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It’s been an eventful week for George Webb and Crowdsource the Truth’s Jason Goodman. The latter had to fly to and from Columbus Ohio, to bail George out for $3,500 on a DUI charge after George was busted sleeping in his car. While in jail, George was questioned by the FBI in connection with his tip to the Coast Guard about a Maersk cargo vessel that might be carrying a dirty bomb in the Port of Charleston, South Carolina. A day or two later, Jason flew with Trish Negron to London, in search of Eric Braverman.

Yesterday morning, Jason and Trish arrived in London and made haste for the Ecuadorian Embassy, where Julian Assange was scheduled to make an announcement. This was canceled but they were still able to get an interview with Craig Murray, former UK Ambassador to Uzbekistan and an associate of Assange.

Amazingly, Craig was already aware of the work of George Webb and Crowdsource the Truth!

Craig’s notoriety ratcheted up last December, when he publicly announced in that he’d personally flown to Washington, DC to meet one of the DNC leakers. Many people have concluded that this included Seth Rich. When pressed by Trish and Jason about details regarding Seth Rich, Craig says that he has to be careful about what he says but what he can say is that he was working in an “administrative” capacity and that he never personally met Seth Rich. He also points out that he never received a thumb drive, as often reported. “I received something by way of administration, rather than picking up documents.”

Craig says he saw George’s post, attempting to “Retrace the steps of Craig Murray”, when he came to DC in the environs of American University. Craig gives some corrections as to how that went down.

Craig finishes with this: “There’s just one thing I’d like to say to you and your people: I think the work you’ve done has been tremendous…I have been following it and I do hope that your efforts…to get some justice for Seth Rich are rewarded and I think that’s extremely important.

“I want to leave you with this thought. Amazing the American security services have been expended on this Russian…hack of the election, which doesn’t exist, at all. And despite the expenditure of this massive resource, nothing has been found, at all because there is nothing to find. If just…one thousandth of that resources had been put into solving the murder of Seth Rich, I think we’d all be an awful lot closer to the truth, if I can leave you with that thought.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • The totality of any and all accusations and/or claims of Russian interference in the American elections is a ruse expressly designed to deflect attention away from Clinton/DNC emails. Look at the timing. Were all emails routed through Clinton’s unsecured, private server and those on Anthony Wiener’s lap top made public, the U.S. federal government likely would not survive. Hence, in order to remain in power, those controlling the U.S. government required a diversion, a defensive action on their part, for which “Russian Hacking” was made up out of whole cloth. What emails have been seen reveal corruption and contempt heretofore only imagined.
    Just saying.

  • What is this, a video of a non-event? What did that cost, about $5000 to have 2 reporters go to London for a few days?

    Sunshine Media are very restrictive, and coy; during Assange’s “disappearance”, they were useless, and having personally contacted them – Julians’ ‘media representative’ – I was unimpressed. And I am now unclear as to the reality of the situation, given the way things have transpired since.

    Assange may be a man of high moral character, but he’s also vain, verbose, and a horndog. A lot like me, actually, so I know of what I speak. He’s highly intelligent, and is either handling the fools on Downing Street and Pennsylvania Ave like a deft expert, or he’s a paid shill for them. It’s hard to KNOW these days.

    Personally, I suspect that Seth Rich is now in WitSec, given the facts of his injury and the testimony of the hospital ER Docs, etc. Of course, if he expired, he may well have been assassinated, given that his injuries were not supposed to be life-threatening, and of course that he was the leak source.

    Who are the aholes chanting “(Something) Julian” in the background? Those loud-mouthed Brits, always trying to tell others what to do (or, they’re bent-over, taking it in the bum). Maybe what we need is NO news for a while.

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