Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt, Intuitive Coach Gigi Young and I got together last night to discuss forbidden knowledge, the architecture of secrecy, cover-ups and the occult, involving UFOs, spirituality and the ancient past.

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • Visible light is sensed by the sense organs, surrounding a centre, where they con-centrate.
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  • Gigi is young and in a deep learning phase of her life. Kudos to that. Her youth is evident in the articulation of the known concepts discussed as well as her ethnocentricities. If she continues to deeply know herself she’ll be quite a force. It’s apparent why she appeals to those who are searching. Her comment about the Atlantian records being a metaphor was unusually thoughtful. I agree. In the physical, we are the genetic expression of our ancestral past. Everything we want to know is locked within us. Our desire to find the key and unlock that information is the only necessary component to knowing. Whether physical records exist or not is moot.

    DJ’s best comment–drawing the distinction between being told “what to do” and being shown “how to do it” with regard to secret societies and the knowledge they allow to be known. “How to do it” represents control and is the reason these societies keep ancient, secret books of their acquired knowledge to themselves. The books are passed on to specific individuals, usually within a blood line, who continue to hide the information from century to century in order to maintain power.

    Loved your “that’s just stupid” punctuations early on, Alex. All well placed and quite humorous. Also, good come back on having a balanced world view “at the same time everything exists, it doesn’t”. Simple and spot on. The intersection of time, space and matter in one comment.

    However, your comment about the ancient Greeks and the color blue has sent me on a linguistic quest. I’d never heard that, oddly. In college I read about and heard from art history majors that a violet light shone on ancient Greece. It was believed that this unusual light was responsible for their sublime and superior sculpture. Grecians truly ‘saw’ the world in a different light. In my early 20’s there was open talk among art historians of this violet light fading to such an extent that it soon would be gone. “Go to Greece now,” was the call. “See the last of the ancient light.” Your comment made me remember that fact and muse about whether the Greeks could even see the color blue. One’s geographic location is everything in developing concepts and naming the world we live in. Without the concept of a thing one cannot see it–like the story we’ve all heard of Columbus’ ships not being seen by the indigenous tribal elder. He knew the ocean so could see unusual ripples the ships produced but not the ships until he taught himself to see them.

    Long but the few nuggets were worth the listen.

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