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Deborah Tavares reveals how EMF/EM microwave weapons are currently being used on the American people. She says we’ll see average people acting out with unnatural emotions, caused by the use of these frequency weapons.

The Federal and State governments are corporations, which do not serve the people any longer.

Mind control weapons are now being used on us. These are startling revelations.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Deborah Tavares is a well known figure in the conspiracy community. Tavares supports her sensational claims WITH DOCUMENTS. But, what Tavares does not tell her followers is that SHE CREATES THESE DOCUMENTS HERSELF. Tavares also ALTERS and CHANGES the words and images of other documents to make them fit her sensational claims. Finally, Tavares passes off documents of KNOWN POLITICAL FICTION as if they were “REAL government insider” documents to fit her sensational claims. For proof, click on the link below. It is simply unbelievable. . If for any reason the link above does not work, simply Google “Deborah Tavares Reddit hell on earth” (without quotes). I thought that you should know.


    Deborah Tavares supports her claims with documents. But, Tavares manufactures these documents herself. Further, Tavares alters the words and images of other documents to make them fit her claims. Finally, Tavares passes off documents of known political fiction as if they were “real” government documents.

    For proof, click here and scroll down.

    If, for any reason, the link above does not work, simply Google “Deborah Tavares Kill Cities” (without quotes).

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