Rumors that the earrings worn by Kabala during her debate with Trump last month are actually headphones appear to be confirmed by this video, which shows Kabala receiving an unexpected phone call from her right earring, during the taping of a television appearance.

She proceeds to have a phone discussion with someone on the other end of her earring, while also trying to describe a recipe for the TV host and her mind goes into a complete meltdown.

This video was posted to Telegram by @ThePatriotAU.

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • I didn’t just fall off the turnip truck; I knew that the old whore was wired and I’m sure that Trump knew it too. She is not even a mediocre actor. Kamala’s Tested IQ at Harvard was 78, and she revealed it at the time because she thought that the top IQ score level was 80. I had occasion to take an IQ Test in 1972, long before Woke & PC and I happen to know that anyone with an IQ of 75 or less is categorized as “Moronic”. The merest possibility that we get someone with 3 points over “Moronic” is frightening. Per the Wi-Fi earrings, the only thing I don’t know yet is who is on the other end. If it is indeed Hussein Obama, she must be defeated at any cost.

    • Well let me tell ya — it IS Obama and always has been. He’s been giving orders to these mindless knaves since 2020. And if she’s a 78 IQ then I’m a Formula 1 driver. GTFOH. No way she scored that high. Municipal and state police departments require an IQ below 100 but above 85 in order to get hired as a pig…eeeh, I mean cop — and most cops (stupid fugheads that they are) don’t act as ludicrous and idiotic as this twat. At least they can fill out a ticket, order a dozen donuts, and load their firearm. Kabala doesn’t have the brainpower to even do THAT!!!

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