This is George Webb’s January 6th installment for Day 75 since Eric Braverman Former CEO of the Clinton Foundation went missing. Webb’s narrative is based on the work of Pulitzer-Prize winning journalists, including that of Peter Schweizer, author of the book and film, Clinton Cash and also President of the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) and a former William J. Casey Research Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution.
(Here is George Webb’s Google Doc slide show with sources and citations for the entire “Where is Eric Braverman Series”O
Below, is the head-spinning transcript, which describes the background of the many widely-publicized events of mass-violence within the US and orchestrated by the US, over the past 35 years. Webb describes Hillary Clinton as the “Shadow Secretary of State”, during Bill Clinton’s Administration, starting back in 1996. Webb suggests that Chris Hill (US Ambassador to Iraq during 2010-2011) was Hillary’s man during the overthrow of Kosovo in 1999 and Hill allegedly continues to manage the covert side of all of the regime change efforts throughout North Africa and the Middle East, of which the Clinton Foundation has been a major covert financier and Hillary, a covert architect.
The main thrust of this piece is to discuss how counter-insurgency and infiltration strategies developed by David Petraeus, using entrapment techniques and obtaining asset forfeiture have been implemented to create the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division, via Andrew McCabe’s National Joint Terrorism Task Force (NJTTF). Convicted pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein is named as being part of a major entrapment operation involved in this. Webb suggests that so many parties are compromised that this has led to the deadlock, whereby 650,000 of Hillary Clinton’s emails found on Anthony Weiner’s computer are the subject of a deadlock.
Webb suggests that, “The quickest way out of this is to give everybody immunity – but publish everything. Trump could say, ‘Okay, I don’t want to put anybody away, I just want to publish everything. I’m going to publish all of these transactions at HSBC, that we did with these dictators. I want to publish all the illegal contributions. Everybody can have their money but we have to publish all the 1,100 donors,’ because the people of Europe are living under this, where all their circle of politicians and Generals are our blackmail targets – and still paying.
“Same thing with the United States, with Senators and so forth. So, I just say, you put the sunshine to this. Publish all the emails, Classified or not. You can even pass a law that says that, ‘Nobody can see us in the World Court. We will ignore the World Court’ – but letting this go on, with letting these big blackmail networks to continue is is going to basically hamstring everyone, in terms of making any kind of progress.
His narrative has been edited here for clarity.
“I wanted to talk a little more about law enforcement, since Comey is meeting with Trump today and I wanted to talk more about how the concepts that he picked up from Oliver North, when he was a professor at Princeton – how Petraeus developed those concepts into a kind of a counter-insurgency plan for the United States and how Hillary developed that plan.
“Braverman was involved in this, because they were going to need to create a funding mechanism – a bribe funnel – for this. As you might have known before, I have said that going all the way back to Mena Airport, that Ollie North set up in 1984, this has been a funding mechanism.
“The Clinton Foundation has been a funding mechanism to do exactly this: create terrorism events around the world, whether it be in Europe, with NATO or in North Africa and the Middle East project or in the United States.
“I predicted there will be terrorist incidents in United States but it’s all to drive funding and the creation of this larger of FBI Counterterrorism Division. I know that it’s an interesting claim, so I’ll try to prove it. The guy who’s at the center of all this is Andrew McCabe, at the National Joint Terrorism Task Force.
“This is basically a hammer that allows you to go into a state law enforcement organization or federal organization, federal agency or a local one and break it apart and create your own task force.
“You could have people from Department of Homeland Security, you could have people from the IRS, people from Immigration and Customs – however you want to do it – you just want to target certain individuals in law enforcement organizations, all across the country. You’re not looking at getting everybody. You’re just looking at infiltration. So that’s what NJTTF does.
“Well, if you look here, David Petraeus, infiltration is a key CIA idea and a key idea of counter-insurgency. Patraeus wrote the book on it. A lot of Army Intelligence tactics today are based on the counter-insurgency concepts that Petraeus wrote about.
“One of his pet pupils was Paula Broadwell, who knew him way, way before the sex scandal – way before, back in 2003-2004. She went to work at this school in Denver, The Josef Korbel School of International Studies, which Madeleine Albright set up (named after her father). It’s a kind of spy school and Hillary co-opted it when she became the shadow Secretary of State 1996. Paula was going to this spy school in 2003-2004, taking in these kind of military concepts.
“The keys ideas promoted there were to shift to entrapment strategies and asset forfeitures. One of the professors there, Claude d’Estrée was an ex-CIA guy. He was also a Federal Prosecutor and he specializes in asset forfeiture. He also works for Dyncorp, the same company that bought Jeffrey Epstein is helicopter.
“Jeffrey Epstein is in one of these entrapment agencies. The New York City brownstone was an entrapment operation, just like the NATO operations were entrapments. So, you’ve got law enforcement spending years, literally with kids, like 17, as in the case here in Portland, Oregon. They were coaching them along, to try to build a bomb and so forth.
“Importantly, the kids never even saw the parts of the bomb. They built the bomb over three year period and I mean one of the informants was the kid’s roommate. In the Mohammed case of Fall 2010. So, this isn’t real crime it’s fake. Crying terrorism – but every time one of these things happens, it increases the number of agents for the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division.
“It’s a risky business, as I said before. Here’s Brzezinski giving Stingers to rebels in Afghanistan [1980s photo of a young Zbigniew Brzezinski with a Stinger-toting young Osama Bin Laden]. As I mentioned before, Hillary’s turned that up, with 32 countries now with the Muslim Brotherhood, who are armed with Stinger missiles and Sarin gas. US Ambassador to Iraq (2009-2010), Chris Hill is the guy who runs it. Chris Hill was Hillary’s man in Kosovo for that overthrow.
“That’s why I keep going back to this Presidential Directive of 1998. This was the decision to have the CIA infiltrate the FBI, going through the Counterterrorism Division, through NJTTF.
“NJTTF goes back to 1980 in New York but it really didn’t gain steam until this project. They try to gloss over when it really started, as well as the Counterterrorism Division but it really picked up around 1993, 1994.
“The Waco Siege and the Oklahoma City Bombing, the first World Trade Center Bombing were enabled by the FBI’s infiltrated Counterterrorism Division. This became more important than the FBI’s traditional work, with white-collar crime and what-have-you.
“This was a disruption. It says, right here [cites declassified CIA document] ‘CIA will meet with FBI’, to figure out ways for the FBI to use CIA techniques. These include counter-insurgency techniques that Petraeus developed, using a lot more home invasion, an increased lack of paperwork and bending the rules; the passage of the Patriot Act, so they don’t have to worry about warrants as often, including for wireless wiretapping. The Snowden revelations and the James Risen article on AT&T’s wiretapping speak to this.
“Fast-forward, 15 or 20 years and now, you end up with situation like this, where we’re still trying to get these 650,000 emails (this goes back to December 2012), almost five years later.
“The Counterterrorism Division is blocking everything. We’ve got an active Diffuse and Disrupt Program – not aimed at terrorists but aimed at people – I can understand supply the white papers, It’s all about “white supremacy, white supremacy, white supremacy,” – all this white supremacy stuff.
“If you look around, you don’t see people out, protesting as white supremacists. There’s all of this this screening of the screening of the issues and giving immunity to the people that are conspirators. Their theory is, you have to create crimes to fight crime. It’s just one of the things we do but now they’re starting to get into exploiting children as bait for these operations. This leads to fake crime.
“We know that about half of Hillary’s emails to Huma were Classified so, based on the percentages, I’d say about 375,000 of the emails are going to be Classified so they should at least publish the 375k that are unclassified – because they should have been handed over five years ago.
“I wondered this morning if Comey was going to give Trump an update on that and here’s another situation, where if you create this Counterterrorism Division, it’s almost like a secret police. You can bust up agencies, like the Secret Service and create these “prowler teams”. So, now you can use the resources of other Federal Agencies. The IRS has an investigative division now, the Forest Service – I mean, all these agencies have their own units with machine guns and bullet proof vests, tear gas and and so forth. The IRS! Really?
“Then you get this situation where if any anybody mentions anything, you’ve got US Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) saying, “Hey, you guys shouldn’t have been drunk and you should have called the police when they put the bomb at the front gate of the White House,” while the Director of the Secret Service, Joe Clancy was being questioned, 650 agents were on the personnel record.
“So, this is where we’re using the Jeffrey Epsteins in the Dyncorp helicopters and we’re getting all these little kids; maybe not a lot of 12 and 13 year olds – but 15 and 14 year olds, for sure – lots of them for extorting NATO Generals and EU politicians, to create this donor list for the Clinton Foundation.
“This is kind of like running a crime ring in order to support the Foundation – again, we know, ‘It’s okay to have some crime, if we’re going to fight bigger crime’ – and it’s a false logic. I believe it’s it’s actually creating more crime, because you end up with everyone committing crime. Like the broken window theory. You break enough windows, everybody starts breaking windows.
“The quickest way out of this is to give everybody a immunity – but publish everything. Trump could say, ‘Okay, I don’t want to put anybody away, I just want to publish everything. I’m going to publish all of these transactions at HSBC, that we did with these dictators. I want to publish all the illegal contributions. Everybody can have their money but we have to publish all the 1,100 donors,’ because the people of Europe are living under this, where all their circle of politicians and Generals are our blackmail targets – and still paying.
“Same thing with the United States, with Senators and so forth. So, I just say, you put the sunshine to this. Publish all the emails, Classified or not. You can even pass a law that says that, ‘Nobody can see us in the World Court. We will ignore the World Court’ – but letting this go on, with letting these big blackmail networks to continue is is going to basically hamstring everyone, in terms of making any kind of progress.
“And that’s all for today. Thanks.”
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