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CIA Victor Marcetti talks About Pine Gap

This is a segment from the 1987 documentary, ‘Inside Pine Gap’, about the creation of the US listening post in the middle of the Australian outback, to receive downlinked data from a geosynchronous satellite parked over Borneo, which collected signals intelligence from both the former Soviet Union and China.

Victor Marcetti, was the Assistant Director to the Director of Central Intelligence and was involved in forging the agreement between the US and Australia to create a listening post in the remote area of Alice Springs.

The location was initially scoped-out by another CIA agent in 1966 and it became operative in 1970, with the stationing of 400 US families in the nearby town. The Australian public was initially told that the base was to be a joint aerospace venture.

Marcetti claims that this was just a cover story. Many UFO buffs disagree!

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