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Ed Dowd on the Coming Political, Financial & Medical Chaos in 2024

Ed Dowd predicts a stock market crash sometime between May and August, amid a growing awareness of the harms of the jab, which will make for a powder keg that he thinks is going to upend the medical establishment, the political establishment, the money establishment and the media establishment, which has censored all of this information.

“Literally, almost every institution needs to be re-thought. Seriously.” Ed says, “Almost every one…I called it a meta-fraud. It was a fraud with different silos all participating, not necessarily in a back room drinking Scotch, all planning this but taking advantage of what was going on at the time…”

Seth asks Ed what he thinks about Harry Dent’s recent article predicting that 2024 will see the “biggest crash of our lifetime” in US markets and whether the upcoming market correction will lead to a recession or something more like the Great Depression?

Ed says we won’t know until the reaction of the central bankers and politicians, “There’ll be a stock market correction, anywhere from 20% to 50% – and 50% is the magic number, that’s where they’ll throw bazookas at it and they’ll start printing again, maybe do strange things, like Yield Curve Control, what have you.

“I can’t say whether or not a depression’s coming, because I have to see the response from the central bankers and the politicians and then we’ll see, as that response then gets discounted into the markets, we’ll have a better idea whether it’s going to stick or not. So, we’re in this deflation-inflation rollercoaster.

“Like I said, in 2020, they basically prevented a collapse in the global economy that was rearing its ugly head in 2019, with COVID as the excuse.

“That bought some time, that created inflation. Then, the Fed had to raise interest rates to curb the inflation and that caused money supply to go negative, year-over-year growth, for the first time since the ’30s.

“So, we’re in this period of whipsaw inflation-deflation, with the central bankers and politicians trying to put their finger in the dike, because deflation is not good for the banking system; you need to ‘Inflate or Die’.

“The question is, can the Money Masters and the politicians prevent the Grand Cycle from occurring? Which is where we are. We are in the End Game. And can they keep it afloat for a couple more years? I don’t know, yet, I have to see what the response is – but we’re going to see a response, because we’re heading into it.

“I think the stock market could hover here, have some dips and maybe, it could crash soon. I’m not predicting that. I’m thinking more this summer, between May and August, that’s when we’ll see the real damage begin.”

Seth asks Ed to elaborate on the “Grand Cycle” referenced above and Ed replies that he follows the work of his friend, Tim Wood on Grand Economic Cycles, as measured by commodity prices and since 1800, there have been six of these cycles.

“We’re in the sixth one and what happened after the Great Financial Crisis was an attempt to create another economic cycle – and they did – but they did so by creating more debt. So, they’re trying to prevent the end of the sixth economic cycle. So, we’re trying to cap that.

“Commodities peaked in June of 2022, they then had a rally last year but they didn’t go back to a new high …commodities cycles have three-year cycles and then they have super cycles. So, we think that the three-year cycle peaked last year…

“We think they can’t re-inflate it again – and if they can’t, then we’re going to see a lot of chaos and weirdness going on – and it’s just cycles. So you have, basically the Establishment trying to prevent a natural cycle from a occurring. As above, so below. God is in charge of everything and cycles are found in nature and this is an attempt to stop a natural cycle from occurring.”

Ed believes we’re going to see a massive intervention on the horizon but they can’t take blame, so there will be an excuse that’s ginned-up.

Ed invokes the work of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and the 5 Stages of Grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. We’ve been going through the Denial stage, the next stage is Anger and he hopes it doesn’t get violent, as the Normies wake up to what’s been going on.

Seth notes that chaos and violence would play into the hands of the controllers, who want to use this an excuse to call in the UN Blue Helmet/People’s Liberation Army troops.

Still, Ed is very hopeful for the future of humanity. He says, “The people who created this problem are trying to manage the implosion of the mathematical reality that the debt will implode on itself. Their goal has always been to create a smokescreen and blame something else, so they can sit on top of the new system.

“The good news is that the consciousness has raised enough, where I think there will be a lot of other alternative systems coming out. This won’t go as easily as they may have thought, imposing a Central Bank Digital Currency, Universal Basic Income.

“There’s enough people now that can create alternative systems. We might live in a world where there’s the federal system and then, there’s other black market economies and eventually, there’s a renaissance.

“But there’s going to be a lot of strangeness in between. I don’t know what it’s going to look like, I can only guess but I think if you can keep your head screwed-on straight, take care of yourself, don’t live in fear and anger, you’re going to be fine. There will be tremendous opportunities for everybody that keeps their mental framework safe.

“There’s going to be huge austerity, because a lot of what’s been going on has been floated by debt and when that debt starts to implode, there will be lack of things and we going to have to learn to deal with less stuff…

“Tighten your belt and realize that most of the things that are important in life are free, anyways. We’ve been programmed to think we need this stuff. You don’t need most of the stuff we’ve been programmed to have and once you get your head screwed on straight, life will be much better. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals, create communities and you’ll be happier than when you were isolated in the rat race, trying to keep up with the Joneses.”

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