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Cheddar Man: Science as Propaganda

I don’t want people to take this video post the wrong way. I want to be clear that I’m not anti-immigration. I’m anti-misinformation.

I am a product of multiple immigration and very much a creature of the so-called New World. I am multi-cultural. English was not my first language. I’ve lived most of my life in and around New York City and I greatly enjoy ethnic diversity.

I had an extremely Liberal education. I was properly socialized to hate myself for all of the horrible things the White Man has done: The enslavement and systematic, perverse oppression of Africans, the genocide of indigenous Americans, the Ku Klux Klan, the Nazis, the hellacious pollution of the environment, the mass extinctions of flora and fauna all over the globe, the annihilation of indigenous peoples, of cultures, of entire linguistic groups; the death of countless ancient traditions. The list is endless.

There are no words to describe the pain and the sadness that I experienced contemplating and witnessing some of these things, during my teen years in Brazil, which at the time, seemed like the epicenter of so much doom.

In the early 1980s, I’d learned that demographic trends showed the White Man would soon go the way of the dodo bird and I was actually glad. It wasn’t until recently that I began to feel the same kind of wistfulness about this fact as I had about all of those other extinctions.

Change is the only constant – but if history is written by the victors, who wrote the roll-out of the new, improved Cheddar Man? The stories coming out of Europe lately are weird.

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