaiting some validation or verification of those, with some footage, that like Bear was talking about, some aerial footage. We’ve got people on the ground, that’s trying to get us some real data that corresponds, basically to justify what we’re getting in these numbers.
The acid numbers, chemical poison index, the heavy metal poison index is just elevated, off-the-charts. The radiation thing, that’s what really bothers me, is some of that stuff isn’t going to be fully physically realized, for a while, if you don’t leave or do some intervention, supplementation or something because it takes a while for some of those radioactive elements to start to bioaccumulate and really start to cause havoc in people’s bodies.
I was asked a question, there. Should I stay or should I move? On a logical side, there’s no way that I would recommend anybody stay in that environment. There’s just no way. But these people aren’t moving and so you got to do something.
You have to supplement, get stuff into your body, onto your body. You’re in a war zone. Like Niti was saying earlier there, it literally, I’ve been around war zones and these kind of things in the past.
This is no different. This is worse, because you’ve got chemicals and radiation-poisoning that you really can’t see, at all. You can sure feel it. I felt it. My nose, it’s still a little bit plugged. My sinus got a little bit, still a little headache behind my eye but I went there. I’m helping as best I can with what I got.
Billy Bond: Dr Will, let me back up a little bit because the firemen that we were there with, it was astonishing because they even had pictures of planes that fly over whenever nuclear-whatever happens. As a former soldier, I’ve never seen these planes but they had pictures of them and then, they also reported that right after this storm went through and this calamity unfolded, the most astonishing part, well, there were so many different parts of it.
One of the most astonishing parts of their stories was the fact that, out of nowhere, black helicopters with no writing on them – which, by the way is not even legal – showed up out of nowhere. They’re touching down on the ground. They’re picking up something. Nobody knows what it is and then they’re flying away with it. Do you have an opinion on that part of the story?
To my understanding – first of all, these guys, Folks, let me just tell you right now – there wasn’t a single fireman in that house that was willing to go on-camera with me.
I’m like, “Please, let me tell your story. I would love to get it out there!” These guys are, I think, afraid for their lives, because as I understand it, even black SUVs were following some of them around! Weird, crazy things were unfolding.
What do you say to all that? Because I was there. I witnessed. I heard the stories.
Dr Will: They all told me the same thing. That’s been going on since this whole time, because they’re not just SARS. They’re also real humans-helping-humans. They got helicopters, that I was told to call “Sniffers”. They’ve got the ability, from the air to detect radiation and different chemicals from the air, at several hundred feet high.
I’ve seen that and I watch those things. I’ve got friends that their pastime basically is watching the sky. There’s a whole YouTube guy called MonkeyWerx. He talks about that stuff. You can track these things. They noticed that there’s these helicopters with these dome-looking things underneath, “Sniffers”, they’re doing basically grid patterns, all up-and-down those rivers.
Then some of those black ‘copters would come in, land, do whatever they’re doing, and leave with whatever they’re taking. They also said that there’s people in full Hazmat suits, respirated-up, the whole nine, that are walking the banks of these rivers [near Knoxville] and in the Lake [Douglas], there.
They’re looking for stuff. But yet, they say the water’s “all good.” Just for clarity: the municipal water, mind you, was half as hot as the mud and the open water.
In order for that ground water to get that polluted, a lot of saturation has to take place. That’s not fresh contamination, in the municipal water, like that. There’s no way that –
Bear Independent: (Comes back) Hey, guys. I was sitting on the couch, and I heard “black helicopters”, and I just felt the need to come back in here, for a minute. I mentioned that we were…
Dr Will: There were some blue ones, though, too, Bear. There were some blue ones.
Bear Independent: I’m colorblind. We were fobbed-up at Cherry Grove Baptist Church in Jonesborough, Tennessee. We were working… When I say “we”, Grindestone Ministries, was working as far out as… We had people in Erwin. We had people in Unicoid, Pensacola, North Carolina, Bailey, the Upper Pigeon Roost Baptist Church outside of Bailey.
We were up to four hours away from our FOB, sending strike teams out every day. We interacted with thousands of people in the local community, and we had thousands of people come to our fob to receive millions of pounds in donations that we distributed.
We had literal, legitimate HUMINT-ers, human intelligence operatives as part of this deployment, who were knowingly or unknowingly debriefing people.
We had myriad reports of “unidentified black helicopters” with beach-ball looking “thangs” on them, flying up and down the rivers, really slowly, predominantly from evening till dawn, which tells you something. They’re flying at night at a very low elevation, so that’s not going to be your average helicopter driver.
We specifically started to go back and look to see who was transponding, and were these UH-60s or MH-60s, because they were 60s, and there were a lot of 60s being flown around between the National Guard, 101st, the 82nd, the State Police elements.
There were a lot of 60s flying around. Whose 60s are these? And we never got an answer to it, but it sounded like – and again, I cannot confirm this – but just adding a data point, it sounded like these were mission-configurable MH-60s that were unidentifiable and were not transponding, and they were observed by multiple residents, going up and down the rivers consistently, downstream from Nuclear Fuel Services. So take that data point and do what you want to do with it.
Billy Bond: Hang on, Bear, you’re telling me that the same beach ball that these firemen, we were, I was, Michelle and I were in the same firehouse, as Will is being told these stories as well, so the same “beach balls”, the same black helicopters, the same touch-and-go, the same whole, and we never had, you never heard me or Will or Michelle, any of us talk about this before now, and you’re confirming the very same doggone thing that these firemen told us out there! Unbelievable!
Bear Independent: I handed my sick baby to my wife, who’s also sick, to get up and come in here and add this to the conversation, because no, we’ve never conversed about this. But I heard what you were saying, I wanted to corroborate it, based upon witness testimony of thousands of individuals who live in those communities, that we interacted with during our deployment. So, there’s a data point for you. (Moves away from camera)
Billy Bond: Man, hey, Folks, I want to, there’s a whole lot of people out there that are listening to this, right now, you’re probably in this, look, if you can confirm any of this, please do not waste my time. Send me an email, man, I hope I don’t regret saying this, let me know if you can confirm any of this in your area, and give me, as best you can, at least some sort of dot on a map of where you are, so we can put two and two together on some of this stuff.
I mean, I’m just floored, Dr Will, Pat, I’m absolutely blown away, because, Bear and I have never talked about anything like this. Never heard him say anything about it, he’s never heard me say anything about it, and all of his people are confirming the very same thing.
Dr Will, regarding the injuries on these guys, what did you ascertain, as far as, I mean, I know you were there for a very short time and you had to basically get these guys treated and move on, because as I understand it, the medical personnel, if I remember it right, did I hear them correctly, that they go to the hospital and they’re basically wanting to give them serotonin drugs because they think they’re all crazy?
Dr Will: Yeah, they were not being treated for chemical burns and chemical damage, at all. They were definitely being stonewalled and misdirected by the medical community. That is correct.
Niti: The Medical Mafia, you guys, has silver. They have colloidal silver baths that they could have put these gentlemen in, and it would have helped to remediate it. This is absolute… This is just irresponsible! And it is…
Billy Bond: Well, it’s diabolical!
Dr Will: It’s organized crime and it’s business as usual for them.
Niti Bali: The medical mafia, that’s how I refer to them. They have no solutions.
Billy Bond: Yeah, but sadly, you know what, they’re going to come down… Look, folks, they’re going to come down like a ton of bricks on every last one of us, here. The Powers-that-Shouldn’t-Be, they’re going to hear what we said, here. I mean, it’s unimpeachable, I’ll be honest with you.
The information has been presented here. This is precisely, precisely why we came on here, all at one time, dropped all the information, at one time so they can’t pick us apart separately, so we can drop this out there and, like the great Jim Garrison said, “Let justice be done though the Heavens fall.”
So I really don’t care about the slings and arrows. I’m about to suffer. But at the end of the day, somebody’s going to stand up and do this work. And we’re going to drift-in the Solutions here, in a minute.
But Niti, was there anything else you or Rohit wanted to add as far as what you’re hearing here? I mean, I know you guys are on the other side of the state. And by the way, folks, if you think everything is working and hunky-dory and everything’s are so perfect, tell me, why is it with all the connections I have, I had to reach out to my friends on the other side of the doggone State just to find people who could, A), test to get the samples properly and B), find a lab that was even able to do it.
And of course, Dr. Will’s testing is like right on the spot kind of stuff. He has some high-tech stuff that most people just don’t even understand or have. But I mean, to do Standard, Accredited testing, I mean, like I said before, you can find Bin Laden a lot easier than you can find a lab that actually does what it’s supposed to! I mean, is there anything you guys would want to add to any of what we’ve presented so far?
Rohit Bali: I mean, I think one of the things that I tried to do was keep everything quiet with the lab. I basically told them as little as possible, in order to get the samples submitted. I even – all the chain-of-custodies and everything – they just were coded with numbers and letters. So I knew what the locations were and the lab didn’t.
But yeah, I mean, I wanted results based on results and I didn’t want it to be skewed by anyone. And that was the only way that I could think that I could do that, by just keeping it, you know, a number and a letter and them not knowing anything about where the sample was taken.
Niti Bali: I mean, you guys, please look up corporations like Raytheon and Solutions3, LLC that are working with the Air Force Industrial Complex. I mean, these people are creating the technology to deploy this weather warfare and the tech companies that support this mass-murder.
And it is important for everyone to be familiar with this, because, you know, they try to say that all of us are, you know, some kind of “theorists”. You know, look, when you see Cookie Monster’s hand in the jar, there’s always people with money who are conspiring.
And if you don’t know that, I’m sorry, but that’s how things have been working, forever. And they don’t have any conscience. You know, I’ve also been saying for a long time that there’s this race to control human consciousness. And, you know, they’re wanting to hold everybody down and keep everybody in this. They want to keep a boot on everybody’s neck basically.
I mean, what do you think this barium is doing, guys? I mean, I’d like to hear what Dr Will has to say about it, but what I know about the barium is that it causes homicidal and suicidal behavior. You know, if nothing else, it keeps everybody arguing.
It makes it very difficult for us, the living men and women with the boots-on-the-ground, to get along with each other because it keeps us all, you know, constantly disagreeing and, you know, going around. Look at what’s happening with society, today.
Am I wrong about this, Dr Will? I yield to you.
Dr Will: (Bad connection) Those metals and some of those elements, they cause some severe neurological problems and hormonal disruptions. That’s definitely – just listen to your side-effects of your pharmaceutical advertisements. It’s just worse, now. The stuff is raw, it’s right there.
Billy Bond: Yeah, Dr Will, let’s move on over to Pat because you’re coming in, I don’t know if your signal’s really lousy. I know you’re on the road, right now doing some other things, but we’re catching every other word.
Dr Will: I keep dropping mysterious kind of interesting, how it keeps dropping things.
Billy Bond: Yeah, it sure is funny. That’s what happens when you’re sitting out there, dropping the truth bombs, out there. All right, let’s go on over to the champ, Pat Miletich. Not only a former UFC world champion, but UFC Hall-of-Famer. Also, something of a soil or soil. Man, I can never say this right, man. Like I said, he’s got the coolest.
Pat, I almost screwed up and told everybody your email out there, bro, because it’s the coolest email ever. I won’t tell everybody what it is, because I don’t want everybody just reaching out to Pat Miletich.
Anyway, the man is trained. There was a time where basically he had an empire over there, at the UFC, with a lot of the healing modalities that he was working on. He knew about, but a lot of other people didn’t know about it. Some of the other things that you’re doing with Dr Will, out there.
So, Pat, I can’t really defer to Dr Will, right now because he’s coming in broken and distorted right now. Hopefully, your signal’s a little better. For the people that are caught-up right now, obviously, there’s going to be a lot of fear and trepidation out there, among all the people that hear this thing and think, “Oh, snap, man! I’m in the middle of this thing. What can I do? I’m screwed. Let me just hang it up!”
Should they at all be doing that? Because you’ve dealt with some pretty intense healing journeys, yourself. Are you even hearing me, Pat?
Pat Miletich: Yeah, I can hear you. I can hear you real well, Billy.
Billy Bond: I didn’t know whether or not our signal’s being messed-up or not, but for all the people out there that are suffering with some of the ailments or the things they think that are going to happen or the things that are unfolding – or the firemen, right now that Will and I met the other day – they’re going to be listening right now and they’re thinking, “Oh, I’m screwed. What do I do?” Is this the end of the line for them?
Pat Miletich: No. I mean, look, I’m pretty well-versed in a lot of ways to operate, get humans operating at very high levels. Not just the training, but the inputs.
Will is a guy who has filled-in a lot of the gaps for me in my knowledge and continues to. I mean, I’ve talked to hundreds of homeopathic doctors and Will’s the top of the food chain when it comes to that world. He’s extremely knowledgeable.
I’ve had a lot of conversations with homeopathic doctors that are very not in tune with… A little confusing to me, in terms of what are the sources? How are the substances grown? What are they grown with? There’s a lot of stuff that goes into this, right? I can tell you this: that Will will tell you himself that the environment has become so toxic across the entire country. It’s globally, in a lot of places.
We notice when people are chelating, detoxing, that’s kind of a word that… When you’re putting high-grade stuff into the body and pushing and chelating the bad out, the environmental toxins, things like that, the heavy metals out of the body, it didn’t used to be really a bad deal. People chelating, detoxing now are going through some pretty painful experiences.
There’s also the combination of that only 5% of our food – that includes all the foods that would have really high-grade antioxidant properties, beneficial properties – are grown with synthetic chemicals.
You have to understand, 38 years ago when I started figuring a lot of this stuff out for myself, and healed my own respiratory system, that that wasn’t the case, at all. We’ve got the combination of the things that normally would fix a lot of the situations with people’s health are grown with synthetic chemicals and then thusly, the environment is absolutely toxic, everywhere.
I sent you an email, Billy, at the beginning of the broadcast. If you want to pull that up and show it on the screen, I don’t know if you’re able, that is a map of the United States. This is at the Acres Convention that’s been going on, the past couple of days. Some of my friends are there.
It’s a map of the cancer rates in the United States, black being the worst. When you look at that, my home state of Iowa is entirely black, because the cancer rates in Iowa, my home state, are 50% higher than anywhere else in the country.
Now, that map may change, obviously, because of what’s happened to Western North Carolina, but I can tell you, right now that just while everybody’s freaking-out about Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee, I can tell you that the Midwest is so toxic and the water is so toxic that the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital is, you know, hospital parking lots are full, let’s just put it that way, all over the place.
And it shouldn’t be that way. We do have solutions. Right now, my goal would be, in terms of solutions, is to get people healthy, to get the toxins out of their bodies and continue, on a daily basis to put substances into the body that are going to help them operate, even in the environment that is what it is.
On top of that, people need to be educated about how to fix the problem. Everyone can become part of the army to fix the problem. We can do that. We do know how to do that and we know how to educate people, at a very fast rate.
On top of that, people need to be addressing the mining companies, the military groups in the area, the manufacturing, the chemical manufacturing companies – and of course, the insurance companies, that cover all of them.
We’re looking at a lot of corporations, potentially, if they were held accountable. And the insurance companies that hold those folks accounts, all go and belly-up from things like this. Right? I mean, we’re really looking at a really, really bad situation.
But it can be corrected. And that’s the thing that I keep trying to tell people is that again, my home state of Iowa is jet-black on the map. It’s awful.
The water in just the Quad Cities, in the Iowa-Illinois-Quad Cities, is so full of, even just the chemicals they tested for, all of which cause cancer. They’re 400 times higher than allowable-levels – and that’s tap water. That’s tap water in Iowa! That’s USA tap water.
We’re dealing with financial incentivization, chemical warfare that’s been going on for a minimum of 50 years in the ag industry. And then you add on to it the radioactive substances, in the area of North Carolina and the acids and all the other stuff used in the mining industry.
And we talked about the last time, Jim, Billy, the quartz mining and the lithium mining, all connected to veins of radioactive minerals and those waters going through there and washing that stuff all over the place. It’s a bad deal. And what do you do? Well, look, we do have solutions for the people.
We know that, while we’re working on the mammoth environmental issues. But the people can be helped.
Billy Bond: Well, I’m glad you brought that up, Pat, because you know, I didn’t man, there is no way on Earth I would have ever dropped an episode like this, without offering some solutions!
And folks, look, this is part of what we’re doing, through this Living Soil Foundation, is that I’ve partnered-up with people, like Pat and Dr Will who have protocols.
I mean, in addition to the ones that we currently use, where they don’t work mutually-exclusive. I can take their technology, throw it in with mine, and we have test spots going, right now.
But this is where we get right back into Rohit and Niti, is that unless we have an ability to gauge whether or not we’re doing any good, well, nobody I mean, everybody that’s in the remediation work out here, they’re like, “Well, I’ll just put in some phytoremediation over here or I’ll just drop a little bit of compost here.”
But if you don’t have a means to measure what’s going on and to see whether or not, “OK, this is working, let’s continue doing it.” Or “This isn’t working, let’s back off and go another way.”
Billy Bond: Now, Pat, why don’t you explain I mean, Dr Will, I guess we just lost him right now. I know he’s on the road right now, and I’m just glad we were able to get as much out of him as we were able to. I don’t know if he’s going to be able to make it back on
But Folks, in a nutshell, for those who didn’t hear the other day, let me just kind of put bookends on what Dr Will was, what we experienced down there: These firemen there, y’all, they were scared out of their minds. People chasing them around in black vans, black SUVs!
They’re seeing helicopters doing, you know, with the little balls on the bottom of them. I guess Bear confirmed that they’re also, you know, “sniffing-out” what’s going on, there. And they’re being threatened, to a certain extent.
Not one of them would go on-the-record with me. And at first, I’m thinking, man, I mean, what’s wrong with these guys, man? Wouldn’t you want the whole world to know about it?
Well, no. When you’re dealing with this and you don’t know what may or may not happen to your family, I understand, that’s going to make people behave differently. So I don’t hold any ill-whatever against these guys.
But folks, in a nutshell, we could take you to that place. But all those rivers, the one that Rohit tested, the one that Bear tested, all these rivers basically converge into one space and they lead into Lake Douglas.
And in that area, they are having some frigging problems! And nobody’s telling you about it. But here’s where the solutions, here’s where we get down to brass tacks on some of these solutions.
Niti, over on her channel, Niti the pharmacist, she has a portion of the answers. I got a portion of the answers. People, like Joel Salatin has a portion of the answers.
Dr Will has a portion of the answers. Oh, and I guess he’s back again. Let’s just see if we can get him, this time. Dr Will has some answers and Pat has some answers. So, you know, I had the benefit of being able to meet these guys, a little while back.
And once again, y’all, I was praying to the Good Lord asking, “Lord, please, this is beyond me! And this feels overwhelming. I don’t even know what I can do about any of this!”
I knew that biologically, there’s a lot I know that I can do. But my methods take years. And Dr Will, if you’re back with us, you and Pat, why don’t you guys explain exactly how we’re partnered-up and how we’re working on remediating this stuff, right now. And if the test spots that I’m working on with you guys right now, and I got another one, by the way, that’s going to kick-off this Sunday – got a whole work party coming out to go install this stuff.
I mean, tell us, I mean, first of all, Dr Will, are you even back with us or am I going to talk to a cyborg?
Dr Will: I can hear you right now. Can you hear me?
Pat Miletich: We can hear you, Will.
Billy Bond: OK, yes. Fantastic. Tell them about some of the experiments and what we’re doing. To me, it’s an experiment, but to you, it’s Old Hat. I mean, why don’t you kind of give everybody the rundown of what it is you do?
Dr Will: So, we have the natural microorganisms, of all different types, and they basically, “they” meaning the microbes, they eat heavy metals, if you will. They create exudates, enzymes that break and convert – I like to use the word “transmute”, because they’re taking a toxic toxin, whether it’s radioactive elements, whether it’s metal, plastic, genetically-modified proteins or whatever – and digest them and convert them or turn them into essential fatty acids. That’s a benefit for the environment. So, that’s in a nutshell.
And so, when you put these products, these microbes in an environment, and you just keep saturating them, keeping them in there, they’re going to digest the junk and basically convert it or turn it into a beneficial compound for the environment. So, that’s the elevator version.
Billy Bond: Yeah, now, even, okay folks, I’m just going to tell you right now, and frankly, I don’t even care where the criticism comes from. I’ll put it this way. In the area that I work in, in these biological sciences, people are going to tell you that the work that people like Dr Will and Pat and the work that they do doesn’t work. They’re going to tell you that, emphatically.
Well, I’m not a person that’s going to tell you that. I don’t believe in dogma. I believe in actually going out there, doing the real-deal experiments myself and finding-out.
And so, these guys gave me plenty of, you know, I’m working closely with them, and we’re going to find out the full extent of what this, you know, of what of how well their stuff works. Now, Dr Will, is this all theoretical or have you done this before?
Dr Will: No, this is not theoretical. Actually, Pat has findings from our latest PFOS tests that there’s no such thing as “Forever Chemicals”, anymore with us because we can digest those and eliminate those out of the environment without any activation taking place either. So, it’s not theoretical. We have a part of the history of those 40 years, as well.
Billy Bond: Hey, let’s we’ll let Pat run with it from here, because I know you can’t tell it but on my end, if Forrest Gump were a cyborg, that’s what he’d sound like.
So, I mean, with your signal right now, Bro, Pat, can you fill in where Dr Will was?
Pat Miletich: Yeah, so, you know, I mean, this has been done by individuals, we’ll just say there’s not been a lot of them but there’s been folks very knowledgeable in this world of remediation and transmutation that did this, have done this before.
I’ve watched even tests on oil slicks on top of water with these microbes ingesting and converting the oil, in real time in a very short amount of time – and we’re talking in 30 minutes, I think, even less – and the fish come up and start eating the oil, after it’s been converted because you know, that’s what these microbes were created to do, that you have to understand.
So, for the chemists of the world – I almost strangled a chemist one time actually, more than one – but one of them laughed at me and said, when I was talking about one of the substances that we use for soil for humates, in general decomposed plant matter, in varying stages or varying concentrations and nutrient levels and things like that are incredible substances, right, just those things, by themselves.
One of them actually asked me, “Can I synthesize this substance?” and I wanted to pick him up by his neck just for making that statement. He didn’t understand, you know, how offensive that is to me but that’s what we’re dealing with.
But nonetheless, that’s what these microorganisms, these extremophiles were created to do, are to put the finishing touches on the metals that have worked their way into the soil from the crust of the Earth and convert them into again, carbon-bonded nutrients that are, you know, that provide vitality for crops, for soil, for forests, for all living organisms, insects, animals, humans, on the Earth.
You know, so all toxins can be converted by these microorganisms. Everything on the Earth is food to them. People have to understand that and so only the biological experts and I’ve been lucky to be around several of them and Will is one of them.
Through all of my research of 38 years, understanding how you can take a sick human being, Billy, someone who’s very ill – and I’m talking extremely ill – and a year later, the guy’s running, you know, 10Ks. He’s running, you know, he’s playing basketball in the church league.
There’s elderly people who don’t remember the names of their grandchildren who are, people are sending me videos of their grandchildren or of their fathers and mothers who had no recollection of who they even were, out in the yard playing with the kids and they remember all the grandkids’ names.
The toxins in the environment are causing all of our illnesses. The environment is what causes organic organisms like human beings to go sideways. So you just have to know what to put in the organism to remove the things that are causing the problems and put the high-grade substances in to correct cellular operations and DNA repair and all those things that take place.
This is not miraculous. This is not miracles. They’re not miracles. This is biological science, right? So people have to understand, YES, this is very real and there are solutions for all the environmental problems that lead to all the issues with human health issues, right?
Billy Bond: Well, the cool thing about this is, like I said, I wouldn’t even have done a program like, well, no, I would have blown the whistle. I’m not even going to lie about it. I mean, I would have blown the whistle either way, but you know what? It’s really awesome that we do have potential solutions out here that we’re able to put into place, Folks!
And that’s where we come in. I mean, look, we’re not going to find any solutions. We’re not going to get, they’re going to give a billion dollars to Africa to rebuild after natural disasters, but we got $750 for the people here, in North Carolina.
We’re never going to get the help from the Government. We’re never going to get help from all the Powers that Shouldn’t Be. So it’s going to be people like us in roundtables like we have right now where we’re going to find these solutions.
Pat Miletich: Well, people have to remember, all those people, look, I’ve done government contract work. I have trained a lot of law enforcement, a lot of military, a lot of good human beings. The people that are afraid, that are, the fear-based conditioning that is being used on all of us, and that includes the people within government agencies and chemical corporations and all these places, who are afraid that they’re going to lose a paycheck and not be able to take care of their children.
That’s a real fear, man. That’s a real fear for people. You have to understand that. We have to humanize this and understand what all of us are dealing with.
But I can tell you this, is that the decisions, the short-term decisions to provide that paycheck and that mortgage payment and that grocery bill, right now could and probably will lead to some real serious issues for your children, down the road. Maybe while you’re still alive, probably, but definitely when we’re gone.
And to me, that’s not… Look, what are they going to do to me? What are they going to do to me that is not worth my children? At what point do the people start saying to themselves, “If somebody’s going to kick your front door in and shoot your children, are you going to step in front of that gun?” Well, it’s time to step in front of the gun, Brother. It’s time. It’s time.
Like, at some point, people have got to stand up for what’s right. And I get it. There’s a lot of people that aren’t willing to do that. That’s okay. But there’s a lot of people that are, that are just on the verge, that are… They’re tired of it. They’re tired of it.
And those people do work for the Government. And those people do work for these chemical corporations. And they do have children. And there are going to be penalties paid. By our children. Unless we change direction. That’s it. There’s no two ways for me. And that’s just the way it is.
And so, again, “What are they going to do to me that my children are not worth?” I don’t know. There’s nothing they could do to me.
Billy Bond: I’m right there with you. Hey, Jim, kind of being a fly-on-the-wall this whole time. Man, we’ve got to get over there to you, Bro.
Jim: Well, I appreciate that. Thanks so much. I just wanted to circle back to something we talked about earlier. We talked about solutions. I’m from Michigan. And I was reminded, during this conversation of the Flint water crisis that happened, where they knowingly covered-up lead being leached into the water supply. And a lot of… Talk about the children!
A lot of the level of Legionnaire’s disease just was higher, around there than most other places. And I’m looking it up, right now. And one of the solutions, were 15 people got arrested.
Now, I think they’ve dismissed a lot of those cases. But at least, they went forward and arrested those folks and gave seven of them Felonies. Again, I think they got thrown out on some sort of technicality.
But that is one kind of a solution is lockin’ the crooks up and put them behind bars, so they can’t keep committing crimes. But I don’t know if we’re there yet. But that’s what I’d like to see happen, I can tell you that.
Billy Bond: Well, Niti, do you think locking them up is sufficient? Am I going to regret asking this question?
Niti Bali: These are hanging crimes. These aren’t locking-up crimes. I mean, this is Land Law. What they’re doing is murdering on scale. And it is not OK.
Somebody, Billy, in the chat is asking about Geiger counters. And Rohit wanted to speak on that a little bit.
Billy Bond: Yeah, please.
Rohit Bali: I wanted to say that we did take some Geiger counter readings in the area that we were doing the sampling in, as well. But, you know, we have a calibrated piece of equipment. Only the range is finite and all the levels that we got were Background Levels.
But I know that Dr Will did some other type of readings, as well and got Elevated Levels, because he could change the scales and the ranges on his Geiger counter. So I’d like to see if maybe Pat can talk on that.
Niti Bali: Pat, Jim, whoever. Because you guys have mentioned this before and we want to reiterate that anything that we’re doing is going to be like EPA-level testing. And they kind of have one of our hands tied behind our back the whole time. You guys want to elaborate on that a little bit?
Billy Bond: Let me jump in real quick. The EPA, I mean, let’s keep in mind that right after Fukushima Daiichi went off, all of a sudden, you know, all the radiation that was coming across the Pacific, well, all they did was raise the allowable standard. I mean, that’s all they did.
Niti Bali: Right. These people are corporations, friends. They’re not, these are private, for-profit corporations. So what we need to comprehend, first is that these dead fictions aren’t going to give us the truth, OK? And then further, we need, you know, folks are saying things about mushrooms and we know about all this stuff, friends.
We know we’re going to get into the natural solutions and all the things that we have. But I think that what Pat and Jim and Dr West have come up with is maybe mushrooms on steroids, or something a little bit more potent.
Pat Miletich: I mean, look, fungus or the mycelium is important in the process of breaking things down as our bacteria, as our, you know, all of the components of you know, the living creatures in the soil that were built for this process but getting down to the extremophiles, again, that put the finishing touches on the molecular structure of these elements, through a digestive process is essential.
So, but yeah, the life has to be put back in the soil to correct things. But when you when you put massive amounts of extremophiles down on toxic soil, they will go to work and they will ingest and they will convert. And we’ve got the data back on heavy metals, we’ve got the data back on “Forever Chemicals”, we’ve got the data back on numerous substances that, even one of the tests that was cut short, it was supposed to be a four-month test, was cut short. In two months, the “Forever Chemicals” had been already, many of them down to zero and a lot of the others, down to 50%, 20%, you know, things like that.
So it’s just a matter of months, not years, when you understand the combinations of extremophiles that are needed to do the work. So, you know, yes, there’s solutions for all of it.
What I have a problem with is that there are people out there because of their education and believe that maybe because they have a PhD or a degree or whatever it is, and were never taught these things – by design – that, you know, look, 1933, I’ll go back to ’32, ’33 in the Depression when anhydrous ammonia was introduced in agriculture, you know, there’s no mistake.
When we talk to an Oxford PhD, we interviewed a couple times, a decade ago talking about the Frankfurt infusion, the Frankfurt School infusion into American universities: The takeover was well thought-out, the mis-education was precise, in its manner, in thought, in medical sciences, in agriculture sciences – all of these things. And I’m sorry if people are offended to hear that they’ve been mis-educated.
Tough. Tough luck. That’s just the way it goes. And it’s time to dive back into the books and start understanding that there are solutions.
Unfortunately, maybe all the PhDs don’t have the answers, because we’re in this situation in agriculture, the soils across the country are destroyed, human health has been destroyed, in large part, due to Academia. But there are solutions, and it’s time to wake up and let’s correct things for our children.
Jim: If I can interject, I think it’s important to note that the soil can be remediated. Right now, the current solution is to just pick up a bunch of soil and the contaminated soil and move it to another place and dump it somewhere else so the other place is contaminated. It’s important to note that this can be done, can be remediated in-place for a fraction of the cost.
Pat Miletich: It’s called, in situ, meaning where the soil sits,
Jim: – for a fraction of the cost of what it would take for the EPA to come in and that circus to come into town and do what it – well, doesn’t do. It’s a lot better solution.
Niti Bali: Trying to put it “away”. They think there’s an “away”. It’s like Joel Soliton says, there is no “away”. Where are you throwing it “away” at?
Pat Miletich: They all have children, Dude.
Billy Bond: That’s the biggest hurdle, right now on trying to get people to understand. On one of the sites I was working today is trying to get them to understand. I’m working with this guy. He seems like a great guy and his wife is thinking they need to scrape off the – I’m like, “It’s the worst thing in the world you can do. Number one, you’re just going to make it even worse. You’re going to spread it out. You’re going to do all these crazy things that you don’t want to do.”
But to your point, Pat, think about it – and everybody out there, just do your own thinking. Do your own research.
The most worthwhile things that have ever happened in human history were never done by a PhD. Ever. In fact, or if somebody says, “Where is your degree?” Well, let me ask you, “Where was Nikola Tesla’s degree? Where was Edison’s degree?” All these incredible people, that did incredible things, that were the most comprehensive and life-changing for most of the world, most of them were nothing more than tinkerers in their garages, if we had to get down to brass tacks.
But Niti, to you and Rohit’s point, I know Dr Will isn’t here, right now, but correct me if I’m wrong, Pat, they were asking about how he’s able to detect radiation, if I understood the question correctly.
Pat Miletich: The technology is similar, again to when NASA has the Hubble Telescope take a picture of a planet and then they come back and they tell you what elements are in the planet. Well, elements give off frequencies. Toxins give off frequencies. We each have frequencies. This desk, that I’m sitting at has a frequency that it vibrates at.
Everything has a frequency. Understanding how to dial-in for certain frequencies and it can tell you what’s in the soil, what’s in the human body, what’s in the water – bad and good – then, you understand, when you understand the elements in the biology, what to put in, whether it’s a human being that’s suffering from issues or soil, to correct the situation.
That’s really what it comes down to. It’s technology that is used, actually, by quite a few people. It’s just not widely talked-about.
Of course, when we look at the systems that are in place, in all areas of our life, those systems are used as containment walls of thought, of our true ability to think for ourselves, to think out-of-the box, to create solutions. That’s really what it comes down to.
That’s why Will was picking up the levels and types of radiation that he was; the acid levels that he was, because the tunings were set into the device to look for those.
Billy Bond: Yeah. Dr Will explained it to me this way. When you’re working with a Geiger counter, you’re working within a very narrow band, in which they have it set. That’s all it can see. He’s working with tech that seems, by all measurable accounts, that I can see, that seem to be far more superior to the mainstream stuff that we’re able to buy off-the-shelf.
I’ll tell you what. We’re going to have proof, here before long, because I am quite literally on the ground working on the remediation. This Sunday, I’m actually going to be part of a class where it’s going to be a class where we’re doing some remediation.
The very site that Dr Will talked about – in fact, Rohit, you talked about the place, where you took that sample in the community. I can never remember.
Niti Bali: The Rollins community.
Billy Bond: Yeah. We got a site over there that we actually have. We went out there. The one I was just talking about a moment ago. We’re actually going to go out there. We’re going to start remediating. We’re going to use my stuff, which is basically going to be compost extract, which is very biocomplete along with some vermicompost and then along with Dr Will’s stuff.
Then, the cool thing is, we can put it all together and doing the testing, we know what we started with, so now when we come back here, in a couple of months and we test it again and we can say, “Oh my goodness, man, this stuff looks so much better!” We’re going to be able to, we’re going to know what works or we’re going to know what to tweak or what to make better.
Folks, this is what I’m saying. Don’t get down-in-the-mouth, because like Niti was getting at, to me, this is one giant Land Grab, when you get down to brass tacks. Think about the crap sandwich we can feed every last one of them, out there if we’re able to raise the kind of money we need for the testing, to verify it, to get the materials and the products and everything else we need to be able to turn this thing around – without Government – and be able to take some Old Boy where, let’s say he’s lived up in these mountains for seven generations, he’s two hollers over and they’re going to – I mean literally, all the devastation is like, I can throw a rock and hit it.
(Signal intereference)
Anyway, the point being is that if we can go out there, remediate this stuff, turn it around and get these people back on their land and heal the land and even the water. I know it sounds like a tall order, but I’m willing to take on the challenge. I know what I do, I know that it can be done in years, but hopefully, with the tech I’m getting from Dr Will, we can get this stuff done in record time.
Look, I know we’ve been going for quite a while here. Let’s just kind of do closing remarks. Let’s start with Rohit and Niti.
Rohit Bali: All right, so closing remarks. I think just based on the testing that I did to just summarize, I would say that the levels of heavy metals are elevated. The radiation levels in the water were elevated. I would not want to stay there or move there or drink the water, at this point. I don’t know how it’s getting filtered or what it’s going through, but I wouldn’t be happy with what I’m getting from the Government, as far as results and trusting that, right now.
Niti Bali: Well, you can’t filter heavy metals. Let’s just be clear. Distilling the water is the only way to actually clean it. They don’t do that, which is ridiculous. We’ve had this conversation before.
We really need to try to see what we can do to help people feel comfortable evacuating, if they can. I think a lot of folks, you’re talking about the Land Grab. One thing that’s important for everyone to comprehend is that there is no Federal Right.
The Feds have no right to come and take over anybody’s land. Anyone who’s having any problem with that, you should let us know, because we can help you with that, here on North Carolina, for sure, because there is no such thing as “Federal Eminent Domain”.
Don’t believe that. There’s a lot of lies and misinformation, out there and it’s more than we can talk about, in the next two minutes, I think.
Michelle Bond: Do you want to give out your information in case somebody does want to contact you about that?
Niti Bali: Sure, yeah. If you go to the Food Church link tree, it has all of my contact information on it and I can put it in the chat. We can put it on the show notes, Michelle?
Michell Bond: Yeah, I can put it in the show notes.
Niti Bali: Yeah. I don’t want anybody to leave, right now believing that Nature doesn’t have this all figured-out, that we can’t remediate it. Let’s just start with that. There is a way to remediate it. I don’t think we got into enough of the details of that part of it, Billy. I know that we’ve been talking for a long time.
I think it was really important for people to know that there is a problem and you are being lied-to and you should be careful not to believe the Media Mafia and with that, I’ll yield to Jim.
Billy Bond: Unless we’re going to use the Ghost of Bear over there, maybe if he’s still listening, maybe he wants to come in. Bear, if you want to jump in at some point and drop some wisdom on the back end. Jim, anything you’d like to add?
Jim: Yeah, I want to circle back to what Pat was saying. The technology is not new. We talked about Tesla. People have probably heard of the Rife Machine. I think of the great work of Elmer Green at the Menninger Foundation there, in Kansas where he was measuring auras and vibrational stuff, back in the ’60s.
I think that some of this technology has been suppressed. Our predecessors have figured a lot of this stuff out. It’s just been suppressed by corporations that make money off of it being suppressed.
I think now, a lot of that is breaking back out again. I think we’re going to hopefully, have a Renaissance in Natural Healing and Natural Medicine, going forward. I appreciate you having me on your podcast today. Thanks very much.
Billy Bond: Thanks for being here. Pat?
Pat Miletich: Ultimately, I want to go out there with semi-loads of product and just hand it out to people. Let’s just get the products in people’s hands and get their bodies cleaned-out. Let’s keep them cleaned out so that they can help us with the work, that they can receive the education and the understanding that it’s going to take to fix the soil, to fix the water, because all of it can be fixed. We know that. We do know that.
As Niti said, is that – I was saying this years ago – that the power of Nature, the power of the Creator has given us the substances, and again, the biology – to be able to correct all things synthetic, all things that have been dug up out of the Earth that are harmful, that are supposed to slowly release into the soil, to be remediated by these microbes.
I just want to go and I want to just hand these programs out to people; for their bodies, for their children. Look, this is stuff that I put in my children. I’ve got three children. My kids, knock on wood at 22, 20 and 11 have never been sick, one day in their lives, besides maybe a sniffle or something; just because I’ve been paying attention to this stuff for 38 years and have been lucky enough to stumble upon some really smart people and do some research, on my own to heal my own health issues, as a child.
I don’t want kids to be sick. That’s it. I want kids to be healthy! I want people to be healthy. I want people to be educated, so that they can educate their children, like I’ve spent a lot of time educating my children. This is something; that knowledge that must be passed down. So there you go. That’s my dreams and desires.
Billy Bond: Well, we’re going to work on that. My man Bear, clean it up Brother!
Bear Independent: First of all, I’d like to express my concern that nobody told me about the cool glasses that were required to be on tonight’s live stream. Next time I resolve to do better. So apologies to everybody, the panel and the audience.
Billy, thank you for having me on to piggyback on what Niti said and what Pat said. None of this thing, this “Hurricane Helene” as we’ve labeled it and the aftermath, none of this surprised the Creator of the Universe. He wasn’t up there going, “Oh sh¡t, I had no idea that was going to happen!”
So if we go back to how I opened a couple hours ago, I have three primary concerns. One is the safety of the people. To piggyback on what Pat is saying here, the people who live there, the people who are going to live there and the people who are currently working there to Love Their Neighbor as Themselves. So let’s deal with that.
The second is, people have got to understand yes, FEMA is terrible at their job – because this isn’t actually their job. This is just Cover for Action. And it is our job: to Love Our Neighbor as Ourself. And I think this is an excellent opportunity to do that.
And there’s going to be a lot of learning, in the days, weeks, months, years ahead as to how we do this. And it is not a coincidence, Billy that I just happened to run into you a couple years ago and we vibed. And we continue to just run into each other and then something like this happens and we all know each other.
And so we are pieces on the chessboard, that the Creator gets to move around and use for His Will. And that’s to Love Our Neighbor as Ourself, to love people, to help people.
And this is a gigantic problem. Cool. Whatever. Awesome. How do we attack it? How do we break it into its constituent pieces and begin to put it back together, again?
And it sounds like you guys are onto something, here. I’m kind of a Bull in a China Shop. I don’t know how I contribute to this, other than help raise awareness and the next time somebody gets whacked by a tornado or a hurricane, go there and punch said storm in the face and do what we do with Grindstone.
But I’m in. However, we got to do it. And I think we need to continue to spread the truth of what is actually happening, there. Not for clicks and likes and views and really good soundbites, but because it matters; because there’s real people who are there.
And it’s going to be people like us and people, all the un-sung heroes that are there, all the nameless volunteers, the people that have, just stopped their everyday life to show up and help people that are going to get this thing done. And that’s the way it’s supposed to be. It’s not the Government’s job. It’s our job. They’re not coming for you. They’re not coming to save you. They’re not coming to enslave you. They’re just not coming. They don’t care.
It’s our job to care. And that’s my final piece – and we do. And that’s awesome. And what a wonderful blessing and opportunity, that we get to care, at this level at this level of the game. It’s an honor, honestly.
Billy Bond: I couldn’t have said it better, myself. And I’ll tell you what, Bear, not to get all Brokeback on you here, Bro, but I’m going to send you these glasses. I’m going to autograph them on the side and I’m going to put Permaculture Pimp Daddy on the side and just send them off to you, Bro, so you don’t feel left out, next time.
Bear Independent: You know, having to explain to people how I came to have those glasses is punishment enoug!. Thank you, Billy.
Billy Bond: I’m going to get someone some rhinestones put in there, Bro. We’re going to have you looking like a walking Glen Campbell song. Get some bling, huh?
Jim: Get some “bling” out there!
Billy Bond: Well, hey, folks. I mean, look, come full circle with this thing. I started off with this Citizen’s Times article in a nutshell, basically saying “It’s all-clear.” Michelle and I, when we were doing our little rounds today, we went by a restaurateur in Asheville, and they’re about to open up here, before too long.
And we raised a lot of money to keep them in business, because they were feeding, I don’t even know how many thousands of people, on their own dime at candlelight with – even though the Government said, hey, you can’t work here, they were feeding people anyway. There’s almost certainly… I don’t even know how many lives they probably saved!
But in a nutshell, just to come full circle with this, they told them the water would not even be ready to be up and running, what did they say, until the middle of December? And they said, they were told by the City that it’s a mathematical certainty that they can’t get it done sooner, because of the amount of time it would take to flush the water and do all this.
There was no way they were going to get it up. And then all of a sudden, all of the… If you don’t know, Folks, we live in a place that runs on tourism. Excuse me. Asheville is one of those places that runs entirely on tourism. And people were complaining. All of a sudden the water came back on. And then they’re like, hold on. So to this day, they are still baking their bread. They had the wherewithal, the sense, the chutzpah, the knowledge.
And frankly, let’s just be honest. I mean, just the downright common sense to realize they couldn’t trust the government. So they have been baking their bread with filtered, purified water out of bottles since that time, even though the Government said, so we’ll be doing an exposé on them and where you ought to be doing business with smart people.
I want to thank everybody here. I want to thank Bear. I want to thank Rohit and Niti. I want to thank Pat. I want to thank Jim. And I want to thank Dr Will, who’s no longer here right now, apparently.
He can’t get in. But folks, I mean, if you didn’t take anything away from all this, know that your Government lies to you. And they brought the receipts, nephew!
Till next time, y’all. Stay alert.
Michelle Bond: Stay alive!
Billy Bond: Stay alive. Alright. Alright, thanks and pleasure to meet you guys.
(Plays Outro music)
what? Hire an environmental consultant. This gobblygook represents nothing solid from what I can see. Basically, conjecture and speculative assumptions.
This is what you need to determine the level of contamination, if any,
-Good background concentrations
-Sampling locations on a map; stratified mapping
-Adequate numbers of samples to represent concentrations in air, water, etc for a specific location
-Put the data in a table and show sample locations on a map.
-Who collected the samples? Handling procedures? Chains of custody?
-All results should be under attorney client privileged until draft report is issued.
-Are samples being preserved?
-FYI sampling that occurs immediately after a storm, hurricane, flood is laced with potential problems and results could be related to many unnatural events caused by the weather event.
-Chemical analysis should focus on semivolatile chlorinated compounds and heavy metals
-Radiation samples should be taken from air immediately above the site of interest
I would like to get the contact information for Pat to find out about the products he mentions that eat toxins. – great show
Here’s the contact page at Billy & Michelle’s website:
I’m confused!
I’m also somewhat familiar with the region. I’m aware of the BWXT Technologies, nuclear industry facility in the southern half of the Erwin Industrial area which was all wiped out by the Nolachucky flash flood. If that is what they have in mind, then all the radioactive contamination should be from Erwin downstream, likely contaminating Newports water reserve just for starters.
I dont have the luxury of listening to rambling generalizations about where the contamination occurred. These long winded exposes’ leave much to be desired in the way of providing data that is clearly visible & understandable by the viewers, specifics such as named locations and so on without which making viewers like me wonder about credibility. The details cited aren’t useless, but exactly where were those samples taken? Maybe I missed that, being as I didn’t listen word for word because there is so much speculative gab.
Doubtless new flood plain boundaries will be drawn, making it difficult if not impossible for some to rebuild. That’s a no brainer! Recovery from toxic contamination is another matter and radioactive contamination is yet another. Perhaps this expose’ will prompt a more comprehensive one.
If you live here, these are NOT ramblings, at all and none of this is speculation, it’s about $14k-worth of laboratory tests.
If you absorb information better through reading, rather than listening (like me), a full transcript has been made, that appears beneath the video.
Yes, the biggest problems are downstream from Erwin, in the Tennessee Valley but Rohit’s tests also detected radioactivity in Rollins (which is still up, in the Mountains, around Marshall, an adorable artsy town that was totally wiped-out).
Point made & well taken.
I guess this is what shot off bells and whistles in my head – “The radiation fallout numbers were about the same as we did the first video, upstream. What was that, 80 miles or something? It was about the same there – which was extremely high. Radiation fallout, that is an all-inclusive. That’s not just 100 elements. There’s thousands of elements in the radiation fallout number.”
Exactly where? If true, this may be an even bigger story that needs to be fleshed out. Time alone will deal with the other contaminates, multiply that times 100 for radioactivity decay. Just how unsafe is the Nolachucky, should workers be protected and if so what kind of protection, etc? The only thing that kept me home was my age. I knew if I came back up there to help I would be exposed to things I ought not risk exposure. Maybe it’s much worse than I thought.
I do not trust any of the rat bastards in the nuclear industry! The thought of a radio active Nolachuchky makes my blood run hot!
Rohit was using a Geiger counter along the banks of the French Broad River, up in the Mountains and all he could see, using the Geiger counter was Background Radiation levels. Rohit only tested areas around Asheville, not down where the NFS plant is/was.
But Rohit’s soil and water samples from Rollins (aka Marshall) did detect barium at a very high level of 63.8 micrograms per kilogram in the soil.
Also, in the water from a moving stream in Marshall (presumably, the French Broad River), Rohit detected radium-226 and radium-228 at 9 picocuries per liter, which is almost double the drinking water safety standard of 5 picocuries per liter.
Dr Will was testing areas downstream from the NFS plant in TN, along the Nolichucky (Bumpus Cove) and further downstream, in Lake Douglas and further, I’m guessing near Knoxville. Dr Will was not using a Geiger counter, so I don’t know if the number system would be the same.
Dr Will’s technology (his connection dropped) was explained by Pat Miletic as similar to NASA’s Hubble Telescope, that takes a picture of a planet and tells you what elements are on the planet, based on the frequencies. Everything has a frequency, including toxins and radioactive isotopes.
Did they test for radiation? point 2 miles is close to the river. Bout spittin distance.. Guarantee it got wiped our. Where is the drone footage? I would not venture into that area without surveillance equip of some sort. Drones are an excellent tool esp in a wooded area. My first inclination was that a settling pond overflowed. Maybe the whole refinery got wiped out. Esp when they tell you everything is fine.
Thank you Alex. Keep up the great work.
They seem to be holding some cards close to their vest, because “they’re not suicidal”.
I was just able to watch your get together! Keep on Snappin’ Out Loud and clear, my friends! I will pass it on…