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Alexandra Bruce
March 31, 2013

A subscriber yesterday gave me the heads-up that this story was fishy, firstly because the “facts” alleged about Dr. Garrow appear to be fabricated and secondly, because the source goes back to WorldNetDaily, which is neoconservative-funded production company that I profiled recently as demagog fabricators of “news” that supports their anti-American agenda:

Duped! Hysterical Obama Hoax Shows Zionist Trail

This “Litmus Test” story has saturated the Internet and was even published by the usually reliable, site, where I got this video. Obama has been acting so obnoxious lately and that the claims made here did not seem far-fetched. However, the “Litmus Test” story appears to be a hoax – certainly, according to Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veteran’s Today.

Gordon Duff does have credibility issues of his own – which, in my opinion, are largely rooted in the necessity of his avoiding making a violation his National security oath.

Indeed, Duff’s material has led me to an understanding about a dimension of “disinformation” I hadn’t previously considered: that of peppering some of his disclosures with BS in order to stay alive.

According to Duff, Dr. Garrow’s slander is part of a longterm plan to incite a civil war within the US, wi the intention of making it subservient to Israel, in order to fulfill certain prophecies of the extremist Christian sect, the Dispensationalists, who have invaded all the top military schools and induced many young soldiers to convert to their Apocalyptic brand of religion:

I can’t claim to know the truth of any of this but I am trying. Maybe I’ll have more answers after I’ve read the last 20 pages of this book:


weaving spider
March 27, 2013

Dr. Jim Garrow is a renowned author and whistleblower who has been nominated for a Nobel peace prize for his humanitarian work. He is the author of The Pink Pagoda: One Man’s Quest to End Gendercide in China.

He has spent over $25 million over the past sixteen years rescuing an estimated 40,000 baby Chinese girls from near-certain death under China’s one-child-per-couple policy by facilitating international adoptions. He is the founder and executive director of the Bethune Institute’s Pink Pagoda schools, private English-immersion schools for Chinese children. Today he runs 168 schools with nearly 6,300 employees.

Dr Garrow was recently contacted by a high ranking military official who implored him to reveal the truth about a “litmus test” that is being proposed by the Obama administration to the military asking the question “will you shoot Americans if they won’t give you their guns?”

For more info on the work of Dr.Jim Garrow visit:

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Alexandra Bruce

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