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Darren Beattie on the Weaponization of the Administrative State

For anyone who’s been de-platformed – as I have been by 11 different Big Tech companies – the revelations that are coming out of the cases being filed by Missouri Attorney General (and Senatorial candidate) Eric Schmitt and leaked to The Intercept offer insights into how this coordinated operation to control the so-called “cognitive infrastructure” of the American People has been carried out by the Communists who have infiltrated the Federal Government.

As Darren Beattie tells Steve Bannon here, “What’s useful about the major report from The Intercept is that includes non-public information; leaked documents and text messages that actually show specifically how the sausage is made and the specific actors – and it’s amazing!

“It’s not just people from the tech firms colluding with people in the DHS. There are people present in many of these meetings rom JP Morgan! Now, that’s bizarre in it’s own right.

“Why are JP Morgan representatives taking an increasingly active role in these censorship conversations? Could it have anything to do with the…accelerating trend of de-banking, as yet another tool that the regime uses to destroy anyone who dares question it?

“So, basically, all the important institutions, from the healthcare institutions, Big Pharma, the big banks, like JP Morgan and Big Tech, they’re sitting at the table, they’re sitting at the round table with the Biden Regime Ministry of Truth propaganda arm housed within the DHS.

“And as we’ve been saying for a long time at Revolver, the DHS, the Department of Homeland Security is the tip of the spear when it comes to the reorienting of the National Security State as a weapon against the American People and this is a prime example of just precisely how that functions and how that operates.”

To remedy this with a new Congress, Darren says, “First of all, we need full transparency. We need to see all these documents, we need to see a very, very aggressive move in order to unearth ALL communication that exhibits this collusive behavior between the Government and Big Tech…

“I hope that now that Elon has Twitter, he’s going to release a lot of the documents that demonstrate what the collusion is. I think we need to use the power of Congress, to the extent possible, to subpoena records that would give us a full account of the Government pressuring Big Tech to censor specific issues and then, we need to drill down to specific people, because a reckoning is only as powerful as it is specific and we need some scalps, here.

“We need Merrick Garland, we need Christopher Wray, we need senior officials at the DHS, going all the way back under Trump.

“And this is the point I wanted to come back to: A lot of this was happening under Trump. So imagine we need to take home from this is that we hd Trump in the White House and while Trump was in the White House, you had Steven D’Antuono and Christopher Wray plotting the fake Michigan kidnapping thing – that was under Trump – and then, you had the DHS, which was plotting to censor anyone who would dared question the results of the forthcoming election.

“So you had all of this stuff going on across the bureaucracies while Trump was president. Can you only imagine how bad it is now, under Biden?…

“The DHS was created under Bush as basically a bureaucracy to prosecute the ‘War on Terror’. That grift, that scam is done and so they’re reimagining the DHS for a new war on terror and that’s to terrorize American citizens who dare question these criminal scumbags who run the Regime.”

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