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Alexandra Bruce

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  • I agree, but those dunces are all hootin’ and hollerin’.
    Someone wrote a book on why intelligent people believe crazy things.
    In my estimation, the core of the situation is that events, ideas, timelines all have multiple interpretations, and we choose the one that is closest to our heart and then align the facts to support that interpretation. Like a set of leggos with which one can build a wide variety of structures.

    Maybe there’s some difference in the quality of the motivation for intelligent people vs intellectual sloths, with the latter also placing 0 weight on crucial elements (because they have blocked their ears and minds to them, choosing instead the sickly sweetness of the propaganda they love), but I think the major drive is to build a world close to our desires, whether explicit or hiding in the subconscious beneath our awareness.

  • There are some odd happenings…

    1. Fencing is being put up at the White House. When one of the workers were asked why? The worker said it is for the Inauguration. This is done AFTER an election.

    2. Kamala Harris has canceled the planned September 4th Fox News debate against Trump.

    Why is the only debate being canceled and Inauguration fencing is being put up at the White House right now?

    • Regarding point #2, I
      listened to a podcast today …very interesting point was made that “Biden was set-up( for his debate fail)…” ….why??:
      *Candidates, who have been selected by their parties* have traditionally debated…neither Biden, nor Trump, were officially their parties candidates at the time….

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